That first night in Judy's cabin, was a hard one for Kali. She felt awkward about telling Judy she was pregnant. After all Judy had done to help Kane and her, the last thing Kali wanted to do, was to cause her pain. As it turned out, she didn't have to. Judy guessed it.
Taker had asked for and been given three more weeks off. He would be returning the week of Survivor Series. Kane would be returning then, as well! Judy had considered the information concerning Kali's shop, and toyed with the idea of suggesting she accompany Kane to the ring, be his valet in other words. It was really their decision to make, of course, but she meant to say something about it to Taker. Maybe he could suggest it to Kane.
After everyone had gone to bed, Judy went about locking up for the night! She bought a travel crib for CJ, after they got back home. CJ liked his new bed, and didn't put up a fuss at bedtime.
"Me sweepy, Daddy!" CJ would say, climbing up into the roomy lap of his father.
Taker laughed, scooping his son up, then got him ready for bed. By the time Kane and Kali arrived, CJ had gotten use to sleeping in the crib. Judy kept it low so he could climb in and out of it himself.
Stepping through the doorway of her bedroom, she paused, watching the big man coming out of the bathroom, toweling himself off. His wet hair was combed straight back, hanging loose down his back. The broad expanse of his back, the wide breadth of his massive shoulders, his whole magnificent body, took her breath away
"All locked up?" He asked, coming over to her, taking her in his arms, pulling her willing body against his.
Kissing the thickly muscled chest, she inhaled his scent. Not the soap smell, but his own unique man-smell! If God willed her to be struck blind and Taker walked in to the room, she would know his man-smell from any one else's.
Slipping her arms around his trim waist, resting her cheek against his warm body, she told him yes, all was secure for the night. Taker's hands were busily exploring the tempting curve of her backside. Looking up into his eyes, she smiled warmly at the love of her life.
"I'm going to take a bath, you go on to bed. I'll join you in a few." Then, standing on tiptoe, she pulled his head down towards hers and kissed him hungrily. Stepping away from him, she gave him a look that made him catch his breath.
The honey colored paneling, the rustic rough hewn timbers across the ceiling made this room a place to enjoy. The Queen sized wrought iron bed was a little small for his taste, but it fit perfectly with the decor of the room. Only yesterday she had taken the feather beds out of storage and aired them out, before putting them on the beds in the two bedrooms. Taker enjoyed the comfort this provided, not to mention the other delights to be found surrounded by their warmth. Crawling beneath the flannel sheets, Taker leaned back against the headboard waiting for her to join him.
Kali and Kane were delighted with their room! Kali had to admit Judy had excellent taste in furnishings! The King sized cedar bed matched the high boy and dresser in the huge room. A brightly patterned quilt and matching flannel sheets were turned down invitingly. She welcomed the idea of crawling in next to him. It had been a long day and both she and Kane were tired.
CJ was fast asleep and so was Kane by the time she went to bed. Kali had taken a long hot bath, and was now totally exhausted. Within minutes after crawling in next to Kane, Kali, too, was fast asleep.
The brilliant sunrise always made her think of God's majestic presence. Dawn had always been her favorite time of day. Crawling out from the warm bed, Judy realized as soon as her toes touched the cold hardwood floor, that the furnace was going to have to be lit soon! Slipping on her fuzzy mules, she went into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee.
Glancing out the big bay window, she saw there had been a heavy frost last night. From the looks of the crystals on the window, it had gotten rather cold as well! Pouring a cup of coffee, she stood in front of the window admiring God's handiwork.
The blue mist drifting down low over the pond behind the cabin, gave everything a veiled appearance. The sun was just beginning to crest the mountain peaks, coloring everything with a soft rosy glow.
Taker wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back against him,
nuzzling her neck. Her soft moan brought a satisfied smile to his
sensuous lips.
"Mornin! You're up early! I missed you in that bed back there! Came to see where you were!" He growled softly in her ear.
Turning in his embrace, Judy gave herself up to the pleasure his arms had to offer. Nipping playfully at his sensitive nipple, she told him of her enjoyment watching the day break.
"Always has been my favorite time of day! Want some coffee?" After he nodded, she poured him a cup and handed it to him. "What do you think of Kali being Kane's ring assistant? She said her shop wasn't doing well, and I thought maybe the change might do her good!" She suggested, meeting his warm green gaze.
Taker thought about it, then nodded his head! "I think it's a wonderful idea! Do you want me to suggest it?" He asked, his tone soft and low.
"Yes! They may think me interfering if I brought it up! I certainly don't want to offend either one of them!" She said.
"Ok then! I kinda had the same idea concerning you!" He said quietly, watching her closely.
Surprise widened her eyes! "ME! Babe, I don't think so! I have a
business to run, at least for a few more weeks anyway. We have several weeks of really bad winter weather here, and I close the shop down during that time. Usually right after Christmas through the first of February."
Before anything else was said, the guest room door opened, and Kane appeared, looking very much like a rumpled little boy. Grinning at each other, Taker called out a greeting.
"Morning, buddy!" Taker grinned at the owlish look on Kane's face.
Kane blinked at the couple standing in front of the window, their arms around each other. A sleepy grin spread across Kane's lips. "Mornin you two! Any of that left?" Kane indicated their cups.
"Sure thing! How did you sleep last night?" Judy asked as she poured him a cup of coffee.
"Thanks! I slept like a baby! Got cold last night didn't it?" He said, looking at the frosted window.
"No, not really! We had a good frost, but that's all! In the next few weeks, we'll get some cold weather." She said grinning up at her big friend.
Just then, the door opened again, and the little boy came running out. "Daddy me cold! Me hawngry too!" CJ grabbed hold of a hand from each man. Throwing back his head, the little boy looked first at Taker, then at Kane. His happy grin brought smiles to all their faces.
Laughing softly, Judy said,"What would you like this morning?" Kneeling down, she met the little boy's eyes levelly.
"Gwits with butter and sugar!" He said matter-of-factly.
"Grits! How bout some bacon to go with them?" She asked brightly.
"Yes, please!" He replied, eyes so much like Taker's stared back at her.
Laughing with genuine pleasure, she stood up and went over to the range to start breakfast. Just about the time it was ready, Kali joined them as well, looking worlds better after a good nights sleep.
"Morning all!" She said sleepily, heading toward the coffee pot.
"You hungry? Just finished making breakfast." Judy smiled at her
friend. The drawn, taut look was gone from around her mouth. She was glad to see Kali looking refreshed and well rested.
"Yes, surprisingly, I AM hungry!" Kali grinned back at her friend, as she went to sit between her husband and son.
The table was loaded with enough food to feed a small army! Judy had made home fries, country ham and bacon, hot home made biscuits, scrambled eggs and gravy, and even a platter of French toast. There were also sides of grits and oatmeal. Jars of apple butter and peach and strawberry preserves also graced the table. CJ had a sippy cup full of milk to drink, while the adults all had coffee and juice.
As Kali looked at all the food, she spotted the plate of French toast. That looked better than anything, to her! But then again, those fluffy biscuits and strawberry preserves had her mouth watering, too! Kali began filling her plate, suddenly quite ravenous.
CJ watched with huge eyes, grits making his little cheeks bulge, as his mother piled her plate high! "Momma hawngry, too!" He informed the group. Kali blushed delicately as the others laughed at the child's remark.
"That's ok, CJ. Momma needs to eat!" Judy said, still chuckling, as she met Kali's eyes. "You go on and eat as much or as little as you want! Grammy made this apple butter, if you would like to try some! It's very good!" Judy offered.
"Thanks, I think I will!" Kali said as she took the small jar from her friend.
Some time later as the women cleared away the empty dishes, the men took CJ in to get dressed, then deposited him in front of the TV.
Judy made a fresh pot of coffee and poured them all a cup, then sat back down at the table.
"So where do you two think you would like to live?" Judy asked after the men rejoined them.
"I don't know! Hadn't thought much about it, I only know that I don't want to live in Reno any longer." Kali said looking down at her cup.
"Have you thought about working with Kane?" Taker asked, looking first at the big man, then at Kali. Kane liked the idea, and had already thought of it, but hadn't had a chance to ask her, himself.
Kali thought about it then looked at Kane. He was smiling, obviously very pleased with the idea. "I don't know! That's something I'll have to think about." She replied softly, glancing in at CJ watching cartoons.
"Angel, other families travel together and do just fine." Kane said softly, his hazel eyes, holding her blue ones.
"So, you want me and CJ with you 24/7?" she asked softly, a ghost of a smile touching her lips, a wicked look in her eyes.
"Absolutely!" He said without hesitation, reaching out for her hand, looking at her rather warmly.
"Sounds like that's settled to me!" Taker said, grinning wickedly at his friend.
"Kali, I have a question. Pardon me if I'm being nosey, but what about your stuff in Reno? Your clothes, your furniture, CJ's stuff! What do you want to do about that?" Judy asked, watching her friend.
"I hadn't thought about that! I guess we better decide about a house, then try to get my stuff out her!" She hadn't even thought about that.
"If I may make a suggestion? Why don't y'all take a place here, get your stuff out here, then when you have the time to decide where you want to live, you won't have that problem to worry about! All your stuff will be here!" Judy said quietly, watching Kali's expression.
"That's a wonderful idea! Can we go house hunting today?" She looked at Kane, waiting for his input.
"Fine by me! But how are we going to get the stuff here?" Kane asked.
"We can fly out, pack and hire a mover to bring it back." Taker
"Kane, I don't want to go back there! I'd rather just leave it and start all over again, if that's the case! I can't go back in that apartment!" Her voice barely above a whisper! Fear was clearly visible in her eyes.
"Well, how bout this! Judy and I will go out there and pack your stuff and arrange to have it brought back here! You two can stay here and go house hunting." Taker said watching them closely.
"That'll work! But one thing!!!! I don't want the bedroom furniture! I never want to see that stuff again!" Kali said nervously, holding
Kane's eyes.
"Deal! We'll leave today! Kane and I have the next three weeks off, so there will be plenty of time to get you two settled. Judy and I will spend a few days out there taking care of things. You do need to call your landlord and let him know that we're coming." Taker was beginning to look forward to this unexpected trip.
"Kali what about your shop?" Judy questioned.
"Just load everything up! I'll deal with it later!" Kali, too, was looking forward to house hunting with her husband.
"Good! Now that's settled, I'll call the airport, while Judy packs." Taker grinned wickedly, leaning back in the chair, his hands behind his head.
Judy and Kali went in to pack, Kali keeping her friend company.
"I can't begin to tell you how much this means to me! I don't know what I would have done without you!" Kali was misty eyed as she lay across Judy's bed, watching as her friend packed.
Judy stopped and sat down on the edge of the bed. "You just take care of yourself and have a healthy baby! And you and Kane be happy! Put all this shit behind you!"
The startled look on Kali's face at the mention of the baby was
priceless! "How did you know?"
Grinning happily at her, Judy replied,"You were glowing!"
The two women grinned at each other, sharing the good news. Soon, the bags were packed, and they were all on the way to the airport. Kane and Kali were seeing their friends off.