<BGSOUND SRC="/sportswriter_2000/userfiles:/user/stomp2.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
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visitor to this page since
October 15, 2000.

The counter was reset on that date. We had over 2000 visitors before that date. This website was established in  January 1999.
To learn more about our
Team try the pages below.
Send e-mail to the Sportswriter@geocities.com
99_2000 Schedule
98-99 Team Results

Durant Cougar Invitational

Individual Members


Video shorts

District Tournament

Links page
This WEB site was created for the enjoyment of it's readers, to promote school spirit, and to provide information to interested wrestlers. No materials found on this WEB site may be used for commercial or other purposes. This WEB site is not affiliated with EAST BAY HIGH SCHOOL and does not speak for EAST BAY HIGH SCHOOL. The opinions in this WEB site are those of the WEB Authors.
    DISTRICT 2003
To go to these pages click on underlined words
2000-2001 W
restling Schedule
Dual Match pages
The Dual Match page list the Opposing Schools. From there you can get directions to away matches or see results after the match.
Tournament pages
The Tounament page list the Tournaments. From there you can get directions to them or see results after the Tournament.
This page is best viewed full screen.
Someone at East Bay get me the imformation for the website so I can keep it updated the year.
click for Brandon, Florida forecast