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Give me a HELL YA. Did everybody see, BUFF is back brother, and better then ever. After seeing the acting job he put on Rick Steiner, I just cant see why buff is stuck doing those stupid movies. He should be doing major roles. He should be the next Stalone or the next Bruce Willis.
This is the home of the real total package ...
"BUFF" Bagwell
After Buff's injury I desided not to update this page anymore and I just havent really watched wrestling as much. But since I found out that he was making an appearence on Nitro, July 6th. I desided to update this page and add pictures of buff in his wheelchair. I also desided to find out what the people that visit this page thought. So I replyed to alot of the email that was sent to me, which I didnt check since buff's injury. I also looked in my guestbook and started reading some of the messages. I desided that I should put more of peoples opinions on my page. So here is something I liked alot. Its a poam written for buff by Denise Hurst and I thought it was good enough to put on my main page for all to see.
Not only by the biceps can you tell the men
But also by the way they live and what's down in Their heart.
A man named Marcus Bagwell, who has a heart of gold
May never truly realize, that it's our hearts he holds.
We're really pulling for him, 'cause all our lives,he's touched
And we have really missed BUFFDADDY, very, very much
I know that there's a God above; I belive in all that stuff;
That's why I know He's taking care of our loving hero, Buff.
Denise Hurst/98 We love and miss you.
Buff loves and misses everyone of you people too.
If you have any ideas on making this page better.
If there is something about this page that you would like to ask me, or if you just
want to talk about "BUFF".
Email me at miniongsd@hotmail.com
or icq me # 4055372
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Since January 24, 1998
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