Independent Umpires Association

Founded 1929

Celebrating 70 Years of Officiating
The Independent Umpires Association is a 130 member association of umpires who officiate at all levels of college, high school and Independent baseball and softball throughout southern New Jersey and the Metropolitan Philadelphia area.


Cadet classes are held each January through March. Cadets are trained in Professional, NCAA and National Federation of High School rules. After successfully completing classroom training and testing, on the field training sessions are held. Each Cadet is then assigned High School baseball and softball games while being observed and rated by experienced umpires.
Mechanics classes are mandatory the second year of membership. The Cadet is permitted to take State Varsity examination after successfully completing two High School seasons. Every member of the IUA must pass a written examination to retain State certification.
Meeting Schedule click HERE
Click HERE for pictures
Baseball Links
National Baseball Hall of Fame
Philadelphia Phillies Official site

Info about
National Federation Baseball
Ask a Major League Umpire
Be a professional Umpire.
Classes are now forming.

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The Independent Umpires Association officiates games in Camden, Burlington, Gloucester Cumberland Atlantic and Salem Counties in New Jersey.

The IUA is a member of NJSIAA .

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