The club hosted a round of the SWAMBC Fast Electric Racing at its lake last month, although a disapointing turn out the racing was fast and furious with a number of boats having to retire.
June 4th. We hosted the 2nd round of the SWAMBC Tug Towing Championships. Again the weather was very kind, although overcast it was warm with very little wind to affect the Tankers.
We are now looking forward to attending the RSPCA Open day at Ashley Heath at the end of July.
The club hosted the model boat display and pools at the South West Model Expo at Bovington Army camp near Wool in Dorset, on the 30th September to 1st October. Turned out to be an excellent weekend with members of various clubs across the south attending.
With dry sunny conditions on both days, there was plenty of interest from the general public in all the activities
Last updated 13/10/2000
The weather was kind to us, and the bacon butties and tea & coffee went down very well.
I don't have the results as yet, but will post them as soon as.
Eight teams took part, four down on last year. The competition was reasonably close, but the winners were way ahead by the last round.
3rd June. Our planned outing to the Charity event at Burton near Christchurch was cancelled at the last moment due to inclement weather conditions. We were all disappointed, but we can't control the weather!
There was model car racing all weekend with both electric and IC cars, very fast and furious. The fixed wing model aircraft gave continuous displays of all types of aircraft from stunt planes to gliders. A special display was given with a ducted fan delta wing aircraft, which apparently flew at around 160 miles an hour, very impressive. Model heli-copters were on disply, but unfortunately were not allowed to fly due to not having the correct insurance, shame. If you were'nt there you missed a very good show, see you next year.