Brechin Castle Centre Model Boat Club

Bury Metro Marine Modelling Society - A newcomer to the world of the Web

Dundee MBC

Etherow Model Boat Club

Luton Model Boat Club

Manx Model Boat Club

MPBA Model Power Boat Association.

Mid Thames Model Boat Club - A well established model boat club in Pangbourne Berkshire.

Newquay MBC

RC Modelboats UK - A comprehensive guide to Model Boating in the UK

R C Yachting. Queensland.Australia

Scal Model Boat Yards - Richard Webb's Model Boat Pages. How to build simple but effective models.

Stan's Hobbies - One man's hobby site

SWAMBC - South West association of Model Boat Clubs.

Wearside MBC

Model Engineering

John Hemmens Model Engineer - Vintage steam replicas, now in production of historical boat kits, based on steam driven sea going boats, ships and launches.