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your underwear covers more than your uniform shorts. your favorite color is RED. people ask you, "You run three miles... at once?" the dogs have to work hard to keep up. you need a magnifying glass to see your name in the paper. you have chafing in strange places. all you socks are either stained or torn. your nickname is "T-Rex". you can run farther in a week than your bus travels for meets. your mom tells you to run to the store because it takes too long to drive. you find yourself running between classes when you have plenty of time. your coach won't give you a ride. you can spit while running. you go to a golf course to run. you finish a race looking like you wrestled a bear, and you don't care. you'd rather run to school than drive. you combine phrases like "10 mile run" and "Easy run" in the same breath. you can eat your weight in pasta. you debate the advantages of anti-perspirant vs. deoderant. you start the race in shorts and finish in a G-string. your meals involve more than 3 servings. you schedule your dates around meets. you spend more on training clothes than school clothes. your Christmas list includes more than one pair of running shoes. you chest is as flat as your back. you feel lost without your water bottle. you have running withdrawal if you don't run every day. you wake up every morning in pain, and you love it. your Saturday mornings for the rest of your life are ruined. you can see your ribs through your shirt. you get turned on when you see a hill coming. you crave Power Bars. your favorite food group is carbohydrates. you can strip and change in a bus seat in less than 2 minutes. you have trouble benching the bar. you do bad, you get to play longer. you foam at the mouth. you're running in your dreams. you can sharpen an axe blade on your calves. you can maintain a 5:30 pace while throwing up. you try to impress girls by saying you are a fast finisher. you consider school a break between runs. your boy/girlfriend can bench more than you. you own spandex in more than one color. "Chariots of Fire" is actually entertaining to you. your watch is more expensive than your car. your dress shoes have spikes. you know what ATP stands for (adenosine triphosphate) you know that 9 out of 10 road world records are held by Kenyans. you top the speed limit with your fartleks. you know as many names for pain as Eskimos know words for snow. you can name more than 30 types of corn. you never look behind you. you don't know what an off-season means. you find yourself saying, "It's not really a hill." you hit targets with your snot rocket. you're running and you don't know why. your friends refer to you as the "masochist." you drink more water than Free Willy. you have ever thrown up while drinking RED koolaid. you get pulled over after practice and can't walk straight because you are so tired. you ran sub 5 on the PE mile. you routinely race dogs down the street..... and win. you have 3% or less body fat. you talk to your coach more than your parents. you can say "I love to run" in over 5 different languages. your off-season starts a week after state. your cookie jar is filled with bagels. you punish yourself for not running a sub 5:20 mile. you often hear people screaming, "Run, Forrest, run!" you know more names of runs than names of your friends. you have more races t-shirts than socks. you'd rather take the stairs while visiting the Empire State Building. you can pronounce Kenyan names. your friends take the elevator and you beat them on the stairs. codeine and demerol don't help the pain. you name your kid Pheidippides (original Greek who ran from Marathon to Athens). Runner's World turns you on more than Playboy. |
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