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JULY Page 5

JULY '99 Scanners


New Pics PR/INLET a little summer relief.....Click on the pics for messages!

                      Brian H at the Inlet

Brian Hinton: Shore Island PR

Brian Cory South Side..................

Brian Hinton Shore Island PR Air..............................................................

BH again with some DK....................Shore Island

This wave is so sick....Dave Rich Shore Island, PR..no fins to boot..............










Dave Rich South Side Inlet.This was when fla used to get surf!!!!!!!!!!! Sickness.....















Some stand up at Secret Spot Melbourne Beach.this one almost got into Pit mag (the mag sucks anyways...........buy Bodyboarding)















Dave at Shore Island PR...Dave Richa birds eye view....................................












John Cassidy on the left, BH in the barrel, Dave Rich paddling, Jason D standing, Lou took the pic