Judy called and cancelled all her appointments, apologizing for the inconvience, siting family illness as the reason. She put a sign in the window saying she had temporarily closed due to illness. Now, she was ready to go!
Standing next to her Jeep, Judy looked at her shop nestled there, with the mountains as a backdrop. It was a premium site! She would hate to sell it, but sell it , she might!
She had had enough! The strain had finally got too much for her. Taker had worked his magic only too well, and she had fallen hopelessly in love with him! She had given her heart to a scoundrel that couldn't make up his mind as to who and what exactly he wanted! Looking at her shop, at the mountains, maybe for the last time, Judy sighed, shook her head, then climbed into her Jeep. She had it loaded with her clothes and very little else. Her cabin was closed up, again, after making her decision to leave.
She was going to miss these mountains, she was going to miss Brian almost as much. He had tried his best to convince her to stay when she told him of her decision to leave. He had told her he loved her, and asked for a chance to prove it, but he didn't have to.
Judy knew Brian loved her, knew if given the opportunity would probably propose. But she didn't want that. Right now, all she wanted was to get away and let the hurt heal. Pulling on the interstate, Judy headed west. She hadn't a clue yet, where she would stop, where she would settle, but for now, she was headed west.
Taker called Judy's number, only to hear a recording saying the number had been permentantly disconnected. He tried the phone at her shop. It too, had been disconnected. For lack of knowing what else to do, Taker called Brian, hoping he would know where to find her.
"She's gone! She said she'd had enough and had to get away! Said she couldn't take the strain any longer!" Brian's voice was tight with anger at the man responsible. The muscle in his cheek twitched, indicating just how angry he was!
"Did she say where?" Taker was suddenly hit with the realization that Judy might be lost to him forever! He felt a hollowness where his heart should be.
"No! She didn't! Damn you, Taker, for causing all this!" Brian's voice was deceptively soft as he hung up the phone.
Cursing furiously, Taker ran a shaking hand through his hair, as he paced back and forth. Now what was he going to do! His personal life had definitely taken a downward spiral. Stopping in front of the phone, Taker once again called the detective that had found her before! Giving the man all the information he had, including a description of her Jeep, the man assured Taker that it wouldn't take long to find her. Once again, Taker hung up the phone, waiting!
Maybe what he should do, is just give her the time she wanted. Maybe he could win her love again! All he knew was that he couldn't bare the thought of never seeing her again.
Judy was nearly to Memphis when she'd had a change of heart. Her temper was rapidly surfacing. Turning off at exit 82, she pulled into a fast food restaurant to go to the bathroom, and get a cup of coffee. Staring out the window, she thought about the past few weeks! She had closed up a very lucrative business, had turned down not one, but two of the best looking and most talented wrestlers in the business today. One she loved and the other loved her, but her feelings for him only went as far friendship.
Feeling totally wretched, yet pissed off at the same time, she decided to spend the night, then getting an early start, go back home! She wasn't going to allow that man to dictate her life! This had been a half-assed idea at best! Brian was a good man, a little wild, but a good man. Taker, on the other hand, was the stuff dreams were made of! Passionate, incredibly sexy, loyal, but had to have things his own way. Pissed him off when things didn't go his way!
After checking in the motel right next door, Judy found her room, then took a hot shower, scrubbing her long, thick hair. After turning off the water, and squeezing the excess out of her hair, Judy wrapped a towel around her head and dried off. Walking naked to the other room, she sat down on the side of the big bed and dialed Brian's phone number.
"Hello!" his husky voice so much like Taker's.
"Brian, I'm coming back home! Running away isn't going to solve my problems and there's really no where I want to go. How are you?" She asked, leaning over to dry her hair.
"Better now! Judy why don't you come stay with me for a few days. I have a guest room and promise not to push you. At least that way, you can "stay hidden" so to speak, a little longer. Besides, I'll be going back out day after tomorrow, so you'll have the place to yourself!" Brian hoped she would accept his invitation.
"Thanks, love, I may do that very thing!" she thought about it, as she toweled her long hair.
"Where are you, anyway?" Brian asked, holding his breath waiting for her answer.
"I'm in Jackson! I checked in to the Fairfield Inn! I plan to leave out about 2:00 a.m. That way I'll miss most of the rush hour traffic in Knoxville. Any way, I wanted to call and let you know I was coming home! Brian, please don't tell Taker, I'm on my way home. Just in case he tries to call." She was tired from the long drive, and now that she had let him know she was coming back, all she wanted was sleep.
Laughing softly, he promised he'd keep her secret. A few minutes later, after hanging up with her, he call a friend asking if he would give him a ride to Jackson. Brian intended to drive her back, personally.
Judy combed the snarls out of her hair, braided it then crawled beneath the sheets naked. Reaching up, she turned off the lamp, and was asleep within minutes, exhausted to the very bone.
A couple of hours later, Brian walked in the office and asked for her room number! Within minutes, the big man was knocking on the motel room door of a lone woman, in the heart of the bible belt!
He listened as Judy stumbled to the door asking "Who is it?" Her
sleep-slurred words brought a smile to his lips.
After finding out it was Brian, she said "just a sec." Suddenly wide awake, she dug out a pair of sweats and a tee-shirt. She then, went over to open the door for her unexpected guest.
"Brian, what are you doing here?" She asked, confused by his sudden appearance.
"I didn't want you to have to make the drive back by yourself. May I come in?" He asked, trying hard not to grin at the surprise on her face!
"Sure thing!" She said, stepping back to allow him entry.
Brian entered the room, glancing about. It was a nice room as far as hotel rooms go. The king-sized bed took up most of the space. Sitting down in the chair next to the door, Brian watched as she closed the door, then sat down on the foot of the bed, facing him.
"Brian what are you doing here?" She asked, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
"I didn't want you to drive all the way back home alone with this
winter front coming through!" Brian gave her a smart-assed grin.
Snorting in disbelief, Judy studied him a minute, "You got a room?" She asked, knowing full well he didn't.
"Nope!" He answered, grinning hugely, eyes twinkling merrily.
Sighing, laughing softly at the hopeful look on his face, she took the extra pillow and hit him in the chest with it. "You can have the chair! Night Brian!" Judy got up and gave him a peck on the cheek, then walked around to the other side of the bed, crawling beneath the sheet, hiding a smile when she heard him groan.
"The Chair!!!! At least let me lay on top of the covers!" He begged good-naturedly.
Keeping her head turned away from him, she chuckled softly! Rolling over, she met his fantastic eyes. "Ok, you can sleep on top of the covers. But you stay on your side !" Judy watched as he grinned wolfishly, as he kicked off his boots, and removed his jacket, finally laying down on the bed. Folding his arms behind his head, he turned a devastating grin on her then said good night, as she turned out the lamp.
When the alarm clock went off at 2:00 a.m., she reached out shutting it off, then turning the lamp on. Coming awake slowly, the first thing she was aware of, was someone nuzzling her neck, of a huge body curved around her own, of a massive arm holding her close against that body.
Judy stiffened, as she looked over her shoulder to see "Who" was in bed with her! Eyes wide with surprise!
"Morning!" His husky murmur sent shivers down her spine!
Groaning softly, Judy scrambled out of the bed. "Brian! We can't do this!" She said softly, looking at this gorgeous hunk of masculinity in her bed, looking at her, desire in his eyes.
Brian had removed his clothes sometime during the night and crawled under the covers. Now, he was looking at her in such a way, as to make her sorry she had left the bed.
Propped up against the headboard, his hair laying over one huge
shoulder, the sheet just barely covering his hips, Brian looked
incredibly sexy, and Judy found herself walking back toward the bed.
Brian's eyes traveled lazily over her slight form as she came almost reluctantly back to the bed. He watched, filled with anticipation, as she slowly removed her clothing. When she was standing there naked, Brian folded the covers back for her.
She looked beautiful standing there, with one thick braid hanging over her shoulder, finally crawling beneath the sheets.
He stretched out beside her, facing her. "Judy, I love you! And I want you! That's no secret! But I'm not going to force you!" His soft husky voice, and those incredible eyes, mesmerized her! The longing in them quite obvious!
"Brian, I want this too! You're not forcing me to do anything!" Judy's soft, velvety voice sent ripples of desire racing along his nerve endings.
Her eyes nearly black with lust as she looked up, meeting his. Maybe the way to get over one man, was through the body of another! Tentatively, she reached up, pulling him to her! As his lips claimed hers, she knew that she did want this nearly as much as he! It was much later, before the couple finally left the room, once again heading east on the interstate.
Taker had finally heard from the detective. That man told him where she was, even to what motel and room number. In less than an hour, Taker was on a plane heading to Memphis, from there, he would drive.
He was just backing into a parking space when he saw her and Brian coming out of the room. They were laughing together, and from the tender way he tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear, Taker knew they had spent the night together!
He watched a few minutes longer, then dropping the truck in gear,
pulled out of the parking lot, heading back toward Memphis. Now he knew she was lost to him forever! Now he knew they had lied to him! A cold fury slowly grew, over-riding the concern and worry he had felt earlier. Turning the truck west on the interstate, Taker was soon headed to the airport. He wanted to put some distance between him and the couple just getting into the bright red Jeep.
Chapter Twenty-Six~~~Kaliegh
Kali had just gotten CJ to sleep when there was a knock on the door. Slowly opening the door, Kali was shocked to see Kane standing on the other side. Kane could see the surprised look in her wide eyes as she stepped back and allowed him into her apartment. What surprised her even more was when Kane immediately pulled her into his arms and lowered his mouth to hers in a gentle kiss. Kali pulled back slightly and looked into Kane's eyes. What she saw there told her more than any words could. Kane's eyes shone brightly with love and burned hotly with desire. Kane picked her up easily and carried her the short distance to her bedroom and laid her carefully down on the bed. Kane tenderly caressed her cheek as he covered her body with his and his mouth once again claimed hers. Kane's hands roamed freely over her well toned body while his mouth left a trail of hot passion all over her neck and shoulders. Breaking the contact between the two of them, Kane stood and pulled Kali to her feet. Slowly, he removed her clothes, and then his own. Kane's eyes took in every one of her beautiful features as he lowered her back onto the bed.
"I love you." Kane whispered as he gently eased himself into her. Then, kissing her deeply, he slowly began to move. It was only seconds before Kali called out his name as pleasure rushed through her body in one thunderous wave. It took all the strength that Kane possessed in his body to not let go, but to see her satisfied again and again. Finally Kane did let loose, his body exploding inside of hers. Then pulling her tight against him, the two of them fell into a deep sleep.
Kali awoke with a start. CJ lay beside her sleeping soundly. "Damn!" Kali thought to herself as she looked around the darkened room realizing that it had been nothing more than a dream. Kali laid her head back on the pillow with a sigh and had just dozed off again when there was a knock on her door.
Kali got up off of the couch that she and CJ had been sleeping on and went to the door. She opened it half expecting to see Kane on the other side and was disappointed to see Taker instead. "You ever heard of using a phone?" Kali asked him as she stepped back, allowing him inside.
"Kali, please…..I'm not in the mood to fight with you. I just want to see my son, and if possible, maybe we could have a civilized conversation for once." Taker said as he looked down at her with tired eyes. Kali handed CJ over to his father with a smile. Since he was here, she was going to take full advantage of his visit.
"Okey, he's been sleeping for a while now so he'll probably be waking up any time now. The first thing you'll need to do is change his diaper." Kali said as she walked over to the table and picked up a diaper and the box of wipes and handed then to Taker. Kali couldn't help but to hope that the diaper he'd be changing would be a good messy one.
The look of pure horror on Taker's face as Kali handed him the baby's diaper was priceless. Kali laughed softly as she wondered if he had ever changed a diaper before. "After that is all done, he'll be hungry so you'll need to feed him. There's a bottle made up in the fridge. Heat up in that pan of water on the stove until it's lukewarm. Test it first on the inside of your wrist to make sure it's not too hot. He'll also need to be burped after every ounce or so. Any questions?" A look of total bewilderment crossed over Taker's face and once again brought a smile from Kali when she saw this, and she knew if she didn't get out of there soon, she was going to bust out laughing at him. "If you need me, I'll be taking a bath. And if you feel the need to disturb me, you better make damn sure it's absolutely necessary before doing so." Kali couldn't wait for this small luxury that she had once taken for granted.
Kali had just gotten into the tub when Taker started pounding on the door. "Kali, you gotta get out here! I need your help!" The alarm in Taker's voice alerted her and Kali jumped out of the bathtub and threw her robe on without bothering to dry off. Walking quickly into the living room, Kali was relieved to see that everything was okey.
"Taker, what the hell!! I asked you not to disturb me unless you absolutely had to." The look of horror that Kali had seen on his face earlier had returned and Kali had a pretty good idea what his problem was.
"Um….there's something in his diaper…." Taker said quietly. "I'm not quite sure…" Taker stopped suddenly as Kali began to laugh so hard that tears came to her eyes.
"You mean to tell me that the big, bad Undertaker can't handle a little dirty diaper?" Kali said and began laughing all over again. "Alright, I'll walk ya through it this once." And she did exactly that. Finally Taker had CJ all cleaned up and was about to put the new diaper on him, when Taker made the mistake of leaning over his son to smile at him. What Taker got in return, he was not prepared for.
"Jesus, Kal! He just pissed on me!" Taker was positively horrified at this.
The expression on Taker's face started Kali to laughing again. "Oh, yeah….I forgot to tell you…..First you get the diaper on, then you smile at the baby, or that will happen! Don't worry though, you'll get the hang of all this eventually."
Taker stayed and visited with CJ and Kali for a few more hours, and changed four more diapers by time he left. Then having to go back on the road, he told Kali he'd be back in Reno in about a week, then he left for the airport.