The Memory Remains....

"Kali, I've gotta go. That was Kane on the phone. He didn't say what, but something has happened." Taker quickly looked in on Amanda who was down for a nap, then hugged and kissed Kali and was out the door.

Taker pulled up in front of Judy's building just as the ambulance was leaving for the hospital. Seconds later, Kane walked the door with the same detective who had helped out with Jack.

"Kane, what the hell has happened now?" Taker asked as he rushed towards the two men.

"I'm not sure....Seems that some one has broken into Judy's apartment. The place has been demolished and Judy was beaten within an inch of her life. I was just telling the detective that when I arrived here, there was a man leaving....he seemed agitated....seemed nervous, on edge. A few short of a six pack, I guess you could say." Kane explained as the walked towards the car. "Taker, I know you have to go back on the road tomorrow so if you want to go back to Kali and Amanda, I'll certainly understand."

"Well, I'm sure Kali will want to see Judy, I know she was worried. I think what I'll do is go back and let her know what has happened. I also want to call the boss and see if I can get an extra day or two. Then we'll be at the hospital."

"Thanks, brother. I appreciate it. I'm going to go to the hospital now and see about Judy." Kane talked to the detective a bit more, once again giving him the description of the man and the car he was driving.

Taker called Mr. McMahon while he drove back to Kali's apartment and was granted one more day, but would have to work five weeks straight rather than four to make up for the extra day off. Taker cussed his boss as he hung up the phone and turned into the parking lot of the apartment building.

Kali had layed down for a short nap when Taker left, but was still awake when he came back. "Kali! Where are you?" Taker yelled as he went from room to room looking for her. Kali quickly jumped up and opened the door to her room to let Taker know where she was. Taker saw her and walked down the short hallway and into the room.

"Taker, what happened? Is Kane alright?" Kali asked as she covered Amanda with a light blanket and then led Taker into the living room so they could talk.

"Kane is fine, but I'm not so sure if Judy will be." Kali sat down on the couch while Taker went into the kitchen and got a bottle of water from the refrigerator. After taking a long drink, he continued. "It looks like an attempted robbery or something. Kane said that Judy's apartment was in ruins and she was badly beaten. He said she was barely alive when he found her. She's been taken to the hospital now and although her condition has been stabalized, the next twenty-four hours will be touchy."

"Man, that's awful! First she got tangled up with Jack and now this. Has anyone been arrested or are there any suspects?"

"Well, Kane said there was a man coming out of the building when he arrived there. Said he got a good look at the man and his car and has passed that information on to the authorities." Taker said as he sat next to Kali and took her hand into his. Kali sucked in a sharp breath at the electricity that passed through his fingers to hers. Taker watched as her eyes clouded over and closed as another time, another place invaded her mind. She saw Taker down on one knee, her hand in his. "Kali, I love you with everything I am and nothing would make me more happy than to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" Taker asked as he slipped a ring on her finger. Kali opened her eyes as the memory faded and her mind returned back to the present.

"Another memory?" Taker asked when she lifted her eyes to his.

"Yes....It was the night you asked me to marry you." Kali answered, her voice trembled slightly.

Taker nodded as he too recalled that night. "That was a very special night, Kal. Do you remember what else happened that night?" Taker gently touched her cheek as he said this. Before Kali could answer, Taker looked over her shoulder and said, "That is what also happened that night." Taker smiled as he motioned to their daughter who was up from her nap.

"Daddy!" Amanda squealed as she jumped into his lap, her face lit up like Christmas.

"Did my little angel have a good nap?" He asked the child.

"I did, daddy! And Momma take a nap with me too!" Amanda exclaimed as she crawled over to her mother's lap. "Momma, where's Kane?"

"Kane went to see his friend Judy. She's not feeling too well today and Kane wanted to be with her. But we're going to go see Kane in a little bit. How's that sound?"

"Sound good! Can daddy go too?"

Kali smiled down at the little girl. "Of course your daddy can go with us."


An hour later the three of them arrived at the hospital. Kali stayed in the waiting room with Amanda while Taker went in to talk with Kane. A short time later he came back to stay with his daughter so Kali could go in to see Kane and Judy.

Kali walked slowly into the hospital room and looked at the woman laying motionless on the bed. But it wasn't Judy she saw there. It was Tasha...her sister, who only a few days ago had been beaten much like this woman, but Tasha had also been killed. Kane looked on as Kali staggered , her eyes rolled back into her head, and then her whole body went limp. Quick as a cat, Kane lunged towards her and barely caught her before her head bounced off the hard tile floor. Kane carefully picked her up and set her down in one of the chairs.

"You okey, Kal?" he asked as her eyes slowly opened.

Kali shook her head slightly, trying to clear the visions of Tasha that still lingered there. "I'm sorry, Kane. I thought I'd be able to handle this but I guess what happened to Tasha is still too fresh in my mind."

"Don't worry about it." Kane said as he helped her to her feet. "Let me help you out to Taker and then I think you should go home and get some rest."

"I think maybe you're right. Will you be home tonight?"

"Well, I thought about staying here tonight so if Judy wakes up, I'll be here. But I'll call a bit later on to let you know for sure." Kane said as he and Kali walked to where Taker and Amanda were waiting.

When Amanda saw Kane she crawled off her father's lap, ran to Kane and jumped into his arms. "Kane! I miss you! You come home now?"

"Hey sweetie! How's my girl?" Kane asked as she put a hand on each side of his face and studied him.

"Momma, him look like me and daddy!" Amanda stated after a few minutes of observation.

"Kane is my bother, Manda. That is why he looks so much like you and I. And since he is my brother, that makes him your uncle." Amanda's eyes grew large with fear when she heard the word "uncle" and Taker realized that the only uncle she knew before now had been Jack. "Oh, no sweetie! Kane isn't like your uncle Jack was. You know that. He's your nice uncle." Amanda immediately relaxed again when she heard these words from her father. Seeing this, Taker went over to Kali who looked like she had seen a ghost.

You okey, Kali? You weren't in with Judy very long." Taker asked her, concern evident in his green eyes.

Kali hung her head, embarrassed that she had fainted. "The memories of what happened to Tasha were a little too much for me too handle. I have to go home, but if you want to stay here with Kane, Amanda and I can take a taxi home."

"Are you sure, Kal? Taker asked as he lifted her chin and looked into her eyes.

"Of course...besides visiting hours are over at 9:00, which is only about an hour and a half from now. I'm pretty sure I can survive for that time with out you." Kali replied, smiling slightly.

Taker bent and kissed Kali, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close. "I'll see you in a little while. You're sure this is okey?"

"Yes, Kane needs some one here with him. And as far you seeing me later....I'll be waiting." Kali said softly and then went over to Kane to collect Amanda and tell him good-bye.


Two hours later, Amanda had a bath and was sound asleep. Kali had also taken a bath and had just sat down on the couch with a book when Taker came through the door. He walked towards her with purpose, took the book from her hand, and tossed it across the room. Taker pulled Kali up to him and kissed her so intensely that her knees went weak and butterflies fluttered around in her stomach. Kali moaned softly as her arms went around his massive body and she returned his kiss.

"Did you miss me, love?" Taker asked, his voice was husky with desire.

"Mmmm...Does it show that much?"

"Kane is staying at the hospital tonight....." Taker whispered, his mouth traveling down her neck and shoulders.

"Good....Amanda is down for the night...." Kali was breathless from his touch and was barely able to speak. She was still amazed at how right he felt to her. Any reservations she had about this man a week ago, were almost gone now. The way Amanda took to him was the first thing to convince her, and the frequent memories of their past life also helped her believe.

Taker picked her up easily and headed the short distance down the hallway to her room. Soon, they had each other undressed and were in bed. Before long, Kali's back arched, her whole body bent backwards as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her. She collapsed on Taker's chest, exhausted, as he held her close to him and exploded deep inside her.

"Good Lord, woman...." Taker said once he was able to speak again. Kali felt him beginning to grow inside her and knew round two would be under way soon. It was shortly before dawn when sleep finally claimed them.

Once again Amanda was the first one up in the morning....Only about three hours after Taker and Kali had finally fallen asleep. She woke her parents much the same way she had the previous morning. After having breakfast and the dishes were cleaned up, Amanda went into the living room to watch cartoons while Taker and Kali stayed in the kitchen to have coffee.

"How was Judy doing when you left the hospital last night?"

"She seemed to be doing alright...Still unconscious though. Kane doesn't think the hit on her was just a random act of violence, like the detective thinks. Kane said nothing of value was missing from her apartment, and usually in random crimes, the victim is sexually assaulted...Judy wasn't. Kane solidly believes that this was a well calculated plan from the beginning.

"But who? Who would want to do such a thing. Judy had no enemies" Kali was stunned my this recent turn of events.

"Well, Kane said that Judy mentioned an ex-husband once. He thinks that is who he saw coming out of the building. Kane is frustrated because the police won't listen to his beliefs....they won't check into her background to possibly find out about her ex-husband."

"It almost seems like the police don't want to find out who hurt Judy. If only she were awake...she could tell us." Kali got up to check on Amanda and to refill Taker's cup. Just then Kane walked through the door. He looked exhausted to say the least.

"Hey Kane, how's Judy doing?" Kali asked as he picked up his niece, hugged her and then set her back down in front of the cartoons that she cared more about at that particular moment.

"About the same, but a bit more responsive this morning though."

"That's great! Can I get you some breakfast...some coffee?" Kali asked as they walked into the kitchen.

"Just a cup of coffee will do. I really just need to have a shower and some sleep." Kane accepted the cup from Kali and then sat down across from Taker at the table. "I'm tellin' ya'll, if those cops don't get their heads out of their asses pretty soon, I'm taking matters into my own hands...."


Something about this case nagged at him. It was too much like the last one. And if he didn't know better, he'd say these two attacks were committed by the same perpetrator. Detective Russell Wright drove back over to the nurse's apartment. Something was off here! Pulling in to the parking space in front of her apartment, he got out of the car and studied the apartment critically. All the windows were closed. Yet the windows of all the other apartments were open! Something else caught his eye! Stepping through the bushes, in the gathering gloom of early evening, something about the telephone wires just didn't look right. Getting closer, he saw they had been cut.

Taking a sip from her cup, her thoughts were on Kane and Judy. What was the outcome of that, going to be?

"What are you thinking about, Babe?" Taker asked, knowing full well what was on her mind.

With a heartfelt sigh, she sat her cup down, and started to answer him, when the phone rang. Getting up to answer it, Kane's door flew open, he was expecting it to be the hospital. Kali glanced at him, then picked up the phone."Hello!" she said, then listened to the voice on the other end. "Yes! He's right here! Just a minute!" Then motioned for Kane.

"It's the detective. He wants to talk to you!" She told Kane as he reached for the phone, then Kali sat back down beside Taker. Kane spoke to the detective for a few minutes, then hung up. He all but ran back to his room, returning a few minutes ater completely dressed.

"What's up?" Taker asked, watching his brother searching for the keys.

"They ran a background check and have information on her ex-husband. They want me to come down and look at some pictures to see if I can identify the man I saw leaving her apartment." Kane was anxious to say the least.

Taker got up, told Kane to wait a minute, that he would go with him. "You are in no shape to drive." Then disappeared in the back, returning a minute later, completely dressed as well. Then, the two men left the apartment, heading for the police department.

Kane identified the man he saw, as Judy's ex-husband. Turned out he had a record."This guy is real bad news! He was arrested and served two years for assault and battery. He nearly beat a man to death in a bar room brawl. Then three years after getting out, he met and married Judy. He was extremely abusive to her during the few years they were married, then she divorced him, filed a restraining order, and moved out here. The only person to know where she relocated to, was her attorney. And that gentleman was found dead last week, in his office, which had been torn up as well. His sectretary, said the only file missing was Judy's, so the prime suspect in his death, is Judy's husband. So he's wanted not only in connection with her beating, but that lawyer's murder as well." The detective informed the two men. "It looks like he's our man."

Kane was glad to hear it! "So! When do you pick him up?"

"As soon as we find him. We know he's here, but we just don't know where.

Kali had put Amanda down for her nap, just as Taker entered the apartment. She had been on pins and needles since the men left. "What happened? What did he have to say?" She asked anxiously, waiting for him to tell her something.

He sat down on the sofa, pulling her down in his lap. Holding her close to him, Taker didn't EVER want to let her go! "Well, they know who did this to Judy. It was her ex-husband. He's wanted for murder in the state where she came from. Kali, I have to go back on the road tomorrow. But I don't want to leave you and Amanda here alone. I'd feel better if you two went with me. I guess what I'm saying is, will you marry me?" He finished softly.

Kali pulled back slightly to look at him, trying to determine if he was being serious. Tears filled her eyes, touching his cheek tenderly, she said yes. "Nothing would make me happier! Let's do it!"

Taker could only hug and kiss her. "When? And where?" Was all he could ask.

Laughing through her tears, she said "Well, we ARE in Los Vegas! How about this evening at one of the wedding chapels?"

"Woman, you have made me the happiest man alive!" Taker got up and spun her around the room. "If possible, I want Kane there! But only if he can leave Judy." He said.

"I'd like that as well!" She said softly tears still falling.

"Let's call him!" Taker was anxious to inform his brother of the good news. He called him on the cell phone. "Guess what? Kali has consented to be my wife! We're getting married this evening at a wedding chapel. We would like you to be there, if you can."

"Congratulations! I'm very happy for you two! I'd like to be there! But it depends on how Judy is." Kane said, happy for his brother.

"How is she? Any improvement?" Taker felt for Kane. He knew Kane cared for the woman.

"She still hasn't woke up, but the doctor says she Is better." Kane said tiredly.

"Well, we'll talk later!" Taker said before hanging up.

Kane hung up the phone, and looked back at Judy, laying still. As he watched her, she began stirring. Gradually, she turned over on her left side, facing him. Slowly, her eyes fluttered open. She blinked a few times, to clear her vision. Kane held his breath, tensed, waiting for her to recognize him, to acknowledge his presense, to be aware of her surroundings. Taking her free hand in his, he spoke softly to her. "You're back with me... bout time too! How do you feel?" His eyes studying her intently.

Finally able to focus, she looked at him with eyes filled with pain. When she realized her Kane was there, she managed a weak smile.

"Like I got run over by a semi! But seeing you makes it better." Her voice was dry and raspy.

"Do you want a drink?" He asked, wanting to make her as comfortable as possible.

"Yes, I could use one!" She swallowed with difficulty. "My throat's dry!"

Kane held the glass and straw as she sipped thirstily at the ice water. He could hear the dry click of her throat as she drank. Finally, she pulled away slightly.

"Thank you! I needed that! How long have I been here?" She asked somewhat weakly.

"You were brought in yesterday! I got there just as your ex-husband was leaving your building! Then I came in and saw your apartment trashed. I panicked when I found you. I called the police, and the ambulance." Kane explained softly. At the mention of her ex-husband, fear entered her eyes. Her lips trembled, her whole body shook uncontrollably. She was obviously terrified.

"Judy, he can't touch you here. I won't let him near you! The police are looking for him now. You are safe. I give you my word on it! I won't leave you until you are well enough to leave the hospital. And you will be with me even then!" He said with conviction! His eyes warm with feeling for this woman.

"You ... You don't know what he's like! He's Vicious! He's Sadistic! He takes pleasure in causing other's pain!" Her fear of the man was obvious, as her aggitation grew. Kane sat down beside her, offering what comfort he could. Deciding to try and change the subject, he told her about Kali and Taker getting married this evening.

"I'm glad! What little I know about them, they seem well suited for each other." She seemed somewhat distracted.

A nurse came in, and seeing her patient awake and talking with the big man that had not left her bedside, she smiled, checked her vitals, then notified Judy's doctor. Detective Wright happened to stop by about then, with the good news that Jason had been captured and was already on his way to Tennessee. Judy was greatly relieved to hear that.

Judy spent three more days in the hospital. Kane attended Kali and Taker's wedding that evening, then went back to the hospital. Taker would be leaving at 6:00 a.m. taking Kali and Amanda with him. Mr. McMahon had suspended Kane for 30 days for missing three very important shows. But that was ok too. The doctor had agreed she could go home provided someone would be with her for a few days more. Kane had assured him that he wasn't going anywhere.

"For as long as she will let me stay." He said with a grin. The doctor laughed and took care of the necessary paperwork for her release.


Taker and his family arrived in Dallas around 2:30 that afternoon. He had a match against the Big Boss Man, that night. Taker didn't like the matches against him. His punches for the most part, were legit. and Taker had the bruises to prove it.

This would be the first show Amanda would see, and to be honest, the man was a little nervous about it. He thought maybe he better explain what he did for a living, before his little girl saw it and thought it was real.

"Kali, we need to explain all this to her before the show." He said softly, eyeing his daughter.

"I think that might be a good idea." Kali replied as they made their way through the crowded airport.

After checking into the hotel, they had intended to sit down with Amanda and explain Taker's profession to her so she wouldn't be alarmed by tonight's show. But she had other plans.... She fell asleep! Her naps usually lasted 30 minutes to an hour, but this time, she had to be awakened to get ready for the show. They had no time to talk to her.

Kali stayed in Taker's dressing room rather than sit at ringside. She would have felt better if they'd had a chance to talk. While Taker got ready for the show, Kali and Amanda watched the matches, and as expected, she got scared.

"Oh momma! Those bad men! They fighting momma! They bad men! Me scared momma!" With huge, terrified eyes, she hid her little face against her mother's leg.

"Honey those men aren't really hurting each other. This is what I do for a living. Do you understand what that means? Your mother is a tattoo artist, and I'm a wrestler. We go into the ring and pretend to hit each other." Taker tried his best to explain his job to the little girl sitting on his lap, scared to death. "Do you want to meet the man I'm going to wrestle?" He asked softly. At her uncertain nod, Taker grinned and went to the door carrying her with him.

Walking down the hallway, the big man went in search of the Big Boss Man. He found him in the dressing room assigned to him.

"Ray, I'd like you to meet someone very special to me. This is my little girl, Amanda. Honey, this is the man I'm going to wrestle." Taker said, as Ray Traylor let them in.

Ray smiled and shook hands with Taker, then turned his attention to the little red-head in Taker's arms.

"I have a little girl not much older than you!" He talked to her, charming her till she let him take her from her daddy! "She's never seen a match before and what she's seen so far scared her!" Taker explained.

"Honey, I'm not going to hurt your daddy and he's not going to hurt me. This is what we do!" Ray's voice was soft and re-assuring. "Tell you what! I'll show you my mean face so when you see me do it later, you won't be afraid, ok?" He said.

"You have a mean face?" She asked in her sweet childish voice.

The big man laughed, then frowned, showing her his game face! Telling her a minute later that he would be doing it a lot. "Your daddy has a mean face as well! Show her your mean face, Taker!"

Taker laughed, then snarled and rolled his eyes back.

"OOOH daddy! That's scary!" She said, eyes huge.

The two men laughed, shook hands again, as Taker and Amanda went back to his dressing room.

"Momma, guess what? Me not scared any more!" Amanda smiled happily, her huge eyes shining brightly.


Kane and Judy spent a quiet few days at her apartment, letting her regain her strength. They sat together, snuggling, on the sofa, watching Raw that night.

Kane had hired a professional cleaning crew to straighten her apartment. After they finished, it looked better than ever. He took her home the next morning.

"I've been a wrestling fan forever!" She told him during a commercial.

"It was really nice of you to have my apartment cleaned. You didn't have to!" She replied softly.

"Babe, it was my pleasure! As soon as you feel better, we'll go to some of the shows!" Kane caressed her arm.

"I'd like that!" She said, looking up at him. Her eyes soft and misty.

Kane had developed a soft spot for this woman! He found himself wanting to please her any way he could! Pulling her to him, he kissed her gently. "Anything you want!"

The days passed slowly, lazily, peacefully! They slept late, took long walks, and talked. They went out to dinner occasionally, but mostly stayed home. They were becoming very good friends, and it felt good to her.

"Have you ever been married?" She asked him.

"No! Never wanted to be, until now." He hadn't meant to say it but it came out anyway.

Judy didn't say anything, but got up and went into the kitchen, starting a pot of coffee.

"Kane, we need to talk." She said, as she handed him a cup. Her tone had been rather serious, while she thought about what she wanted to say.

Kane had a feeling he knew what she was going to say, and was saddened by it.

"I think the world of you, even love you, in my own way! But I don't want this relationship to get serious. I'm not ready for that! I may never be! But I care for you a great deal." She met his eyes honestly. "Please don't leave! Stay with me! Just because I don't want this to get serious, doesn't mean I want you to go!!!" She said softly leaning against the door frame, arms crossed.

"I CAN'T STAY!!!!!!!! DAMMIT!!!!!! I love you! It's tearing me apart to leave you! When I found you here, I nearly died! All I could think of, was getting my hands on the bastard that beat you like that! But I can't stay with you and NOT love you! I can't do that! I'm not strong enough!" Kane said as he closed his bag.

They both had tears in their eyes as they kissed for maybe the last time. He hugged her tightly, then hurriedly left, refusing to look back.

Book Five of The Memory Remains