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Thoughts from beneath and beyond...
Crawling, creeping around underneath, gathering all in its scope, before it decides to lunge forward and take all that it can see...

An eerie grey blanket, the perfect disguise, devours all of him, creating deep tension which swells up inside, almost scratching the surface, ready to explode....

Closer, closer it creeps, cautious yet alert and ready at any moment to pounce... Ready, ready... almost ready...

The cold mist stabbing at his bare skin, icy cold mist, relentlessly pounding away... the tension deepens, aching to be away from it all... what kind of a nightmare is this? A real one he hopes...

All of a sudden it approaches like a flash, although time freezes, how can it stop? The realisation of what is about to happen sets in the mind, it can never escape, and what must seem like a relief for time to stop also seems unfair.... time to think about it....

To die or not to die, thats the uncertainty....
More tales....
Info about me....
This page is basically a collection of short tales, thoughts, ideas, short stories and even shorter stories I type up when i have nothing else to do..

Im not an author of any kind so dont judge the stories too harshly... ;)
This page is just a fun thing, with the slight hope that the creative juices might flow one day!

If you have any stories, ideas, thoughts, basically anything you would like to share on this page, I'd gladly add them... Email me with your story and I'll post it as soon as I can :)

Feel free to sign my guestbook and let me know what you thought about any stories or about the site in general...
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