Coaches please be aware that the players need at least 15 minutes of stretching and warm-ups before practice as well as cool downs after
Warm-up Drills
Play Drills
Good Drills
a) have meaningful names
b) requires only a short explanation and demonstration
c) is a way to master a particular objective
d) fits both the age and ability of the players
e) can be modified for use with all levels of play
e) keeps players focused on the skill
Outside of the Foot Reception - Player stands with knees slightly flexed keeping center of gravity low. Extend receiving foot down with toe pointed inward. Keep head up to watch the ball. Feeder roll the ball toward the outside of the players foot. As ball is received, pull receiving foot away and let the ball settle. The ball should settle at the front of the player. If the ball rolls away the player is not withdrawing their foot at the correct speed. Player then straightens body and pushes ball towards the next move. Try the last move with both the inside and outside of the foot. To increase difficulty, try feeding the ball faster or with some bounce. Repeat 10 times with each foot.
Inside of the Foot Reception - Same as above but feeder directs the ball towards the inside of the players foot. After reception of the ball try moving the ball away from the defender with both the inside and outside of the foot.Repeat 10 times with each foot.
Instep Reception or Shoelace -Same move as the first two receptions but have the player receive the ball at the base of the shoe laces and on the toes. If the ball rolls away the player is either receiving the ball too far up on the laces or is not dropping their foot away from the ball as it is received. After reception of the ball, try moving the ball away from the defender with both the inside and outside of the foot.Repeat 10 times with each foot.
Thigh Reception - Again player needs to be facing the feeder with their body slightly flexed at the knees. Have the player raise one leg with the foot pointed towards the ground. Have the feeder toss the ball up and towards the players thigh. As the ball is received the player should drop their leg towards the ground and let the ball fall in front of them. If the ball bounces away they are not dropping their leg to absorb the force or they are hitting the ball with the bony part of the knee. Repeat 10 times with each leg.
Head Reception (Please use this sparingly on U5 through U10) - Again player needs to be facing the feeder with their body slightly flexed at the knees. Stress to the player that they need to keep their eyes on the ball and their mouths closed (especially for U5 through U10 KEEP THEIR TONGUES IN THEIR MOUTH). Have the feeder lightly toss the ball up and towards the players forehead. As the ball is received the player should withdraw their head back slightly and let the ball fall in front of them. If the ball bounces away they are not dropping their head back to absorb the force . To increase the difficulty for older players have them try to receive the ball while jumping towards the falling ball. Repeat 5 times.
Instep or Shoelace Pass - Approach the ball slightly from the side. Position the balance leg next to the ball and pointed towards the intended target. Flex the balance leg and square their shoulders and hips towards the target. Draw the kicking leg back, move their arms outward for balance, and point the foot firmly at the ground. Bring the kicking leg forward with the kicking knee over the ball. Transfer their weight forward and use a powerful snap kick on the ball. The ball should be striked with the center of the instep.This kick, to be effective, needs full follow-through with momentum carrying the player forward. Repeat 20 times with each foot.Try setting cones at two distances from the players. Have the player attempt both chip shots at the closer cones and lob shots at the farther cone. This will develop the players ability to know the distance of their kicks and adjust their accuracy.
Inside of the Foot Pass - Have the player face the intended receiver and square their hips and shoulders. Place their balance foot next to the ball and back. Flex the balance leg slightly. Draw the kicking foot back and move their arms outward for balance. Position the foot so that the inside of the foot is pointed at the ball. Move the body into a position over the ball and bring the striking foot forward. Keep the striking foot firm and hit the center of the ball. Transfer the weight forward and follow through with the kick. All motion should be from the outside to the inside. Repeat 20 times with each foot.
Outside of the Foot Pass - Have the player place their balance foot slightly behind and to the side of the ball. Draw the kicking foot back and move their arms outward for balance. Draw the kicking foot back and move their arms outward for balance. Position the foot so that the outside of the foot is directed towards the ball. Move the body into a position over the ball and bring the striking foot forward. Keep the striking foot firm and hit the center of the ball. Transfer the weight forward and follow through with the kick. All motion should be from the inside to the outside. Repeat 20 times with each foot.