FBSFC - A History


FBSFC was conceived in Carrier Canada Ltd's lunchroom in September 1999 and was originally going to be a company team. Some of the originals present that faithful day include: Sean "Chairman" Rice, Don "Grandpa" Clendenning, Justin "Newf" McCarthy and Julian "Calf-thrax" Murray. The club was entered into Soccer City to start playing Indoor in October. Once the team was registered we realized that we were missing a few key components that make up a soccer club: skill, fitness, desire, money, a name, a plan, enough players and uniforms.

Seeing that we were already registered - we decided we had better get ourselves sorted out...so we had a practice....ouch! We found out that we were in worse shape than we ever expected. Our weekly practices nearly killed us - but we kept at it. We also had to sign a bunch of friends from outside Carrier to join us (not enough fools there) - so basically the team went on it's own..


Before we could order uniforms we had to decide on a name...so we had an email poll - and starting a trend that continues to this day - no one responded. A few names were eventually suggested: Harps, United, Reds, Tartan Army, etc...- actually any of them sounded better than F.B.S.F.C. (which was originally suggested as a joke by the Chairman) - but with our players coming from all over the world we knew we had to pick something generic - yet appropriate. So Fat Bhoys Slim was born - Fat Bhoys we will always be - unless we get enough money together to buy new uniforms.!


That first year we ended up with a sponsorship deal with WWG (a subsidiary of Carrier). The sponsorship was revoked after the first season due to all the missed  time at work (calling in sick - half the team on crutches, etc)- but our big mistake was letting Don "Grandpa" Clendenning pick out the uniforms - they must have been in dwarf sizes -&nnbsp; they could barely fit around our bellies and led to many instances of "nipple chaffing"...

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Don "chaffed" our nipples.  

Then the Chairman took over and solved the "chaffing" problem the following year:

Holger_Team.jpg (31995 bytes)

Less chaffing - but not less filling.



This web site was ready before we played our first game and has been updated constantly since....we may be crap - but our web site's not bad. Sean Rice administers and writes some the articles - while Ian Richardson has regularly contributed with most of the game summary reports. Other contributors have included: Mark Rattray, Don Clendenning, Brian Warren, Steve Sexton and Phil K.



The first game: a 10-1 loss! And lots and lots of pain...it's a wonder we ever went back for week two! We had no idea what we were doing (we still don't) and we had no fitness at all...it was just a sad, painful performance. Our only highlight was Kevin Bracken scoring the inaugural goal for FBSFC. If you can believe it we went on to lose all 10 games that year - YES! We ended up with  0 wins and 10 losses. If you click here you can go back to our first year and read some of our hilarious (and sometimes suicidal) thoughts at the time.The lowlight of the first season was the Chairman breaking his leg during the last game. There has been constant debate among the team as to what exactly happened....we know for sure that alcohol was involved and that The Chairman stepped on the ball awkwardly causing the break -- these are indisputable facts. But thee Chairman has constantly argued that he was clipped from behind by an opposing player causing him to stumble and step on the ball - and that alcohol or bad footwork had really nothing to do with it. The jury is still out on this but only the Chairman really knows the truth.

Midway through our opening season Ian "Mango" Richardson was signed on a loan deal from We're All Special FC - that club has constantly refused to take him back - leaving us with Soccer City's leading Own Goal producer - Mango has credit for  5 Own Goals in his FBSFC career. A super signing.

Players who walked off into the FBSFC sunset: Stu Graham, Keith Hache, Brooke McClaren, and Kieron Hoare.



Another season of 0 wins and 10 losses! Highlights included a 1-0 loss and a famous 12-0 loss to "Good Players with Turbans" who completely took away our manhood one sloppy Sunday evening. You can click here to read the game summaries from that bleak winter and here to read a few articles that were submitted that year......I still have nightmares!!

Players who walked off into the FBSFC sunset: Mike Johnston, Ian "Superman" McLaughlin, Carl Cini (one appearance)



This was the dawn of outdoor! We didn't sign up to a league (too afraid) so we would meet every Sunday in Georgetown for a "kick-about" .. afterwards we'd go to the George & Dragon Pub for a greasy british breakfast and a few pints...ahh those were the days. Later in the Summer things got interesting: we played an exhibition game against the Ole Triangle Pub and won!!! Our first victory as a team! Later on we entered the Kicks For Cancer Tournament for the first time...three games over two days. We lost two and drew one - not too bad considering the competition and the fact that we are unfit and horrible players - we were just glad to survive. The Chairman also returned from his broken leg.

Players who walked off into the FBSFC sunset:     Mark Temple, Kid Rock, Polish truck driver who played one Sunday.



Our greatest season!! We won our first indoor game and finished the season with 4 wins, 5 losses and 1 draw (including a 15-4 win). We made the playoffs and actually knocked off the first place team before losing in the final. It was just a glorious year and we were as surprised as anyone! Click here to read our thoughts during "the Golden Age of FBSFC". Most importantly, the Fine System was introduced by Ian Richardson - which funded our first ever end of season Piss Up ...

Player who walked off into the FBSFC sunset:    Andrew Corrie



Back to reality! After winning the first game of the season FBSFC drop the last nine games in a row! Ouch! We lost a few heartbreakers - but it was a lost season - but it did produce some of the best articles ever written by FBSFC. Oh well, outdoor was next! The second season ending Piss Up was great.

Players who walked off into the FBSFC sunset: Ziam Zasaraj, Sean Nejat, Barney Hill



Our first year in a full outdoor league. We did pretty well considering and ended up with 3 wins and 11 losses (not last in the league at least) - we also played every game close - usually losing by a goal or two.  We also played in our second Kicks for Cancer Tournament and nearly killed ourselves. The Board of Directors went on their first scouting trip to New Orleans and our third annual end of season Piss Up was a great success.

Players who walked off into the FBSFC sunset: Nick DeGroot, Hal Huff, Don Clendenning (now coaching), Ron Nolet, and Brian Warren.
