Hi This is the first year and will start on Oct. 9 and carry on through until the end of the NHL season Please read the rules before proceding on to the sign up form. The First 14 (Changed for easier control of stats) will be the managers but I will have a waiting list for people who would like to take over a team if it get's disbanned. The Draft will be held on Aug 25 and Trading begins on Aug. 26. Thank You

We have been filled up all 14 GM's must pick team names by the 23 of Aug so that the Draft will work!!!!!!

The waiting list is up use the form link to sign up for the list.

Waiting List
Draft roster
Draft Order

Blueships - BSS
Prince Albert Dynamos - PAD
Brandon Bruisers - BBS
Detroit Dumpsters - DD
Florida Flyers - FF
Springfield Storm - SS
Vegas Gamblers - VG
St. Louis Bluez - SLB
Chicago Scoundrels - CS
Carolina Bonecrushers - CBC
Saskatchewan Roughskaters - SKR

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