Pat's Page


In the words of a great man,
My Father,
"If when you die you can say:
I had one friend in my life,
then consider yourself very lucky!"
I must be extremely lucky!!!!*S*

These are some of the great people I have
met on line since I got the computer!
I thank all of you for your great friendship
and all the help! *S*

Katie She's the exception....30 years and growing "Friends for Life"

Kim Thanks for always being there for me! I don't know what I would do without you in my life!( she's not a cyber friend either)*S*


Lasher Got lucky the day I met you! You have a great family and your going places!Thanks,Hun, for always lending me your shoulder to cry on and your many words of wisdom to me!*S* Keep up the great work! "HUGS" ya! Lasher insists you sign his book , so please do!


Dwayne You were the first person I met when I went on line! Lucky me!I Have a great life ,Hun,!You are always in my thoughts!*LOL*


1/2 awake See how auctions make for strange bedmates! *S* Your a great guy! Keep that smile! (P.S. watch for those smoke signals Hun!) *HUGS*

Mom You are a sweet person and a great friend! Keep the faith,Dear'll all work out!!*LOL*

RICKY My Dutch Connection! Hey there Sunshine......where's my chocolates? *G* Your a real sweet person and I hope to always keep in touch with you! *hugs*


Rick Another friend from Austrailia! You have got to be one of the nicest guys I have met! Keep up the good work and you will reach your dreams!*HUGS*

Scott I can't believe I have a Packer fan on here!!!!!!hahaha! Keep hoping ,Hun,someday! You are a fine man and it is my honor to know you and a l pleasure having you as a friend!

Cheezy1 Can you believe it......another Packer fan.....what's this page comin to! Besides that drawback, you are a great guy and love talking with ya! Don't you ever loose that great sense of humor and all that kindness in your heart! *LOL*

Tony Well mistakes can be great! Best thing that could have putting my icq # in by we are friends! I really appreciate all your help! Love our early morning chats!*EG*

huggems Huggems ,thanks for all your have no idea what you have done for me! If you want to check out a real decent page ......check out this one!

Apocalypse Hi Hun.....*eg*.....This guy is soooo awesome....he's got all the ladies in a whirl...G*!!!! We met in the park lounge and i knew i liked him as soon as we good hun....*kiss*

pete And then there is pete....he is my Finnish connection...lmao*...I have such a good time talking to pete...he has such a great sense of humor and keeps me in stitches and he can take a joke too....hehehhe....take care pete know I love ya!!!!*L* *hugs*

Lisa This lady is one of the nicest you will ever meet. Her and I have become great friends and what a sense of humor and will she ever make you laugh! Love ya MAAAAAAAAA!hahahhahaha (that's our joke!!!!lmao*)

Cat Eyes Hi cat!!!!!!L* I couldn't have a friends page without cat on it........i feel like she is my prodigy........hahahhahahah she has a mind that with more maturing will be as dirty and crass as mine......but i love her . We have some great times and she never fails to amaze me with her comeback lines.........LOL she is SOOOOOOOOOO funny! Keep in touch cat ........i miss you when your away!!!!L*


Stardood/FlyinV This man is one of my best friends in the whole world if not my best!!! I love him to death!He is just sooooo funnny...L* He never fails to make me laugh.....and he has a great ear for listening too!!!*S* Boners Erectus Baby...LOL..wink..kiss kiss!!

Unforgiven Angel This is my cyber son...LOL......He is a great guy and a smart one too! He has helped me with web stuff and all kinds of other things. Ben is finishing high school and has a great future ahead of him....and he loves his dog....Vodka!!!!*HUGS*


Chelan Another funny lady from the 40+ rooms.....we have had a few real good laffs other's expenses ,of course!lmao Chelan is moving to Alaska soon to start a new life! Take care and be safe! Best of luck in whatever life brings you hun!S*HUGS*

Holly This lady is one sweetheart. We are becoming really good friends and I am so glad! Funny??...she will keep you in stitches..LOL..Keep that great sense of humor hun,and that caring in your heart!S You're a very special person!*hugs** !!


Dutch TouchI am going to be meeting Fred and I can't wait!We have a great time chatting and emailing...I look forward to visiting Holland and having a r/t laugh with my friend!S*Bring those tulips hun,although I'd know you anywhere!L**HUGS* See you in a few days!


SammieWell talk about funny ladies!!! ROTFLL* Sammie is my best friend also!!! Her ,dood and me...what a team..and still going strong..I have learned so much from sam..she is my guardian angel ..S..Thanks for being my friend, Sammie!!!You're the best!!!You know I love you!!!*S* ((HUGZ))


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