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Pittsburgh Penguins

Save the Penguins!

If you dont already know, the pens are facing a crisis that could mean the end of the team. A few months ago the penguins declared bankrupcy, and if they dont come up with a new owner and money soon, the team will be disolved. Us Pittsburghers Have to fill up the Igloo for the playoff to support the team! Which we are not doing such a great job right now. If the peguins are disolved, one of the greatest hockey clubs of all time will vanish. The penguins we one of the second six teams to enter the NHL, and have been around for a long time. They also won two consecutive stanly cups, and have been a really exciting team to watch. If the team goes, its because of the NHL turning into a terrible organization of Money and greed. Great teams have moved because of the same reasons. Nordiques, Whalers, and North Stars. Besides, with out the penguins, the NHL becomes no fun to watch, so if the penguins go, basicly the whole sport of hockey goes with them, Help save Hockey!

Are you cup crazy?

I know I am. Its come down to the playoffs once again, and the 16 now 8 teams are battleing it out for the ultimate prize, the stanly cup. Fans all over North American cant help but to help in the battle, for they'll share all the glory if their hometeam wins. The NHL playoffs are the most exciting, intense, and hardest in sports today. I thought it was more than neccessary to add a section on the playoffs so that all fans can join their team in the quest for the cup. To check out this section, click Here

The Pittsburgh Penguins Web Ring is owned by
Vince Rosetta.

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