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The Sweetwaters Bud Lites Oldtimer Hockey Team
Our 2004-2005 Schedule can be found here. Also, Eric Wade has contributed some photos.
Check 'em out here! (Updated Jan.10/01)

NEW! Check out some party pics, some team pics, and some Bud Bowl 2006 pics
Our annual canoe float on the Nashwaak took place June 2
The Sweetwaters Bud Lites are an oldtimer hockey team playing in  the  Fredericton and area Oldtimers Hockey League. The team was formed in 1990 by Founders Ed Smith and Don Johnson. Our manager is Brian Weaver. Thanks for your hard work, Weave!
Our Team consists of the following Players:
Sandy Wade
Don Johnson
Doug Marion
Ken Howe
Eric Wade
Greg King
John MacRae
Terry Young
Kevin Young
Eldon Young

Ed Smith
Brian Donovan
Brian Weaver
Robert Spencer
Brian McFawn
Rick Allaby
Jeff Shea
Bruce Rothwell
Alan Graham
Mike Cody
Gary Manuel
Brad Donovan
Our Schedule for 2005-2006
Some important links:
Many thanks to our sponsors,  Mr. Tim MacTavish who is the local Labatt Brewery And Budweiser Representative and Sweetwaters / Rockin' Rodeo on King Street, Fredericton.
Where Hockey is Fun
Hockey New Brunswick
Hockey Night in Canada
NHL - The coolest game on Earth
Check out www.hockeyinjuries.com for information on nutrition for hockey players as well as injury information.
E-Mail me at redlantern11@yahoo.com with your comments or suggestions