"There can be artistry in simplicity.
The clarity of simplicity." ~Elvis Stojko
"The artistic side has to come from within ... we had to allow it to happen
in a very natural, Elvis way." ~Doug Leigh
"When I started, I looked to Alexander Fedeev
and Scott Hamilton for their quick footwork;
to Brian Orser, the stylist and Baryshnikov of the ice;
and to Brian Boitano, the powerful, unstoppable
jumping machine. Each had a unique style
and each was a distinct kind of champion." ~
Elvis Stojko
"He takes his time, he has a clear picture of
the role he's playing, he doesn't rush.
There is a nice sense of clarity about his skating." ~
Dick Button, Lausanne
"It's the silence of the blade as it runs across the ice.
The kind of sensitive touch the person has when they're able to masterfully
use the blade of a skate as someone would use a brush to paint.
Posing is not skating. Motion and movement is skating.
And that is what I'm trying to show." ~
Elvis Stojko
I skate for the pure enjoyment of performing now.
The idea is to move naturally to the music
with your soul. ~
Elvis Stojko
"What he does is inspire power and mastery.
His intensity reflects the super-human characters
of his imagination. When he translates them to ice,
it's called artistic impression." ~
Debbi Wilke
"Uschi's always working from the blade, from the essence of inside,
from the heart and how I see it. She tries to draw it out of me instead of
telling me what to do. She doesn't tell me I should move my blade this way,
I should move my blade that way. It's a matter of what the music tells me,
how I feel internally and it goes from there." ~
Elvis Stojko
"Finally a skater who can skate to Van Halen!!" ~Scott Hamilton
"I have to do the best for myself. I'm the skater.Let the judges judge." ~Elvis Stojko
"The pressure and stress and all that sort
of thing -- the ups and down -- it lets you know
you're alive. I mean, do you want to go through
life in neutral? Or just getting through it?
That stagnates you."
"You want to have the heart of a champion. You
don't become a champion by winning. You've got
to have that champion attitude before you get
there, because you'll never get it that way. If
you think the gold medal's going to solve all your problems and that's what's going to
make it -- that isn't it."
"I've always believed that God has given me a gift
of willpower and determination ... talent is just
the tip of the iceburg ... I feel that if God gave
you a gift, in order to return it back, you do
the most you can with it."
"So long as I keep my morals, my values and my beliefs the same and never change those..."
Well, here's some more!
It's not about victory or defeat. It's about the challenge to one's self.
I don't know if I've got them where I want them, but I've got me where I want me.
Pain is temporary, but pride lasts forever.
You have to be sensitive on a bike ... or you're going to end up in the rhubarb somewhere, you know.
All I can say is on to the worlds now.
You do your best and the judges are still pulling out marks like that. But if they want to play that game, it's fine with me. All that matters to me is the way I skate, so we're just going to go from here to the worlds and sock it to them again.
You never know what to expect. You never expect your boot is going to screw up on you and you have to break in a new pair. Just when you think you catch up you're set back another month.
You look at your attitude and what you can do and instead of seeing where you've been, you see what's realistic. The tough part is, you know what it's like because you've been there and you know what it takes even when you're healthy.
I don't know if I've got them where I want them, but I've got me where I want me.
Now is not the time to take risks. Now is the time to get back.
I can't be risking anything right now because I've got a future, I've got my career.
Wherever you're looking, that's where you're going to end up being. You have to be smart about it and you have to be positive. And it's a balance.
I'll be back next year for sure. Even though the injury holds me back slightly right now, I don't want to look back in 10 years and go, 'Hey, I still had a number of years left in me. I really want to give as much as I can.
God gave me a gift to do this and I want to take it to its limit, and I know I can.
I would love to win, but I'm much more interested in getting my feet underneath me.
I think a lot about not always getting what you want but getting what you need.
Even if you miss it, you've got to go for it. I'm not so much into the placing thing.
When you start out as a little kid, you look at the sport in a fresh, unaffected way. As you get further along the circle, some people start losing the love and the passion. But as you get even further along, you look at it as a child does again. It's very simple. Why do you skate? Because you like to.
I've always believed that God has given me a gift of willpower and determination ... talent is just the tip of the iceburg ... I feel that if God gave you a gift, in order to return it back, you do the most you can with it.
So long as I keep my morals, my values and my beliefs the same and never change those, everything else about me can change. As long as those three things don't change, I don't have to worry about anything.
You want to have the heart of a champion. You don't become a champion by winning.
If you think the gold medal's going to solve all your problems and that's what's going to make it -- that isn't it.
Sometimes in life you don't get what you want, you get what you need.I skate for the pure enjoyment of performing now.
The idea is to move naturally to the music
with your soul.
"Elvis is extremely creative, extremely sensitive.
He has the total range. He has the total strength,
commitment, but also incredible sensitivities,
so I mean nothing surprises me that
comes out of Elvis."~Uschi Keszler
"At his best, which he was in Lausanne,
he skates as Hemingway wrote and Brando acted,
with understatement and barely concealed
passion and power." ~
E. M. Swift, Sports Illustrated 3/97
"They don't like Elvis' style. He doesn't point his toes.
He doesn't stretch in his camel spins. I mean, there are certain things
he doesn't do that Urmanov does. But to me, he was actually
interpreting his program ... and it comes from the heart." ~
Paul Wylie (after 94 Olympics)
"I've learned to trust myself about my abilities,
about who I am. When I'm standing in the middle
of a huge arena with 17,000 seats, I can't hide
behind a character. I have to be myself."
"I want to be remembered as someone who made
a difference, who pushed the sport forward."