Tattooed Dreams....

Chapter Forty-Three~~~Kaliegh...Judy

The day after Taker and Judy got back from Reno, Kane and Kali moved into their house. Later that evening while they were all having dinner, Judy and Taker announced their engagement.

"Wow! That is great to hear. I'm so happy for you both." Kali said as she got up and hugged Judy. "When's the big day?"

"Well, sometime in the spring. We don't have a definite date yet, but I'd like sometime in May." Judy replied, her eyes sparking with pure happiness.

"Well, again, congratulations!" Kali said sincerely.

. They talked for a short time longer and then decided to call it a night. By time Judy and Taker got out the door, CJ was sound asleep on Kane's shoulder and Kaliegh was hiding yawns behind her hand. The made plans to get together again in a few days.


The next few weeks flew by in a blur and soon it was time for Kane to go back on the road, taking Kali and CJ with him. The first show that Kaliegh was to take part in was a live RAW the week before Survivor Series. She was to jump out of the crowd and run into the ring, coming to Kane's aid after a severe beating by the Big Show.. Sounded easy enough, but Kaliegh was nervous as hell. After arriving at the hotel, she didn't even think when she pulled a cigarette out of her purse and lit it.

"Kali, put that out!" Kane said harshly as he turned angry eyes on her.

"What?" Kali asked him, her eyes full of confusion.

"I said, put that out!" Kane angrily grabbed the cigarette from her hand and pitched it out the open window in their room.

"Kane, was that really necessary? One fuckin' cigarette isn't going to hurt her. Christ!" Kali fairly yelled at him and then bit her tongue when she remembered that CJ was in the room with them. "We will be discussing this later!" Kali added and then went into the bathroom, slamming the door hard enough to shake the walls.

The show that night went off without a hitch. And Kali really looked forward to doing more shows and becoming more involved in the matches once the baby was born.

The next few months on the road were rough and tiring. Kane and Kali argued constantly about everything. She was beginning to think that coming with him on the road had been a big mistake. Kali had thought about talking to Judy about what was happening with her and Kane, but she always backed out at the last minute, not wanting to burden her friend with her problems.

Kali didn't have to tell Judy about the problems she and Kane were having. Every time Kali called her, Judy could hear the sadness in her voice. When Judy saw her when they came home ever now and then, the miserable look in her eyes could not be denied. The time was never right though, so Judy never did get a chance to ask her what was going on.

Finally a week before Judy and Taker's wedding, Kali could take no more. She hated it when she and Kane fought, seemingly for no reason. That night after the event she confronted Kane about it.

"Kane, I really cannot take anymore of this fighting. What happened with us? I don't understand…" Kali broke off as tears fell from her eyes and sadness choked her voice.

"I don't understand it either, love…." Kane said softly as he pulled her into his arms. "It's like we've become two totally different people over the past few months. I don't like this fighting any more than you do…."

"Kane, maybe CJ and I should go home for a while….Maybe a little time apart is the only thing we need." Kali suggested, even though she didn't like the idea of being away from Kane. The next day Kali and CJ did go back home. And when Kane came back a few days later for Judy and Taker's wedding, things were good. But it didn't last. Within a few days, Kane and Kali were once again fighting, with no end in sight. Not knowing what else to do, they separated.

Judy and Taker felt awful for their friends. Taker didn't understand how Kali could have changed so! She had become an absolute shrew! He pitied poor Kane!

"I feel sorry for Kali right now!" Judy said softly as she snuggled against her husband. His arm was around her holding her close. They had just made love.

Looking at her as though she had lost her mind,the big man blurted out in surprise "You feel sorry for KALI? WHY, for Gawd's Sake? It's KANE you should feel sorry for!" Just a hint of irritation had crept into his voice. WOMEN!!!! Always sticking together!

Laughing gently, she ran her hand over his massive chest! "Yes, KALI! Her hormones are all screwed up right now. She feels unattractive and unloved! Pregnancy messes up your whole psyche! She feels like crying about half the time! This is a rough time for her!" Her nails lightly scraped across his sensitive nipples, causing him to shiver slightly, as his body began to respond to her touch. "Sweetie, maybe you should try and explain this to Kane. Maybe he would be a little more understanding!" Her eyes had darkened with desire as she, too became aroused.

With a growl, Taker pulled her on top of him, and soon all thoughts of Kane and Kali were banished.


Two months later on a beautiful spring day, Kali and Kane's daughter was born. Kane was on the road at the time, but immediately flew home when Kali called him to tell him. Together they named her Sierra Sheyanne. "Angel, I'm sorry I wasn't here with you….I should have been here. You should not have had to do this by yourself." Kane said softly, as he searched her eyes, looking for any sign of love that may have still remained. Kane sighed with relief when he saw love shining brightly in her eyes. Taking her in his arms, he lowered his lips to hers in a kiss that was filled with every ounce of love that he had for her.

Afterwards, they talked, Kane telling her about the conversation he'd had with Taker.

"Judy told him that it was your hormones making you crazy most of the time." Kane hoped it was so.

Laughing softly, Kali realized it was true, wondering why she hadn't thought of that before! "Let's don't fight anymore! I love you with all my heart!" Then kissed him again. The soft misty look in her eyes, telling him better than her words ever could.

Time passed, and Kali and Kane had another child that next year! Eleven months later, actually! This time it was a boy. C.J. was beside himself, having not only a baby sister, but now a baby brother as well. One would have to question who was the most proud, the parents or the four year old.

Judy and Taker quietly celebrated their second anniversary at home. Suddenly she lifted startled eyes to her husbands beloved face.

"It's time!" She informs him in a choked voice. And before midnight was delivered of a baby girl.

Taker had passed out in the delivery room! He had insisted on being there, wanting to share in the birth of their child. Judy had called him everything but a child of God, by the time the 8 lb. 15 oz. little girl made her appearance. The nurses didn't know what to do when this giant of a man passed out when the doctor informed them the baby's head was visible.

One year later, while Judy was having #2, Taker sat in the waiting room! He'd had enough of the joys of child birth the first time, thank you very much!.

Kane and Kali eventually moved to Las Vegas when Kali was offered a job at one of the most exclusive Tattoo Shops there. They all remained close with even then. Thanksgiving was spent in Vegas, with Christmas celebrated in the Smokies! Both couples wanted their children to grow up knowing each other. Judy would take Kali's three during the summer months, then Kali would return the favor after the holidays.

One day, while dusting the living room, Judy's thoughts had been on Kali all day. Finally she decided to call her friend when she finished. Taker was due home just anytime now. The phone rang just as she passed it.

"Hello!" She said.

"Judy! Guess what?" Kali was bubbling over with excitement.

"Hey there! I was just thinking of you! What's up?" She asked, delighted to hear from her friend.

"Kane and I are going to have another baby!" Kali's obvious happiness brought a smile to Judy's lips. She was glad Kali had been able to put all the bad stuff behind her.

In happy times and difficult times. No matter what the situation, they all knew that if they ever needed any body they were always there for each other.

The End....