The Zeller's Thrashers
Pee Wee Hockey Team

The Zeller's Thrashers Pee Wee Hockey team is a team of 17 twelve and thirteen year olds playing in the Fredericton Area. The team's coaches are Keith Allaby, Rick Allaby and Craig Glassford.
Take a look at our team photo by clicking HERE!

Our Team consists of the following Players:

2 Allaby, C.
16 Allaby, N.
6 Atkinson, D.
3 Belanger, J.
14 Boldon, R.
30 Budovitch, D.
9 Daley, R.
10 Gaudet, C.
1 Glassford, D.
17 Henry, J.
15 Hoyt, J.
4 Matthews, L.
5 Milbury, J.
11 Munn, B.
14 Smith, I.
7 Sutherland, R.
8 Tompkins, J.

Many thanks to our sponsor, Zellers Northside Store

Our Schedule for 1999-2000
with Game Summaries

Some important links:

Fredericton Youth Hockey Association

Check out Hockey injuries.com for some information on Pre-game Nutrition

Hockey Night in Canada

Where Hockey is Fun

New Brunswick Amateur Hockey Association

NHL - The coolest game on Earth

E-Mail me at AllabyR@em.agr.ca with your comments or suggestions

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