The WWF was in town and as usual, the wrestlers were the main source of attention and conversation on the streets. Superstar sightings was all the clients talked about when they came in to her shop. As well as Kali liked the Undertaker, she had gotten tired of doing his demon. Taker had alot of fans in this city, and most of the men wanted demon tats like his, where as the female fans wanted his gothic cross or his incredible eyes tattooed.
Kali knew that sooner or later, Taker and the Godfather would pay her little shop a visit. When ever they were in town, they came by, and had for the last three years. Sometimes they both got tats, sometimes only one of them did. But they always came by.
Kali had met Taker quite by accident. On rare occassions, she made "housecalls" for special clients, and the night she met Taker, was one such occassion. Brian Lee was familiar with her work, had been to her shop a few times, as a matter of fact. He called her up asking if she could come by the hotel they were staying at, saying he didn't have time to come across town to her shop.
"Sure thing! What time?" She asked.
"How about tonight about 9:00? Will that be too late for you?" He asked politely.
"Not at all. I close up shop around 8:00, so that would be perfect. Do you know which one you want?" She asked.
"Yeah, I want the Harley logo!" He said with a laugh.
Laughing with him, Brian knew she had a love of bikes, as well as he did. "No problem! That's an easy one for me to do! I'll see you later then!" She said as she hung up.
That night, half way through the Harley tattoo, Taker entered Lee's room, and sat watching her work. Brian kept up a running commentary, praising her skill with the needle. Taker finally got up, examining her art.
"You do good work." He finally told her.
Blushing at his compliment, Kali dropped her eyes, as she thanked him for his kind words. She considered that high praise coming from the Undertaker. The man was known for his tattoo's. That was how she met him. Now everytime they came to town, he stopped by her shop.
That evening, bout an hour before closing, Taker, the Godfather, and Kane, all came into her shop. It was obvious they had been partying already. All three had been drinking, but Kane was pretty well drunk.
"Kali! Girl, how the hell are you?" The Godfather's deep voice boomed loudly as the three big men crowded into her little shop.
"I'm doing great! How about yourselves?" She asked pleasantly surprised by their unexpected arrival. She began laying out her needles and other things she would need.
Taker was looking around her shop, noting the changes since his last trip here.
"You have an assistant, now?" he asked, indicating the other work station.
"Hmmm? Oh, yes! She'll be back in a minute. She went next door to get some drinks. She's good, has an excellant eye for color and detail." Kali washed the ink from her hands as she told him about her assistant.
Just then, the little bell above the door jingled and four pairs of eyes turned to stare at the woman entering. Judy turned, then froze in her tracks, blushing to her hairline. Her eyes locked with those of Kane. She couldn't help but notice how red they were, as she hid the grin when she realized why.
"Sorry didn't realize we had customers." She said as she carried the drinks to the back room. Her eyes never left Kane's magnificent, albeit, slightly unsteady, body. When she returned, she brought her sterile needles with her.
Tonight, the Godfather was getting the tattoo. Taker and Kane were just along to keep him company. Glancing up at Kane, Judy asked if he wanted a tattoo as well.
"Yeah, sure, why not!" He said, words slurred slightly, leering at her, his expression almost comical. He lurched toward the table and sat down, all but falling off on the other side.
Taker and the Godfather thought that the funniest thing ever. Taker wiped away tears of mirth as Kali tried hard to keep a straight face. Normally, she made it her policy not to tattoo some one when that person was drunk, but these guys were regulars.
As Kane watched Judy set up the tray, his eyes got bigger and bigger as she laid out needle after needle.
"What .... what are you going to do with those?" His alarm growing steadly.
"Use them to do your tattoo!" She said calmly, watching his reaction.
"HUH! Oh, No!" He said, starting to get up. Suddenly, Kane's eyes rolled back in his head as he passed out, falling back on the table he'd been trying to get off of.
"Maybe I should have told you! He has a healthy fear of needles!" Taker said, when he finally stopped laughing long enough to talk.
"Well, I'll wait till he's sober! Then if he still wants one, I'll give it to him then." Judy calmly met Taker's emerald green eyes.
"Hey, give him one on the ass!..... MOM!" The Godfather was laughing so hard, Kali had to stop and lean back. Humor shone in her eyes, even though her face was completely serious otherwise.
Judy met her look and saw the barest of nods. Sighing in resignation, this went against everything Kali had taught her and what she belived in. "You'll have to take his pants down." She said to Taker.
"ALRIGHT! We're gonna stick his ass!" Taker's good humor was infectious. Judy bit her lip to keep from smiling. "Tell you what! He's a big boy, and I don't think you could hold his weight, what do you say, I hold him and you unzip his jeans!" His amusement was easily seen in his clear green eyes. The buzz he had going had worn off.
Blushing hotly again, she nervously reached for the zipper on Kane's jeans, while Taker held him on his side. Judy swallowed hard when she realized Kane wasn't wearing anything underneath. Taker glanced down, when he noticed her red face, and grinned wickedly when he realized the reason for it.
"We won't tell him!" He whispered rather loudly. But he took over, tugging the tight jeans down slightly, exposing part of Kane's tight ass! "This better be enough or you'll be doing it!" Taker said grinning broadly. Judy ducked her head, and got to work. Within thirty minutes, she was finished with the simple tattoo.
The next morning, Kane groaned in misery as he stumbled into the bathroom to relieve himself. Catching sight of his reflection in the big mirror, Kane was startled to see what appeared to be the word "MOM" on his ass. "What the..." he muttered as he stared at the black ink.
Judy looked up as the bell over the door jingled. She was greatly surprised to see Kane entering the exclusive shop.
"Hi!" she said softly, meeting his hazel eyes.
"Last night, did you give me a tattoo?" He asked huskily, gazing into the bluest eyes he'd ever seen.
"Yes, I did! While I usually don't tattoo customers that were in your condition, let me assure you that it's not permenant. It'll last about six weeks." She felt herself blushing again, remembering his tight, nearly- bare butt.
Kane relaxed visibly. Knowing he was going to be tattooed was one thing, but but seeing it reflected in a mirror after a night of drinking was another. He was glad to know it was only temporary. The big man studied the woman before him. She seemed like and honest, nice enough person. Finally, he made up his mind.
"Will you have dinner with me tonight?" He asked softly.
His invitation caught her by surprise. "What! Do you make it a habit of asking total strangers out to dinner?" She couldn't prevent the question from coming out.
"No! But I'd like to have dinner with you!" He was amused by her question.
"Then, yes! I would be honored!" She accepted, smiling with pleasure up at the big man.
"Good! I'll pick you up here around 8:00!" Kane said, as he turned to leave the shop.
Kali came in a short while later. Judy had decided she wasn't coming in after all. But Taker had called her on her cell phone and asked her to meet him for lunch at his hotel. When she arrived, expecting him to want some work done, she was pleasantly surprised to learn it was social not business.
"Kali, please come in. I'm glad you agreed to have lunch with me. Won't you make yourself to home." He held the door open as she entered his suite. His rooms were the nicest the hotel had to offer. They talked and ate lunch, and then talked some more. Before she knew it, the afternoon was nearly gone.
"I hadn't realized how late it is. Judy is gonna wonder what happened to me. I've enjoyed this. Next time is my treat." She smiled up at the big man. Taker had always been her favorite client, he held a special place in her heart.
The look that entered his beautiful green eyes, made her heart beat a little faster. Kali found it hard to breathe properly, and was unable to take her eyes from his. Stepping forward, he took her by the shoulders, pulling her to him. Bending down, Taker claimed her lips with his own. The kiss he gave her was gentle and full of promise. His lips moved suggestively over hers, seemingly to go on forever. When he finally stepped back breaking the contact, Kali found herself wanting.... Wanting more of this beautiful man. As she left his suite, she was all but floating.
"Judy, sorry I'm late! Anything going on?" Kali seemed distracted. Judy eyed her curiously, wondering what was up.
"No, not really! I have a date with Kane! He's picking me up here at 8:00." Judy said rather calmly. For all the excitement she showed, Judy may as well been talking about the weather.
"That's great! I'm sure you two will have a good time!" Kali's eyes and thoughts were clearly else where.
"What's on your mind Kali?" Judy asked her boss and best friend.
"I had lunch with Taker. And he kissed me!" She still couldn't believe it.
"You go girl! That man is something else! And if you ask me, that's just what the doctor ordered." Judy was happy for her friend. It had been a long time since Kali had been out with a man. A long time!! "So, when are you going to see him again?"
"I don't know. I told him the next time was my treat. Kali said softly, finally looking up at Judy.
"Well, there you go! Ask him over to your place for dinner. They leave tomorrow, and who knows when they will be back." Judy was encouraging her friend. Her eyes sparkled with excitement for Kali.
"Yeah! Why not? I've known him for a while! I could do this! I mean it's not like we're gonna do anything except have dinner!" Yet the thought of that big body brought a flush of desire to Kali's delicate cheeks.
"Well, I'm not gonna say that! If given the chance, I'm gonna jump the big guy's bones!" Judy said with a decidedly wicked gleam in her eyes! She couldn't get the image of his butt out of her mind! He did have the nicest ass she had ever seen!
Kali laughed out loud at her friend. She had seen the look in Judy's eyes lastnight, and knew she was attracted to the man. But to hear her say she intended to jump the man's bones, surprised the hell out of Kali. Judy just didn't do that! "Well, maybe we'llboth have a good time tonight!"
Chapter Two~~~Kaliegh
Kali's last appointment had been at 7:00 that evening and was only a piercing. Within 15 minutes, that customer was pierced and gone. By the time Kane arrived a few minutes before 8:00, Kali had that day's inventory and bookwork finished. It was a rare occasion when she was able to leave the shop right after closing. Usually she didn't get out of there before 10.00.
Taker arrived at her place at exactly 9:30. Kali had changed into a short black dress and she could see the approval in Taker's eyes.
"Taker, it's good to see you again. I'm glad you were able to make it on such short notice." Kali said as he bent and kissed her.
"I'm glad you asked me here. I haven't been able to get my mind off of you."
"I haven't been able to stop thinking about you either." Kali admitted, feeling the heat creeping into her face.
Their conversation was kept light and they touched on various subjects through out dinner and while they cleaned up the dishes. The talk turned serious as Kali fixed them each a drink afterward.
"Kali, can I ask you something?" Taker said as he followed her into the living room and sat down on the couch.
"Sure. You can ask me anything, but I won't promise that you'll get an answer." Kali knew what he was going to ask. Everyone she knew asked about it eventually.
"What happened to you? What I mean is, I've seen the scars on your wrists. What was so bad that you felt you had to do something like that?" Taker asked, care visible in his green eyes.
Kali took a deep breath as she stood and began to pace the floor. Although she had come to terms with her past, she still didn't like to think or talk about it. Besides she had other things on her mind than talking. "I'll tell you about it sometime, Taker, but please not tonight. I really don't want to talk about it tonight." Kali silently begged him to understand as she took his hand and led him to her bedroom.
Once there, Taker picked her up and gently laid her down on the big bed. Covering her body with his, he kissed her very slowly....very softly. His lips traveled across her jaw, then down her neck and shoulders. Kali's arms went around his huge body, her hands running down his back and feeling the muscles beneath his shirt. She slowly pulled his shirt out from his jeans and slipped her hands underneath. The feel of his bare flesh brought a gasp of desire to her lips.
Taker kissed her deeply and then stopped. He pulled back slightly, looking into her eyes. "Kali, you're trembling. Are you okey?"
"I'm fine. Just a little nervous, I guess." Kali answered, meeting his eyes.
"Nervous? Why?" Confusion could clearly be seen on his face.
"Well,'ve never...." Kali searched for the right words to use, not quite knowing how to tell him that she was a virgin.
Taker immediately understood what she was trying to say. "Kali, I didn't know. I'm sorry. If I had known I....." Taker was surprised to say the least and now he was the one who was speechless.
"No, that's alright. This is what I want. You are the one I want." Kali said quietly as she slid off of the bed. Taker watched as she slowly removed her clothing. Then stepping up to him, Kali began to remove his clothes as well.
Taking her in his arms again. Taker's mouth found hers in a gentle kiss that quickly became more intense as both of their bodies were filled with passion. More than once they fulfilled each other's desires before finally falling into deep, content sleep.
Chapter Three~~~Judy
They had enjoyed their dinner, and neither one was ready for the evening to end. As Kane walked her to her door, their light easy banter felt good to both of them. As she put the key in the lock, Judy asked if he would like to come in for some coffee.
"Sure, that would be good." Kane said while searching her eyes.
Judy smiled then unlocked the door. "Make yourself at home! I'll be just a minute." She said after closing the door behind them.
Her small three room apartment was neat as a pin. Going into the kitchen, Judy started a pot of coffee, then re-joined Kane in the living room. The big guy had turned on the radio, then went to look out the window. When he heard her approach, he turned around, watching as she sat down on the sofa. Kane walked over and sat down beside her. Turning slightly, he rested his arm on the back of the sofa, just behind her.
"I'd like to see you again!" He said, as he traced the delicate line of her jaw. His eyes were darkening as his desire for her grew.
Judy couldn't breathe properly as he touched her. She was surrounded by him. His nearness was intoxicating. Her heart was racing. She had a good time at dinner, had enjoyed his company. But this, she was enjoying even more. This closeness! This contact! She felt like she was in high school, making out on her parents couch.
The tension between them, even felt good! It had an expectant feel to it! Almost like Christmas morning! With that thought, she couldn't prevent the grin that curved her soft lips. She looked down at his hand holding hers, almost but not quite, hiding the small smile.
"What?" Kane asked, a hint of a smile touching those gorgeous lips of his.
"Oh! I was just thinking how this feels like Christmas!" She said quietly, glancing over at the big man.
Kane was mesmerized by her blue eyes. Leaning forward slightly, he covered her soft lips with his own. Her lips parted slightly and responded of their own accord. The kiss started out gentle and soft, but rapidly became more demanding, more passionate. His lips eventually left hers, and left a flaming trail along her jaw line.
His right hand, that had been resting on the back of the couch, moved to her shoulder, pulling her closer to him. Judy's free hand went up behind Kane's head, pulling him closer still. She ran her hand over his massive shoulder. Turning slightly toward him, her mouth locked on to his ear lobe, nibbling gently, then with the tip of her tongue, traced the curves and creases of his ear.
With a moan, Kane laid her down on the sofa, covering her body with his own. Lifting his head so he could look into her eyes, the big man read both desire and acceptance there.
"You sure bout this?" He asked softly while leaning forward to nuzzle her neck.
"YES!!!!! OH, GAWD, YES!!!!!" Suddenly her eyes got wide as she pushed against him. "But not here!"
Kane met her eyes, confused by her reply. Wiggling away from him, Judy stood up and reaching out, took his hand, leading him down the short hallway to her bedroom. Once there, she turned down the covers, and began removing her clothes. Kane's hazel eyes darkened even more as he watched her..... The sun just had begun to lighten the pre-dawn sky, when an exhausted Kane finally left her apartment.