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The most electrifying wrestling site on this Planet Earth



JJ: Welcome back wrestling fans...<cough>...and I'm here with <cough> Fear <cough>...  Uh, Fear, could you please put out that cigarette?  I'm trying to do a show here!

Fear: Ah come on JJ, be a pal and cut me some slack huh.  You know how stressful this announcing gig can be.

JJ: Stressful?  You don't do a damn thing except drink and smoke yourself into a stupor!  You use to be the IWF Champion for God's sake!  What happened to you really?  Because nothing you told me makes any sense!

Fear: I really don't want to talk about it, man.  Hey, could you crack open that '40' for me.  My arm is still sore from this new tattoo.

JJ: Sweet Mother of God!!!  Fear, that's a Br...

Fear: Don't say it Jabroni.

JJ: Fear, I'm worried about you.  I think you need to talk to somebody, and I don't mean a bartender!  I'm serious you need help!!

JJ: What the...

Fear: Hey, the T.V. is coming on.  I hope it's Gilligan, he's cool!

JJ: Oh no!  This is going to suck!

Elder: Hello Planet Earth!  This is Elder Joseph Samuel Young, Your Olympic Hero, reporting live from the Capital of the World, Salt Lake City!

Fear: That ain't it?

Elder: Behind me is one of our Beautiful Temples that you are forbidden to enter!   When it is my time to begin taking  wives and start multiplying the kingdom, we are going to strip naked before the...

JJ: I don't think I want to hear about this Elder!

Elder: Oh, sorry...anyway, this is also where we keep the U.F.O....Uh, nevermind!

JJ: Elder what the heck are you doing?  You can't interrupt the IWF like this.

Elder: Sorry JJ, it is my duty as Overlord...I mean Missionary to the IWF to present a status report on "Operation:  Fished-in"...I mean...The Winter Olympics!

JJ: Huh?

Elder: For years, we have been sending our operatives to every inhabited sector or the Planet to share the glory that lies beyond this Solar System.  But for a fraction of the cost, we were able to bribe the International Olympic Committee and now they are all coming to us.  hahahahahahaha

Fear: Hey JJ, it looks like you got things under control here.  I'm gonna find the can,  I need to take a leak!

Elder: To do my part and represent my Planet, I am going to compete in the new Kolob-Sled event.

JJ: Don't you mean, BOBSLED?

Elder: No, on my Planet we don't uses sleds, we use bikes!  And since I am the only person competing in this event, I'm a shoe-in for the gold.  And unlike my ancestors...I'm not going to let this gold vanish into thin air!   Well, here I go...

Elder: WEEEEEEEEeeeeeeee

Elder: AHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


JJ: Elder, are you okay?

Elder: I think I soiled my garments!

Fear: Did I miss anything.

JJ: Nope!  I didn't think you were coming back!

Fear: I had to, I left my beer here.  So, are you going to open it or what?


Updated 2/18/02              Copyright 1999-2002