More than a quarter century of fun and friendship.........
     LA Pool League

The LA Pool League Proudly Welcomes you to our Cyber Home!

Click Your Destination:

What's the LAPL?
League Calender
Our Sponsors
Our Board
League By-Laws
Playing Rules
Fall'99 Captains
Playing Schedule
Weekly Results
Fundraising Events
League History
Play-Off Schedule
Play-Off Results
WCC Information
WCC History


Welcome to the Los Angeles Pool League Homepage. This is the League's Information Center. Our hope is to encourage everyone to visit here often and make use of the resources offered. Read About Us! if you are new to the League and want to know who we are.

You can find everything from this weeks results to the history of the League and a lot in between! During the season this website will change weekly as the new results are posted. Be sure to log in and come back often.

You can read the  schedule of events, sponsorsseason playing schedulesfundraising resultsplaying rulesorganizational rules tournament schedule, tournament results,   WCC WinnersWCC arrangements, links,  and CuesNews!

As you can see from the above, we hope to have a useful site as well as a repository of information about our League. A Guestbook and discussion area will soon be added. Suggestions and input are always welcome.

This space is designed, maintained, and  donated by Bill Hoover.  I will make every effort to be complete and accurate. Responsibility for errors are my own. Names and pictures appearing here indicate a love for eight ball and the LAPL, nothing more.

This site does not establish policies or guidelines for the League and all opinions expressed are my own. When other opinions are presented, they will be attributed accordingly.

Those wishing to link to this site should contact me and we can easily arrange a link, if it's useful for the League.