Photos #2
BIG SHOTS courtesy of D Productions and the riders who made them possible. Alot of these pics/vid grabs are realtively old. Ill be gettin soem new FAT ones ASAP. If you want some of your pics on this site email me them ASAP.
Chris Brown. Local Legend and prone style master. Bustin the reo air Circa 1991!! He was blowing down doors when the rest of us was still doing hand drags! Believe IT. Sebastian Inlet, First Peak
Jason Doyle Tryin' some Reo action at Sebastian Inlet on one of those little wedgy days. See how bodyboarders ride this place SO MUCH BETTER then surfers! We just throw more tail!
Throw Chunks!!!!
Dave Rich; stand-up master, surfer hater and hard core Beer drinker throws more tail then any prone, DK or surfer on East Coast. Ill be puttin' more grabs of Dave throwin it that will make you eyes BULGE.
stand_Up air at the Inlet!
Eric Wyatt, known for throwin' some loose tail bustin it at some CFL spots........
South Spessard...
Of all the spots to throw tail,...Playlinda
So you think you can bust some moves!?...Try pullin anything Carlos Jenkins does!!! He goes inverted and higher more often then any other bodyboarders in FLA maybe the East Coast. Don't believe me? Ill post some more grabs of Carlos Bustin' it.
Carlos flying over me at a scret spot in the Wabasso area
Pump House, PB on the big swell...He made it
South Side Inlet, The heaviest barrel in Fla..Believe it
Home Photos #2