My pics

This is me at the 1999 after prom party.

This is me and my friend Camille before the grand march our Freshmen year.

This is my 1999 prom date Jim and me. The theme is in the background. If you can't read it it says Roses and Romance. It was really pretty.

These are most of the girls that were at Prom '99. Left to right: Tracy, Cathy, Haley, Traci, Ashli, Camille, Me, April, and Sandy. There were about 7 others that weren't in the picture.

This is my sister April and me in Fargo. The picture was taken by yours truly. April really didn't want me to put this pic in here because she wasn't smiling. (She ISN'T ticked off just to let you know.)

This is my puppy Taxi. She died in November of 1999. Isn't she cute??