Jas's Page of Hockey and Stuff
Welcome to my lil world away from reality. Here you can access the diffrent areas of my page depending on your intrests. If you want stuff on me, go down the middle, and if your looking for information on the RHS Roller Hockey team, its over to your right. My Alexei Yashin page is to the left, but very miniscule and small since his depature from the NHL. Anyway, check something out.
- Jas

The Extreme Alexei Yashin Page: Febuary 26th 2000
Jas X-Posed: April 3rd 2000
Rochester Falcons: April 18th 2000
Sunday, July 2nd
Man, it certantly has been a long time coming with this update, however I didn't do very much except change a few titles to pictures and delete some things. The RHS Falcon page is kinda dead now, the team still lives on, but with completely new members and I am not in charge anymore, so I won't be updateing that page. As for me, myself, and I... I'm playin hockey in a couple leagues and leading stats in most of them, and I have a chance to play on a Gold level team this fall, so im pretty pumped. Anyway, lata.
Tuesday, April 18th
Well, after a faily cumbersome season and then advanceing to the second round of playoffs, the Falcons have been eliminated. We lost to Utica with 24 seconds remaining... 7-6. It was great going out with a flash. The final stats have been posted.
Monday, April 17th
Yahooo! The 1-9-2 RHS Falcons won our first round match up with Dakota Blue, 6-4 in the playoffs! We played great today, seeing Bob Fisher score a hat trick and Jim Trbovich net 2. Our goalie Adam was great and our defense was great too. I updated the season ending stats for you to look at, and you can also catch our playoff schedual. Till next time, adieu.
Tuesday, April 4th
GO STATE!!! Spartans are #1 in the nation in b-ball baby. What a great team. Oh yea... onto the web page. Well, I updated all the stats on the hockey team.. and thats just about it for today.
Monday, April 3rd
Well, I added 4 pictures to the site, they are of my trip to the zoo with my lil cousins and g/f, you can find them under "Zoo" in my pics. And for now... thats about it.
Monday, March 27th
I updated our hockey stats again and made sure the rest of the page for the Falcons even works, which ofcourse it dose when Im in charge (haha, yea right.. anyway). Im a lil ticked off that probably no pictures will make it onto the site because all my film from an entire season was eatin by my camera. Alot of ...intresting... hockey memories lost. It also ate my pics from that gala shelter party I went too. So no new pictures for awhile, compliments my photo-takeing-pieco-crapo-machine.
Saturday, March 18th
I updated the stats on the RHS falcons page and also gave this main page a bit of a face-lift includeing the update text your reading right now. I hope to have new pictures from hockey and "Hearts for Haven" soon.
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pathetic souls have stummbeled onto this page, muahahaha!
You people are lucky, I'm so nice I'll even give you a clock!
~Since Febuary 28th 1999~