The Memory Remains....

Tasha was afraid of what her husband was going to do and what he was going to say! He was most assuredly going to be angry and would be blaming her for Kali's leaving. She had two days to try and convince Kali to come back home before Jack got back from his business trip.

Oh, what was she to do? Wringing her hands in frustration, Tasha paced around the kitchen like a caged animal. She didn't understand why Jack refused to talk to Kali about that night, or about Amanda's father. Or why he forbid her to talk to Kali about it.

Tasha had made the mistake of questioning him about it, just before Kali and Amanda had come to stay with them. Jack had gone through the roof! She had never seen him so angry. He had backhanded her, knocking her across the coffee table. The inside of her lip had required three stitches and she had a black eye for days afterwards. She never questioned him again. That had been the second time Jack had been abusive to her. The first time had been right after the wreck that very nearly killed Kali, Amanda and that man.

Taker and Kaliegh carried her stuff into her small two bedroom apartment. Luckily it was furnished, and not too badly, at that. After putting her stuff in the bedroom, Kali glanced about the room, then burst into tears.

Taker pulled her against his strong, hard body, giving her what comfort he could. He murmured soft words to her, till her sobs lessened. When her arms went around him, his breath caught. Without realizing he was doing it, his lips sought out hers, soft and yielding.

The familiarity of his mouth against hers, shocked her. Another time and another place came to mind. She was pregnant with Amanda. A man, this man, came in and kissed her. Then very gently rubbed her belly. They laughed together as the child within her, started kicking and moving around. The look of wonder... the look of love in his eyes as he looked deep into her own, came back in a rush. Yes! They had been in love! They did have a life together, back then. But why would her brother-in-law interfere? And could they have a life together now? Kali pulled away. She was shaken by the memory of that day! She was confused by all this.

"Kal, I want us to be together as a family. I can support you and Amanda, giving you anything your hearts desire. Please, let us become the family we were going to be before the accident separated us! I guess what I'm trying to say is, Kali, will you marry me?" He asked.

She spun around, looking at this gorgeous man in front of her. This man that was her child's father. Her eyes searched his, trying to decide if he was serious or playing some kind of cruel game with her. What she saw was love and understanding.

"I don't know! I'm confused and don't know what to think! What memories I have of us are sketchy at best. Please, I mean no harm by what I'm about to say, but I need to get to know you again! Especially before making that kind of commitment. Please try to understand how hard this is on me!" Silently begging him.

He studied her thinking about her words, thinking about the last few days. Finally, he nodded. "Fair enough! But do this! Come with me for he next week. I'll pay all your expenses then at the end of the week,.... well, we'll talk about this again. If you want to come back here at that time, then ok. But I warn you, I won't give up, now that I've found you."

"One thing! I'll want separate rooms. No sharing one! Amanda is confused enough already. I don't want to add to that any more than I have to." She said.

"Good enough! We leave in the morning. Will you come back to the hotel and stay tonight?" He asked. Kali agreed.

Jack came home earlier than expected, having finished his business early. He was looking forward to getting home and seeing his women! Tasha was behaving herself, for a change. Actually keeping the house clean, and not pestering him about his drinking and occasional drug use.

Pulling into the driveway, Jack wondered where Kali was. Her car wasn't here, but Tasha's was. Getting out of the car, he grabbed his bag out of the backseat, then headed for the house.

"Anybody home!" He called out, closing the door behind him. Tasha tensed at the sound of his voice.

Leaving the laundry room, where she had been doing the wash, she dreaded the confrontation about to take place. "Jack, you're home early!" She said pleasantly.

"So! Where's Kali? I didn't see her car. Is she at work?" He asked, annoyed with Tasha's snivelling.

Tasha noticed the tick near his left eye, and the twitch at the corner of his mouth. This wasn't going to be pleasant or easy. He was already in a bad mood."Jack, I.. I don't know where she is!" She began nervously.

"What! What the hell do you mean, you don't know where she is!" Jack yelled loud enough for the neighbors to hear.

"Well, she started asking about Amanda's father again, and..." That was all she got to say. Jack backhanded her so hard, blood gushed from both her nose and her mouth. Her eye swelled shut by the time she hit the wall on the other side of the room. She rebounded off the wall and collapsed on the floor.

Jack grabbed her up by the hair, hauling her to her feet. He punched her in the stomach, in the face, then twisted her arm behind he back until he heard the bone snap. Tasha fainted from the black pain of this latest attack.

Kali stopped by the tattoo shop to tell her boss that she was taking the week off. He said that was ok since it was kind of slow anyway. As she turned to leave, he stopped her.

"Oh that brother-in-law of yours called and left a message in case you came by. Said your sister was in Intensive Care. Evidently, she was attacked this afternoon, at home.

Kali turned deathly pale. "Thanks!" then flew out the door. Taker was sitting behind the wheel of her car. She burst into tears as soon as she got in.

"What's happened?" He asked, turning to face her.

"It's Tasha. She's in the hospital. Jack left the message here in case I came in." She said through her tears.

"We'll be there in minutes." Taker said, pulling away from the curb. He was as good as his word.

Tasha's head was covered in bandages, as well as the entire right side of her face. She had suffered a severe concussion, as well as a broken nose. Kali was in tears as she stood by her bedside, holding her hand. Taker stayed back, his eyes not leaving the face of the man to blame for ruining all their lives. Anger, hard and cold, grew within him, as he studied the man on the opposite side of the bed from Kali. He knew instinctively, that Jack was responsible for the condition of the woman laying in this hospital bed.


Kali could not leave and Taker could not stay. The two men had discussed it, and Kane had agreed to stay with Kali and Amanda, until they could re-join Taker.

Taker was torn between what he wanted to do and what he HAD to do. So Kane was the logical choice.

"Kane is staying here with you. I want him to and he wants to do it." Taker told her.

She was distracted, worried about her sister, yet she knew this man, who was a stranger to her just one week ago, was doing his best to protect her and Amanda.

"I understand! Kane is more than welcome to sleep in the spare bedroom. I'd be more than happy for his company." She said, worry for her sister showing in her eyes.

Taker was relived she had agreed so readily. That eased his mind considerably. She would at least have a body guard of sorts.

"I have to leave, or I would be here at your side." Taker groaned.

"No! you go on! I know you have an important match coming up. We'll be ok!" Kaliegh said calmly, trying to reassure the big man.

She drove him to the airport. Kane stayed at her apartment with Amanda. They talked quietly while he waited for his flight to be called.

Kali went to the hospital during visiting hours. Jack didn't show up, which was just as well, since Kali didn't care to see him. Like Taker, she suspected he was responsible for Tasha being here.

Kane waited outside in the waiting room, with Amanda, entertaining the little girl, keeping his eye out for Jack. Finally, Kali was seen coming through the doors. A nurse stopped her, before she could come through them. Kane watched as the two women stood there talking. He noticed a confused look cover Kaliegh's face, then dissolve slowly, as a smile replaced it. She looked in Kane's direction, then turned back to speak to the nurse, once again, smiling slightly!

As she walked toward Kane, Kali could not help the grin that came to her lips. The big man was curious as to what was said that brought the smile to Kali's lips. But she wasn't saying.

Kali grinned all the way back to the apartment. Kane drove, but kept sneaking glances in her direction every now and then. Finally, after arriving back at her apartment, he could stand it no longer.

"What are you grinning about? What did that nurse say? Is your sister improving?" He asked, his head cocked to one side.

Kali actually seemed happy for the first time since all this happened. "Yes, as a matter of fact, she IS some better. But the nurse was asking about you! She wanted to know if you and I were related!"

The surprise on Kane's face caused her to burst out laughing! "Why would she ask that?" He was completely dumbfounded.

Kali laughed heartily at this statement. "Kane, you are a very attractive man! With your hazel eye, reddish-brown hair, not to mention your size, she finds you sexy!" She said, amused by the big man's amazement.

Kane was actually embarrassed! Kali was still chuckling softly as she put Amanda to bed for the night. Rejoining Kane in the living room, they sat and talked quietly for about an hour, then she, too, went to bed.


The new head nurse in ICU came to this hospital very highly recommended. She was a very caring woman that was completely dedicated to her profession and to her patients. She had a cheerful, outgoing personality, loved people and spoke what was on her mind. be it good or bad. She had an instinct where people were concerned, a sixth sense, if you will. She knew who she could trust and who she couldn't within minutes of meeting them.

The young woman brought in last night with a concussion, broken jaw, broken nose, broken arm, and unconscious as well, was the victim of domestic violence rather than random violence, she'd bet her reputation on it.

Being only 5'4" tall, weighing only 130 pounds, most of her male patients were usually twice her size, yet she was able to care for even the biggest of them. She was stronger than she looked. Thanks to those classes she took.

She had been a victim of domestic violence until she finally wised up. The son-of-a-bitch came in drunk one night and thought he would be able to use her as a punching bag. When she picked herself up off the kitchen floor, she grabbed hold of a cast iron skillet, on her way to the living room. Her husband turned, ready to slap her down again. She swung the skillet like a bat, hitting him in the shoulder, dislocating it. She swung it again, hitting him up side the head, laying his drunk ass out. Making sure he WAS out and not faking, she then called the police.

When they arrived, he was just coming to. She pressed charges, having him arrested. The next morning, she took out a restraining order, then went and filed for divorce. The next week, she left town, not telling anyone but her attorney where she was moving to. That had been five years ago. Now at 35, she thought she had put all the bad memories behind her. But when they brought that young woman in, they all came back.


Jack something-or-other was an extremely charming man, but he reminded her of her ex-husband. They had the same natures, the same smell. It was something she sensed more than anything else, plus she'd seen the way he looked at his sister-in-law, when he thought no one was looking. It made her physically sick to her stomach, to watch him. She had thought about warning her, but had seen that mountain of a man, that was with her. Thinking him to be husband, boyfriend or what ever, she figured the younger woman was safe enough. But then she found out that wasn't the case.

For the first time in a very long time, she found herself attracted to a man, and had felt guilty thinking he was spoken for. And then she found out, and was delighted to hear, that he didn't belong to that little woman, Kali her name was. Glancing down the hall, she saw the husband coming toward her. She didn't like the ugly look in his eyes.

"Evening!" He said looking at her as though she were his property.

She couldn't help stepping back out of his reach, nor the disgusted look she gave him. She watched as he went into his wife's room. He stood with his back to her, hiding his wife from view.

Going into the room next door, to give a shot of morphine to a woman dying of cancer, she stayed talking quietly to the woman until the shot took affect, then quietly left the room. Just outside the room, she glanced in to see if the woman was ok. Her husband appeared to be talking softly with her, but some thing wasn't right! Something was wrong!Stepping into the room, she walked over to the bed, on the pretext of checking the machines hooked up to her. That's when she caught a glimpse of the hypodermic. He'd given his wife a shot of something!

"What's that needle doing there? What have you done to her?" She asked coldly, checking her patient quickly, and not finding a pulse. She called "code blue" and a "code red" one for an emergency in ICU, the other for security.

"Please wait outside the door, until the doctor is able to examine your wife!" She said with authority. Blue eyes blazing.

Twenty minutes later, the wife was dead, the husband and needle had disappeared. And she had to call the sister. The police had already been called. Her suspicions would be confirmed after a blood test was done. The doctor had put a rush on them. Her superiors had been notified of a suspicious death. She would be questioned by them as well as by the police. With a resigned sigh, she walked over to the nurses station to call the next of kin.

"Hello!" The deep, husky voice answered on the first ring. It caught her off guard.

"Ah,.... Yes, this is ICU, Kali needs to come back to the hospital. Her sister just passed...." She stammered, flustered by the sound of his voice.

In spite of the reason she had to call, she couldn't help the delicious shivers racing down her spine at the sound of his velvety voice.

"We'll be right there!" He said, then hung up the phone. Knocking softly at Kali's door, she jerked it open almost instantly.

"What's wrong?" She asked, fear easily seen in her eyes.

"It was the hospital. Your sister is gone. They want you back up there." He said, compassion softening his eyes.

Tears sprang to her eyes, as she turned back in to her room. "I'll be ready in a minute."

Kane went back to his room to slip on a shirt and his shoes. Kali nearly ran into him, carrying a still sleeping child.

"Let me have her. She's nearly as big as you are." Kane said taking his niece from the woman he considered his sister. His heart went out to her, knowing her grief over her loss.

At the hospital, police were questioning the entire nursing staff in ICU. The nurse that had called was off to the side, being questioned by detectives. Kane's eyes met and held hers for several minutes, until the detective asked again, for a description of the late woman's husband.

She had already been cleared of suspicion, as far as they were concerned. Her superiors were sending her home after the police were through with her. The blood tests had shown a drug that was never kept in ICU. It had been given by injection. The broken syringe was found just under the bed.

Kali cried uncontrollably over the death of her sister. She had no idea why the police wanted to question her. But they did. Since Kane did not know any of them, except Kali, he was sent to wait in the waiting room. He carried Amanda with him. The child had awakened when they entered the hospital.

Kane sat down in one of the chairs, talking softly to his niece. The nurse he'd noticed earlier was apparently leaving. She glanced his way as she headed to the elevators.

"Wait a minute! Please!" Kane stopped her, why, he didn't know. But he had to talk to her. "What's going on here?" He asked, his eyes searching hers.

"Tasha's husband gave her a lethal injection. I shouldn't say that, since I didn't actually SEE him do it, but I did see the syringe he was trying to hide, and the blood tests showed a drug that we do not keep in ICU. There's something else. I feel she may be in danger from this man. Instinct tells me he may come for her. If he does, you both may be in danger." She said softly, blushing faintly from the thoughts running through her mind, placed there by his incredible eyes. Kane stared deeply into her wide blue eyes. He noticed her heightened color and could only guess at the reason for it. He knew he'd like to get to know her better."Well... I better go." She said as she turned away.

"Wait! What's your name?" Kane asked, for some reason he didn't want her to leave till he could find out how to contact her.

"My name is Judy. I live right down the street, and can be reached here tomorrow." She stared at him for a moment, then smiled slowly, once more turning and walking away.


The day after Tasha's funeral, Taker arrived back in Las Vegas. When he walked through the gate into the airport, he was somewhat surprised to see that it was Kane who was there to meet him. "Where's Kali?" He asked Kane, immediately fearing the worst.

"She's at home. I finally got her to take a sedative so she could get some sleep. She's a wreck, Taker. Don't think she has slept but two hours since receiving the news about Tasha's death. " Kane explained as the two men walked through the airport to the baggage claim.

"And Amanda? Is she okey?" Taker had been worried since the day he left and couldn't wait to see Kali and Amanda.

"Poor thing can't understand why her mom is so sad. The last few days have been rough on everyone." Taker could see the compassion in his brother's eyes. "I've become acquainted with one of the nurses from the hospital. She's looking after Amanda now."

When they arrived back at Kali's apartment, Kane used the key that she had given him and opened the door for Taker and himself. Judy looked up from the book she had been reading to Amanda and smiled at Kane when he walked through the door. Amanda jumped from Judy's lap when she saw Taker and ran to him. Taker picked up his daughter and held her for several minutes before handing her back over to Kane. He then headed down the hall to Kali's room to see about her.

"That's my brother." Kane explained when he saw the questioning look in Judy's eyes. "He is also Amanda's father. It's a long complicated story between him and Kali, but they were once very much in love."

"What happened?" Judy asked as Kane turned on one of Amanda's favorite TV programs and set her down on the floor. Kane, knowing he could trust Judy, began to tell her the story that began three years ago.


Taker quietly opened the door to Kali's room and walked over to the side of the bed. Seeing that she was sleeping, Taker decided not to wake her. He gently touched her cheek and turned to leave. He was about out the door when she awoke.

"Taker...Please don't go." Kali said, her voice was soft and sleepy.

Taker immediately went to her side and took her into his arms. "I'm so sorry about your sister, Kali. This must be so hard for you. I'm sorry I couldn't get back to you sooner."

"It's been terrible, Taker. The police questioned me. They asked me if Jack and I were involved and had planned to kill Tasha. They accused me of knowing where he had run to, saying that I was covering for him. They asked me why I suddenly moved out of their house the day before Tasha....." Kali wasn't able to continue. The memory of the interrogation caused to to once again start crying uncontrollably.

Taker felt bad for her. The past week had been traumatic to say the least. With him suddenly showing up, and then her sister being killed only a few days ago. Kali clung to him to him as if he were the air she breathed, and Taker continued to hold her until finally her tears stopped and she fell back asleep.

Taker gently laid her back down and after watching her sleep for a few moments, went back out to the living room to spend some time with his daughter and to properly greet Kane's friend.

Book Three of The Memory Remains