Goodwill Cricket Club


Avg:  There are two types of average.

Batting Average;     A numerical measure of the batsman. Calculated thus:

     Runs Scored divided by the sum of Innings minus Not Outs.
     eg 100 runs in 6 innings with 1 not out equals: 100/(6-1) = 20.0

Bowling Average;          A numerical measure of the bowler. Calculated thus:

     Runs scored against the bowler divided by the number of wickets taken by the bowler.
     eg 90 runs and 3 wickets equals 30.0

C&B:  Caught and Bowled;  A catch taken by the bowler who has just delivered the ball.

Catch:  The ball is held by a member of the fielding team after touching the bat or hand holding the bat and before touching the ground.

HS:  High Score;  the highest score achieved by that batsman. If followed by an asterisk (*) the was was made without being out.

Inn:  The number of innings for that player.

NO:  Not Out;  the total number of times that batsman was not out.

Runs:  The total number of runs scored by that batsman.

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