A Little Info About Me
I'm a 29 year old guy from East Texas. Being from Texas, you'd think that my favorite NBA team would be one of the three from Texas...say, maybe Houston. Fact is, I can't stand the Houston Rockets. I think their two championships during Jordan's first retirement were flukes.

A lot of people loved to hate Jordan because he was such a phenomenal player. All I can say is that six rings later, Jordan was definitely the most dominant player in the league. Nobody ever came close to matching his intensity and desire to win. He is the epitomy of a champion. What he sets his mind to, he does. What it comes down to is, there just aren't words to describe a player like Michael Jordan. Hopefully this site will reflect these admirable qualities in the god of basketball. My goal is to make anybody that visits my site a Jordan fan if they were not already one to begin with. And if you're not a Jordan fan...well, all I can say is "step off chump"...there's just not room for second best.

To learn a little more about me, check out my Homepage.


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