May 17, 2004

We all say/do things that we regret. Sometimes in anger or when we are hurting, we say things about people that we don't actually mean. And most of the time, it's the people we love the most that we say these things to or about because they have the ability to make us hurt the most. Forgivness and making up are good things!

Freinds that truly love & care for you are hard to's not too smart to let them go so easily...

We don't forgive people necessarily because they deserve it, but because they need it.

I'm sick of people and their childish head games, always trying to hurt the people that care about them the most. Go figure that one out because it sure confuses the shit out of me.

People need to stop being hypocritical and over-reacting to such retarded things.

When you find someone that TRULY cares about you, I suggest you grab ahold and hold on tight because if you keep hurting them and/or pushing them away, you're gonna miss them & regret it down the road, even if you don't think you will now. People tend to do that, overlooking a great person, brushing them off...and then they end up wondering why they don't have someone special that treats them the way they want to be treated.

July 11, 2004

Hot girls are EVERYWHERE! Unlimited...infinite...dime a dozen. If I wanted a Barbie doll, I could have one...easily. Looks aren't everything...if it's all you have to offer, you are worthless.

Beauty fades...personality lasts forever

You wouldn't know a great guy because you've never had one...hence, you don't realize the fact that you've never had one. You fucked up when you lost me...cuz I'm the best you ever had a chance with.

Hate me all you want...say as many nasty & horrible things about me as you can....I'll always be the good-hearted, kind, generous, loving, and caring person that I am despite that & whether you choose to see it or not.