These players may also include players that "belong" to an existing NHL team ( minor leagures, players in Europe, etc ). The players will be selected by a draft at the beginning of the first season. Please see the next paragraph for restrictions on team rosters. If there are expansion teams, there will be a expansion draft. Each of the expansion teams will draft in the order that they joined the league in the odd numbered rounds and in reverse order in the even numbered rounds. The players in this draft will be those on current EFHL rosters that were NOT among the 6 protected players each team submitted. # of expansion teams Max # of players taken from one team -------------------- ------------------------------------ 1-4 2 5-8 4 9-12 6 13-16 8 Each time also starts with 1000 draft points to draft players with.
If a team is NMR ( no moves received ) for two weeks , the team is available for adoption.
A manager may leave the league any time and go onto the waiting list. There is no time limit that the manager must stay out of the league.
The maximum size for a team is 15 players. No more than 4 players on your roster may be on the same NHL team. No more than 3 players on the current week's lineup can be from the same NHL team. If I am forced to cut players, here's how it will happen: I will start at the top of your roster and starting counting. I will cut the player(s) that put you over the limit Ie, the 5 player from one team or the 16th player on you roster
The team name and abbreviation are chosen by the manager within the bounds of good taste.
A lineup includes at most 1 GK, 2 DF's, and 3 FW's.
Each player would start off with an endurance level of 3. He would lose 1 each time he plays and gain 2 each time he doesn't play in the previous week. A player wouldn't be able to play when his EL is 0. This would force a manager to have some depth on his team and also do some long term planning.
You are allowed to freely trade players, draft points,picks,etc., between teams. Each side in the trade must send me identical versions of the deal. The deal will take affect the following week. For example, if I approve a trade on Wed. The new "owners" of the players can use them in the following Monday's orders. The commisioner (me) has to approve all trades. This is to prevent lopsided trades and fire sales for managers leaving the game. Trading Limits: A team cannot have more than 8 protected spots and no less than 4.
These are players that are not selected at the initial draft. You can only add free agents when you submit your weekly orders with a maximum of two per week. These free agents ARE NOT eligible to play the week that they are signed. You can list more than 2 to sign. Free Agent signing is not first come, first served. Instead, if a player is listed on 2 or more team orders. The lower ranked team will receive that player. The tie breaker used to decide end-of-season standings will be used to break an ties.
The first round of the draft is a reverse-order draft. The worst team gets the first pick and the best team gets the last.
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2.10.2 Auction Info
The draft will be held in waves. In each wave a manager bids on ten players. The highest bidder for each player will receive that player. If there are ties for players, the players remains on no team and can be selected in the second wave ( which is exactly like the first; a team bids on 10 players ). The tie will be noted in the mail sent to the league along with the tied amount. There will be a minimum price of 20 points for each player in the draft. This number is low enough to still allow for a good number of steals to be found. Points for the draft for the upcoming season will be determined in reverse order of finish ( ie, the worst team will get the most points ). Points may be traded along with players. The only limitation is that you cannot trade more points than you have at the moment + the number of points given to the top teams ( the minimum # any team gets ). A team may protect up to 6 players on on it's end of season roster. All other players are eligible to be chosen in the EFHL draft. However, if they aren't chosen by another team, they will remain on the current team's roster. The current team may place a draft bid on an unprotected player on its roster if it wants to keep the player. Also, a team must spend some of their draft points on the 6 players that they protect. The cost per player is determined by the number of points that the player ( if he's a DF or FW ) scores during the previous NHL regular season [ one draft point equaling one point scored] . A GK's cost is determined in the same manner as GK scoring in the EFHL is determined [ one draft point equaling one point scored].
Say I have 1000 points, I then place 10 bids on players. You can list a player more than once and ( when adding up the total on the 10 bids ) you can go over the number of points you have. If a certain bid of yours, even thought it may be the highest bid, sends you over the limit, you do not get that player. List the most important bid first ( ie, the one to be checked first ). The minimum bid is 20 points. The ONLY type of conditional that you can have is show below in it's two forms Example: 1) Mario Lemieux PGH 21 2) Mario Lemieux PGH 145 3) Mario Lemieux PGH 423 4) Joe Sakic COL 99 Ignore if Mario taken with bid #3 5) Joe Sakic COL 199 6) Chris Osgood DET 124 7) Chris Osgood DET 323 8) Dominic Hasek BUF 324 Ignore if Osgood is selected 9) Jaromir Jagr PGH 21 10) Jaromir Jagr PGH 202 Say Bid 3 for Mario comes through. that leaves me with 577 points left. Bid #4 is ignore since I got Mario with pick #3 Bid #5 is the highest for Sakic. That leaves me with 378 points left Bid 6 isn't the highest bid so I then take Bid 7 into account. It is the highest. That leaves me with 55 points left. Bid #8 is ignored since Osgood was selected Bid #9 isn't the highest so bid #10 is looked at. Since that bid would send me over the limit, it is ignored The 55 points remaining could either be used in the next round or saved until next season....
If you cut a player, he goes onto the next free agent list. Also, if a deal is made that throws your team out of balance ( over the max player limit or over the limit for one NHL team ), the manager will be notifed and allowed to cut/trade a player before the following Monday. A manager may cut any player on his team at any time. If a player retired from the league, he will automatically be retired from the appropriate EFHL roster. If he comes back into the league ( ala Bryan Trottier ), he become a free agent.
If an GFHL team is disbanded, it's players will be distributed through a dispersal draft. The team with the worst record will pick first and the team with the best record will pick last. Ties will be decided by the team with the fewer GF.
The scoring scheme for the GFHL is relatively simple. Each goal and assist scored by a player in the lineup for the current week counts as a point. Also, points may be accumulated in the following manner: GK points: 2 points for a win 1 point for a tie 2 points for a shutout ( This is on top of the win/tie points ) 2 points for each goal/assist scored by the GK The home team also gets a 2 point bonus for being the home team.
The Daily Points on the Yahoo
website are used for scoring purposes.
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The team that scores the most points during that week is the winner of the match. If two teams are tied, the game goes down as a draw in the standings.
The home team will have 2 points added to his score for the current week. A team that goes NMR will not get the home field advantage
Points can be subtracted from a team's total for a given week for the following reasons
-5 points for an error in the format of the orders. ( See Sect 6.1 )
-2 points for not sending in orders for a particular week {The previous weeks roster will be used}
Finish Points ------ ------ 1-4: 750 5-8: 800 9-12: 850 13-16: 900 17-20: 950 21-24: 1000
See Tiebreaker format described in Sect 5.1
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If you lose in the You get ------------------ ---------- First round 25 points Quarter Finals 50 points Semi Final 75 points Championship 100 points Playoff Winner receives: 150 points
If you finish You get ------------- ---------- 1 - 5 100 points 6 - 10 75 points 11 - 14 50 points
See Tiebreaker format described in Sect 5.1
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The commissioner of the league will release a scedule of games to be played by EFHL teams for the entire season. The teams will besplit up in divisions. Teams within the same division will play each other more than teams outside the division. Tie-breaker: Most wins head-to-head most points highest scoring NHL player
After the end of the regular season, no trades may occur until the end of the playoffs. I'll simply delete them as I receive them. The NHL playoffs will be another competition entirely. The playoff structure for each division will look like the following: The first place team in each division get's a one match bye ( and 2 EL rest ). Matches are at the higher seeds home ice. The Famine champion meets the War champion The Death champion meets the Pestilence champion These matches, along with the EFHL title game are all on neutral ice. 1 -------- \ \__________ 2 ------ / \_________/ / 3-------
7th,8th,9th man on a lineup Most points in the playoffs Highest socring NHL player that week 2 Highest, etc The firs tie breaker is this. Each team in the playoffs will designate a 7th, 8th, and 9th man in their orders ( can be any position ). If there is a tie in the score, I'll look at the #7 player ( whoever had the most points the wins). If that's still a tie , I look at #8 and then at #9, if necessary. The 7th,8th,and 9th tiebreaker players must be included in the comments section of your orders. If you do not sumbmit tiebreakers, your 7th, 8th and 9th place scores will be counted as 0. the 2 points HFA.
In the GFHL Cup, a manager needs to submit 1 lineup of 6 players (1GK,2 DF and 3 FW) to be used throughout the Stanly Cup playoffs. It doesn't matter what the players' EL`s are at the time. The winner ot the GFHL Cup receive fame and fortune. If there is a tie at the end of the Cup, the method of determining the tie-breaker is as follows: First, the team involved in the tie that has scored the most points in the Stanley Cup will be the winner of the GFHL Cup. If there is still a tie, the team that has the highest scoring player in the Stanley Cup is chosen. After this, the same process for the regular season is used to determined the winner.
Orders can either be submitted through the GFHL Manager's Office or sent to me via email. If more than one copy of orders are received, the most recent copy will be used. For the record, a week runs from Monday to Sunday. If no lineup is received from a team, the team will be considered NMR and orders will be written for that team. I will send out the current stangings of the league. You are advised to get lineups to me as soon as possible. The lineup has to be received by me *BEFORE* 7PM Eastern US Time on the first day of the week that has an NHL game. If no lineup is received for any two weeks during the season, the teams is immediately up for adoption by a manager on the waiting list. If there is nobody on the waiting list, the team will be run on autopilot meaning that the commissioner will select a lineup that will remain the same until a substitute manager assumes the role. I will no longer send confirmations of receipt of orders. When sending orders, to make sure that I've received them send in the orders with "GFHL Order" somewhere on the Subject line.
Orders look like the following: Team_Abbrev Lineup: GK First_Name Last_Name DF .. DF .. FW .. FW .. FW .. Press: whatever_you_want_to_say Comments: stuff_you_want_to_tell_the_commissioner Roster Moves: NOT_TRADES signings/cuts of players sign First_Name Last_Name Postion NHL_Team cut First_Name Last_Name Postion NHL_Team end Example, (in between the lines ) --------------------------------- PGH Opponent: MON Lineup: GK T. Barrasso DF C. Chelios DF R. Borque FW J. Jagr FW R. Francis FW J. Sakic Press: Well, here we are in the showdown of the top two teams in the GFHL. Will my FW line be able to destroy the oppostion this week? Will Barrasso remember what it's like to stop a puck? Roster Moves: Sign R. Borque DF BOS Cut A. Oates FW BOS end