Brechin Castle Centre Model Boat Club
Bury Metro Marine Modelling Society - A newcomer to the world of the Web
MPBA Model Power Boat Association.
Mid Thames Model Boat Club - A well established model boat club in Pangbourne Berkshire.
RC Modelboats UK - A comprehensive guide to Model Boating in the UK
R C Yachting. Queensland.Australia
Scal Model Boat Yards - Richard Webb's Model Boat Pages. How to build simple but effective models.
Stan's Hobbies - One man's hobby site
SWAMBC - South West association of Model Boat Clubs.
Model Engineering
John Hemmens Model Engineer - Vintage steam replicas, now in production of historical boat kits, based on steam driven sea going boats, ships and launches.
Astec Electronics - All types of electronics available to the model boater.
Bow Wave Models - Model Kits,Fittings and Figures. Agent for Cap Maquettes Kits.
Electronize - Design and manufacture of electronic speed controllers and switchers for model boats. Also a large range of motors available
Hunter Systems - Sound generators / Smoke generators plus other electronics available
Mikes Hobby Shop - (Dallas/Fort Worth)
Model Boats Magazine - The magazine for the discerning model boater.
S R Powerboats - Power Boat hulls, engines and anciliary equipment.