The Characters |
Eric Camden:
An all-around Reverend father who just tries to keep up with his changing kids (Stephen Collins) |
Housewife extraordinaire that manages to keep a clean house with 5 kids, a dog and twins on the way (Catherine Hicks) |
Annie Camden: |
Son and Brother that just tries to go with the flow and isn't too keen on the idea of being turned down by the oppisite sex. (Barry Watson) |
Matt Camden: |
Basketball star with extreme wisdom that spends most of her time talking Lucy out of her ideas. (Jessica Biel) |
Mary Camden: |
Lucy's major concern is usually boys and friends, so it isn't much of a surprise when her schoolwork starts to go downhill (Beverly Mitchell) |
Lucy Camden:
Simon Camden: |
Simon is sorta the quiet one that usually gets paired up with Ruthie for schemes (David Gallagher) |
Ruthie trys to do everything the way she thinks it should be done (Mackenzie Rosman)
Ruthie Camden: |
Now that you know a little more about the characters, you should watch 7th Heaven. It comes on on Mondays and Sundays on the WB. So check your local listings for time. (A great place to check your listings is here.) |