The Official Site for the Lake Matinenda Smallmouth Fishing Club

The Advice Column

Each year, we sit around each day and discuss what we used, where we used it, and how we did with each approach.

The next day, we venture onto the waters, with memories of the night before and attempt to utilize the approach that appeared to have the greatest success.  After 30 minutes of the approach (of which the only person comfortable with that approach was the one using it the day before) we say forget it and attempt the same techniques that proved unsuccessful the day before.

Each year, we purchase new equipment and lures with the "If Only I had had this lure last year, I would have tore up the Smallies" singing in our head.  We venture off to the great north with our latest arsenal with great visions of a Smallmouth slaughter in our heads.

Here is where you will find some of the greatest advice that has ever been made public by those members in our group.  The advice alone is worth the price of the trip, and the nature of this advice should only be know to the members of the fishing club.

If you have some Advice you would like to give, please do so here.

Type of Advice 

Your Name

The Advice:




Fishing Lure : White Fluke By : Duane Dew

You can never go wrong using the white fluke with a 3/0 or 5/0 hook. 


Boat Advice : Kill Switch By : Duane Dew
Whenever you are in the lake, and your motor will not start after fishing for a period of time, be sure you check to make sure the Kill switch has not been removed or knocked out.  You could find yourself stranded and wonder if anyone is going to come looking for you as the sun sets.



Tackle Advice  By : Knapper
Read the article on the board about Flukes. The author must have been watching my techniques very closely. He got most if it right.

Of course there may be a few details that he did not pick up on.

Think white pearl and white when you visualize a Fluke.




Travel Advice By : Knapper
When travelling in a pickup with an open bed, be sure to super secure your Rattle Traps. They make a terrible road hazard when scattered along Interstate 75.



Health Care System By : Big Red Eye
I highly recommend the use of the Canadian health care system. It will be to your advantage to delay getting treatment for ailments until you get to Blind River. The Emergency Room is especially efficient.







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