Joke Bag

Dildo Delivery
Where do babys come from?
These snowmen are having fun
This guys being honest
This guys in pain
If you're ready to break up with your Girlfriend use this.
Theses People have eating disorders.
The New $20 Bill!!! YES!!!!
Blow Job accessible.
I think I shit my pants.
Look what you get for a Dollar.
This beer ad tells the whole truth.
A new soup from Cambells.
I bet you'd like to try these Kellogs Rice Krispies.
One really sick guy.
Too much viagra isn't good for you.
Here are a few kids that love booze.
Check out grannys tits!!!
This little guy tells you OFF!!!!
Cavewoman pulling a guy by his balls.
Links to other sites on the Web
Cum on Monica Lewinski
Check out these talking cartoon Stars!!!
Copyright © 2000 Robthestar