Treasure Box

Treasure Box

by Kenneth E. Martin

I have a treasure box filled with memories, images, and emotions; I take it down from time to time and look inside, at the pieces of my life. This is such a strange box at times it seems to over flow, and at others it seems to be quite empty. I visit it when I am feeling low, or alone. It lifts me up and gives me strength to carry on through out the day.

Inside there are jewels and other valuable things along side the hope and dreams that reside inside the box. Sometime I look inside and brush away the dust that has collected there over the years and bring out a smile or a laugh that has long since lain dormant. It jumps to life and springs forth and fills the air with joy.

There is a locket inside the box that once glittered with such brilliance that it lit up a soul, for a while it was taken for granted and neglected, I found it once outside the box, just laying on the ground, it’s worth and value were never realized, it suffers the ravages of time, it’s surface has been tarnished and abused, but it’s elegance is still there, it has been broken a time or two, but it is nothing a little tender loving care could not repair. For the locket inside the box is a heart of gold you see, inside it is filled with love, but is with out a key.

Each time I open the box, its top is harder to replace than the time before, the emotions, and the memories are getting harder to ignore. The hopes and dreams speak louder now than they have ever done before, though out the day and into the night I hear their gentle roar.

Look inside your treasure box and tell me what you see, lift out the recent things, and everything underneath, empty everything one by one, until the end and look inside for something else that was not there before, at the bottom of your box lies a little hidden door, open it with your love, it was meant to be, reach inside and take it now, a little golden key.

The key has always been yours to use.


   © 1978 - 2007 Kenneth E. Martin - All Rights Reserved

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