Alex Almaguer's Homepage  carpal.gif (3469 bytes)

Go Dolphins Go Dolphins Yeah, I know another useless site on the web.
But Hey! Its My Useless Site!  This useless page has been taking up space since 01/12/98.

 Lauren & AlexBobbie Green Almaguer

These two are the ones who will decide which nursing home I go to, Lauren and Alex Jr. and my better-half, Bobbie.  We all live in fabulous York, SC. 

Hey! I've turned into one of those Pond Junkies who stare at the goldfish in Walmart and search for the perfect rock to put on the edge of the pond! Warning!You may become a Pond Junkie if you look! Lookie Here!

Here's a Photo Album say cheese!of family snapshots.

Homer Homer and I work at a Nuclear Plant for your friendly neighborhood power company. CNS   Local Radar from Charlotte, NC

For a little more bio go to this pagekeep it up!   (keep your pants on, its coming)

Click for Charlotte, North Carolina Forecast   This is our local weather.  As Buffet would say, "It's not quite Miami", but what the heck, it'll do.  At least we have seasons.

I still love the game but alas my playing days are over, as well as being a Go To Al's Ref Page Referee.   I played for BARMAG in the Charlotte Premier Soccer League.   My last year we won the 2nd Division Championship for the 2nd time in 11 years! Here are some pics of our most magnificent victory! Go To Barmag PageBarmag page.      

Erskine @ Winthrop 1979Thats me # 11. Here are some photos from the distant past playing for Winthrop. Go to Wintlhrop Soccer 1979 - 1982

Bon Jour! Go to  Al's World Cup Trip France '98 was a great experience. It was my second World Cup.  I went with a tour group that was made up mostly of families of players in the Charlotte Premier Soccer League.  We were 3 days in London , 5 in Le Touquet and 3 in Compiegne just north of Paris.    Went to  see   Germany & Yugoslavia,   Italy & Austria,  Spain & Bulgaria,  USA & Yugoslavia, and  England & Columbia! It was great!  And  we played  friendlies  against an English and a French Amature Club.  But they were not very friendly to us during the games. We came home with no goals for and about a dozen against. But still had fun representing middle aged American soccer has-beens and never-wases. Cool! Footx!

Send complaints or even a hello to:

alexalmaguer at

World Cup '94 Washington,D.C. 

Spin Spin Love the Game! Spin Spin