State Programs
- Each state program is held over a course of three days. The first night is spent attending an informative meeting where you get all the information you will need for the weekend. Then you attend a pizza or dessert party where you meet and get to know the other girls attending the program. This night is a lot of fun and you get to know girls from all over your state.
The second day is filled with rehearsals for the final program, interviews with the judges, and a formal presentation. The rehearsals consist of learning two dances; one is a peppy, opening number and the other one is a easy-going evening gown presentation. Even if you aren't a dancer or have never done anything like this before, you have a lot of fun. As long as your having a good time, who cares if you know what your doing? The interview is a short, five minute meeting with the judges. They ask you questions off your resume and try to get to know your personality. You may think this is intimidating, but the judges are really nice and they make you feel right at home. The formal presentation is mostly focused on your speaking ability. You wear a formal gown, walk on stage individually, and introduce yourself. Your introduction includes your name, where your from, what you like to do, a favorite quote, or something you would like people to know about you. After this day is done, you are tired, but hey it was fun.
The third day is very busy. You have one final rehearsal, learn how the finals will be run, and then the finals begin! First, you run out and do your peppy dance to start everything out. While the girls are changing, Donna Grey, the director of the program, explains how the program runs and what we have been doing all weekend . Soon, the girls come back out and do the formal dance. Once the dance is done, we all sit down and wait for the announcement of the top five. This is the most nerve wrecking part of the whole program. Finally, they announce who made it and they go up on stage. The finalists are then asked questions taken from information off of their resumes. There is some entertainment while the judges tally up their scores, and then, the moment we've all been waiting for. The 4th Ambassador is named, then the 3rd, the 2nd, the 1st, and then the Titleholders name is announced. Now, you take lots of pictures, and say your tearful goodbyes to all of your new friends.
The State Program is full of excitement. You will never forget the friends you made, and the experience will broaden your horizons. I'm a brand new person because of this program, I'm not quite as shy as I used to be, and I'm less afraid to speak in front of people. It's a great learning experience and I would recommend it to anyone.