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Hi I'm Eric Afman.
Being a Geocities citizen the first year has kept me quite busey working on my personal little corner of the Internet. But lately I never got around to update it. Hopefully I will in the near future.
Allow me to tell you a bit about myself:
I'm 29 years old and living in Baflo, the Netherlands. My favorite sport is volleyball. I have been playing with vv Olympia in Groningen for three years now, after a period of over ten years in which I played with a club called CSB in my hometown. In what's left of my spare time I like to go see movies and skill myself in the area of juggling and unicycling. A sport I generally dislike is soccer, but that doesn't mean I can't set up a game about it with and for my colleagues, and play it at the office. It's called Coach van het Jaar (Coach of the Year). Before you jump to conclusions about your guest number,
let me just say in my defense that I wasn't that popular in highschool either
(hmmm, that didn't come out right...)

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