
Current Logos

Minor League Logos

Historical Logos

Holiday Logos

Cursors, Icons & Themes

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AllStar 2000 Logo!

"The Sweet Spot" web site featured in the March "99" Issue of ChopTalk, the Official Monthly Magazine of the Atlanta Braves!!!

"The Sweet Spot" is the result of hours of frustration I've experienced attempting to locate "quality" Braves logos on the Internet. The site was originally conceived in February 1999, and was quickly noticed by "Choptalk Magazine" the official monthly magazine of the Atlanta Braves and featured in the March 1999 issue of that publication.

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Since that time I've located many new Braves logos and decided it was time to give the site a new look. First I listened to the suggestions from past visitors to my site. I removed all sound files that played when the page loaded. Next I removed all the JAVA Applets with the exception of a text scroller (when revisiting "The Sweet Spot" be sure to check the scrolling text to the left for the latest updates). Finally, I cut down the number of frames from three to two. These changes have dramatically cut down on the wait time on this site.

The 2nd Edition of "The Sweet Spot" features among other things, Braves logos, cursors, icons and desktop themes. Also you will find Braves holiday themed bitmaps, a great way to "decorate" your computer for the holidays. Finally you will find logos. New logos have been added, as well as logos that I've created. In the historical logos section you will find past logos from Braves teams of yesteryear and in the Minor league logos section you can find logos from the current Braves farm systems.

Being the loyal fan that I am, I wasn't just concerned with the Major League team. The Braves organization has many fine affiliate teams each with their own distinct logos......finding these logos became quite a treasure hunt, and what I found thus far can be found here. I was also interested in locating "quality" logos from past Braves teams. These have proven to be more elusive than the farm team's logos. This was the driving force behind the creation this page.

Why Braves Logos???? I'm always looking for a way to personalize my PC....Logos serve this purpose perfectly, be it wallpaper, screen savers or icons...the starting point always seems to be a good BMP, JPG or GIF.

What I have found thus far is posted here on "The Sweet Spot". I encourage any visitors who have logos of the Braves.....regardless of city, era or farm teams (Past and Present) to please e-mail your findings to me..........and they will be posted here. Keep in mind my emphasis on quality..........I have a few logos posted here that are not as crisp as I'd like.....however until I can locate better copies these will have to suffice.

I've also ran across two desktop themes which showcase the Atlanta Braves. A desktop theme uses either Microsoft Plus or other "Theme" program to "dress-up" your PC. They contain wav files (sound), icons, and screen savers...and are handy for personalizing your PC. However, the two I found seem to be poorly done. I have many of the tools to create a desktop theme at my disposal, and will be working diligently in the next couple of months to create an outstanding Braves desktop theme, that will be available here........More to come!!!!

I hope you enjoy your visit here at "The Sweet Spot", and find it both useful and educational!!!

Billy Ray Cannoy

# of visitors since February 1999


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This page designed by Billy Ray Cannoy

Images are for personal viewing purposes only, and are not to be redistributed or displayed without prior permission from the Atlanta Braves. All copyrights,
reproduction and re-transmission rights are to be retained by the Atlanta Braves baseball organization and the respective photographers or artists. If you wish to use
any of the images in this archive for other purposes, please contact the Atlanta Braves