The Privy Council
The Official Homepage of Odorferious Thunderbottom, Keeper of the Privies and Unofficial Head of the Privy Council at the Bristol Renaissance Faire
(LAST UPDATE - September 2, 2008)
ThunderMeter stands at................
Countdown Clocks at
The ThunderReport
Time to bring this to a close for another year. I know that at the end of each year, I have given out awards to those performers I saw who I felt deserved recognition. I’m not doing that this year for various reasons, not the least of which is that I didn’t get to see much this year. I spent almost the entire time I was on the street, in the box. Maybe next year.
I just want to say that the 2008 edition of the Bristol Renaissance Faire was my best year so far. And my weekend at Stronghold Olde English Faire was also the best one I’ve worked. All in all, it was a great renaissance faire year for me, and I am looking forward to 2009.
From time to time, I just might get the itch to put something in here. Last year I was putting in videos that made me laugh. Maybe I’ll do the same this year. We shall see. But, in case I don’t, I’ll see ya all next year! Enjoy winter.
and always remember,
otb loves you
For more information on the Bristol Renaissance Faire, go to:
If you would like to comment on today's unsolicited commentary by Odorferious Thunderbottom, you may post a reply on the Forum page of this web-site, or call your congressman and complain to him/her/it. In either case, you will get the same response.
You may now return to your regularly scheduled programed lives.
ThunderMeter BAPA Clock stands at................