

Just click the image to see the picture in full size

Rick FlairAndre the Giant & Big John StuddHercules & Billy Jack HayesJunk Yard Dog & Gregg the Hammer ValentineRoddy Piper & Adrian AdonisGeorgous GeorgeGotchSuper Star Billy GrahamJerry the KingLittle BeaverLord LittleBrookPancho the GreatMr. SkaalandSki Lo LOThe StranglerTom ThumbWhipper Watson with British Commonwealth BeltWhipper Billy WatsonMr. Wunderful Paul Orndrorff and Billy RED LyonsMr Fuji and Geo. Steele

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for the Wrestlers that were from the PAST..
If you have any old pictures of Wrestlers past send them to my E-mail please