And Then He Was Gone.....

Chapter Nine

They had been working together for a few shows now. She and Kane still shared a room and some long nights, but Taker insisted she travel with him when shows were close together, within driving distance. Kane didn't like it one bit, but Taker insisted. The time spent together in the car or truck, would allow them to get better acquainted.

"The sooner we put this behind us, the better." He growled. Thinking of Kaliegh travelling with the Brood always pissed him off.

Kane ground his teeth in frustration, but agreed, albeit reluctantly. "I'm not going to say I understand your thinking, but if she's agreeable,then I don't suppose I can object. Or have that right. She's her own woman." Kane turned and walked away after kissing her thoroughly.

"He cares for you, ya know!" Taker said, watching his friend walk off to his own car.

Judy was surprised by Kane's actions and by Taker's words. Kane had kissed her and walked off right after she joined the two big men. Judy only gaped, unable to fathom the motives of either of them. Kane peeled out of the hotel parking lot without looking back at them.

"Well I guess I'm riding with you! Seems the ride I was expecting to have just drove off." She said,looking after Kane's rapidly disappearing car.

"It's what I asked." Was all Taker would say.

Surprise showed once again, as she raised questioning blue eyes to his green ones. When he wouldn't explain, she sighed, shook her head, and turned away. Taker opened the trunk of the midnight blue Lincoln, so she could stow away her luggage. Soon, they were on their way to the next show.

"We're going to Knoxville, then on to Nashville. After that, we'll be flying out to Nevada and California for a couple of weeks. No offense, but I hope Kaliegh will be by my side when we leave California." His eyes on the traffic ahead as they crossed over into Tennessee from South Carolina.

Judy smiled gently, fully understanding how he felt, wishing she were riding with Kane instead of Taker.

"Would you mind stopping at the Wal-Mart just up ahead? We can pull your hair up under your hat, and since you have sleeves, maybe you won't be recognized." Judy grinned at the look he sent her.

"What the Hell you want to stop at Wal-Mart for?" He couldn't believe this woman!

"I need to pick up some things. It won't take long,I promise." She softly wheedled, knowing he was going to, even as he pulled off the interstate.

"Shopping! What next?" He grumbled. She laughed merrily in reply.

Going into the discount store, Taker voiced his misgivings about the wisdom of this action. "People are staring at me!" He complained, actually blushing faintly.

With his hair pulled up and held in place with a U.T.Vols cap, that she just happened to have, it would have taken an observant fan to recognise him. It was the sheer huge mass of him that was attracting their attention, that and his stunning good looks. Judy smiled her secret little smile as she took hold of the shopping cart.

"I'll do that." He growled as an older, heavyset woman eyed his magnificent body lewdly, making him nervous.

Judy laughed and let him push the buggy. Taker leaned down over the buggy, which only served to emphasize his gorgeous butt.

"Come on! This way!" She said, leading him toward the toiletries.

She picked up toothpaste, shampoo, and the like. They stopped at the cosmetics counter, choosing a bottle of Poison. She also picked up some Gray Flannel for Kane, unaware of Taker's smile when he saw her pick it up.

"You getting that for Kane?" He asked, smirking a little, that being the brand he wore.

"Yes, why? I like the way it smells." Giving him a strange look, wondering if he'd lost his mind.

"No reason. That all?" He asked innocently.

"One more thing. Come on!" She said as they headed toward the intimate apparel. After looking at a few things, she finally decided on a dark blue stretch lace chemise.

Taker let out a low whistle of appreciation."He's gonna like that!" He said, leering at her with a wolfish grin on his handsome face.

Judy blushed, laughing softly. "Behave yourself!" She said with a grin. "Come on, that's it for me! Do you need anything while we're here?" She asked.

"Nope. I'm good."

Soon they were once more heading to Knoxville. On the radio, the d.j. said the national weather service had issued a severe thunderstorm warning.

"That doesn't sound good! We're driving right into it." Judy said worriedly.

Taker didn't say anything. They were going to have to stop for gas soon, and he didn't like the way the car was hesitating.

"Your cabin isn't far from here, is it?" He asked.

"Bout five miles, I guess. Why? Is there a problem?" She asked.

"May be. We need to stop for gas. I just thought this area looked familiar." He said.

Four miles later, Taker left the interstate again, this time heading into a service station. After checking the car, the mechanic said he thought the fuel pump was going out. "Do you want me to fix it?" He asked the big man.

"Can I use your phone?" Taker asked instead of answering the man. At his nod, Taker went inside and called the rental place telling them where to pick up the car and what the mechanic said was wrong with it. Coming back outside, he told the mechanic that someone would be picking the car up.

"Judy is there someone that you can get to take us to your cabin?"

"Yes, I'll call them now. But what's wrong?"

"Nothing." Was all he would say.

She called a friend of her to come and get them.

"She'll be here in a few minutes. She just lives around that curve back there." SHe said when she joined Taker by the car. He nodded his head and opened the trunk of the big car.

He had pulled the car off to the side out of the way. He was removing the last of the luggage when a beat up old pick-up pulled in beside them.

"Judy, how the hell are ya? Haven't seen you in a coon's age!" The big, raw-boned woman got out of the pick-up and hugged her friend in greeting. "Who's this big drink of water? Ain't gone and got married have ya?" She asked, eyeing Taker appreciatively. Laughing at Mattie's questions, Judy answered. "No this is a friend of mine. Taker, this is Mattie." She watched as Mattie energetically pumped his hand in greeting.

"Nice to meet cha! Well load up, that sky's bout to open up and rain bucket! Power's going out fur sure! Hope you got some fire wood laid in up at that place of yours!" Judy laughed and said she had plenty.

Within minutes, they pulled into Judy's driveway. Ten minutes later, Taker and Judy were alone once again. Mattie left the same way she arrived, in a hurry.

Just as they were closing the door, Mattie's prediction proved true. The bottom fell out. Taker had never seen it rain so hard, so quick. The thunder and lightening were tremendous. Turning on the lamp, the lights flickered, then went out, just as a deafening clap of thunder vibrated the walls of the cabin.

"Damn! Is it like this often?" He asked, wondering if they were safe from the walls falling in on them.

Judy laughed at the unease she heard in his voice. "Perfectly safe and sound. They get bad sometimes, but this should blow over soon." She came out of the kitchen, having checked the lights in there as well. "The power's out. A fire would be a good idea. It'll get chilly in a hurry up here.If you'll build one I'll see about finding a radio, and fixing something to eat." And headed off down the hall.

Hours later, it had turned off rather chilly, and the power still hadn't been restored. They were sitting in the floor before the fire, drinking hot chocolate that had been heated in the fireplace. Judy had spread out a down-filled sleeping bag, and brought out two huge cushions. They leaned against these, watched the fire and talked. Taker had called the hotel, leaving a message for Kane, letting him know about the car trouble, and telling him they would arrive the next day. The storm continued to rage outside. Soon Judy drifted off to sleep, lulled by the steady patter of the rain hitting her tin roof.

Taker sat there, thinking about the way things had been going lately. Judy started tossing about in her sleep, then seemed to settle down. She had turned toward him in her sleep, reaching out, letting her hand rest on his thigh.

Taker watched her sleep, wondering what she was dreaming. Her brows were drawn together. There was a tension about her, that made him uneasy. He sensed her dreams were bad ones. Moaning softly, she rolled over on her back, then began kicking her legs as though trying to get away from someone or something. Taker became alarmed and gently tried to wake her.

"Judy, wake up. You're dreaming!" He said, gently shaking her shoulder.

Judy heard his voice, her dream phantom. He was calling out to her, his sensual voice soft and teasing. His hands were on her, touching her everywhere." No, don't! Leave me alone!" she whimpered, terror racing through her.

"Judy wake up! It's a bad dream!" Taker shook her. Her eyes opened and looked up into his. He was on one knee, with his other foot on the other side of her body. Taker had a hold of her by the shoulders.

With a cry, her arms circled his neck, hugging him close, tears coursing down her face. "It's alright. It was just a bad dream." He said soothingly, huskily.

Suddenly, liking the feel of her arms around him. His hands caressed her back, pulling her closer to him. His body reacted to her willing embrace. Turning his head slightly, Taker's lips sought hers. Their kiss was gentle at first, then more urgent.

Her demons were chasing her! The phantom of her dreams was there. Why couldn't she escape him? She had just barely got away from him when he shoved his way into her apartment, before she could lock the door behind her. She hadn't seen him there in the darkened hallway, standing over in the corner.Then he was in the apartment with her. He threw her down on the floor, straddling her body, forcing her to kiss him, forcing her to put her arms around his neck. The knife! He had the knife at her throat!

Taker's lips moved down her neck. Suddenly her whole body went rigid beneath his hands. She jerked away from his grasp. She lay there, breathing hard, staring up at him, fear shining in her eyes. Before he had a chance to react, Judy threw back her head, arched her back, and screamed. Deafening, blood-curdling screams. Taker was startled to realize she was still in the grip of the nightmare.He had to awaken her. Her screams unnerved him.

"Judy, wake up!" Jumping up, he ran into the kitchen, returning with a glass of water, throwing it into her terrified face.

Sputtering and gasping for breath, Judy was instantly awake. "Are you crazy? What the hell are you trying to do? Drown me?" Judy sat up, wiping water out of her eyes, pushing damp hair back from her face.

"You were having a nightmare. It's the only thing I could think to do." He explained.

Sitting down beside her, he waited to see what her reaction would be. She began trembling as memory returned. That night! The attack. She began to cry. Taker pulled her against him, letting her cry it out, gently stroking her hair. When she quieted, she pulled away, not meeting his questioning gaze.

Getting up to stand before the fireplace, she poked at the flames, still not able to look at the big man.

"It was the man Kaliegh was married to, wasn't it. He attacked you! The man I remind you of!" He was watching her, saw her stiffen.

"Yes. There's more to the story than that. He not only beat me up, but he raped me as well. That Bastard very nearly killed me. God forgive me, but every time I look at you, it's him I see. I can't help it. You don't know what it's like. Seeing you on t.v. I didn't notice the resemblance. But the first time I saw you face to face, I saw it. That's when the nightmares started. Kaliegh doesn't know. No one does, except the ones back at that hospital." Judy turned to face him finally.

Taker didn't know what to say. He had suspected as much, but it was still a shock to hear it in so many words.He wondered how she had carried all this shit around without losing her sanity. "And you've never told Kaliegh?" He asked softly.

"No, and I don't want her to know.She feels guilty enough about what that shit did to me, with out her knowing about the rape." Judy was miserable thinking about Kali knowing.

"I want to help you if I can. To help put this all behind you forever.I'll be there for you in any way you need me.But you have to remember something, the bastard that did this to you, is dead. By your own hand. He'll never be able to hurt you, Kaliegh, or anyone else ever again." Taker was standing in front of her, holding her by her shoulders.

An idea, occurred to the big man., and kneeling down in front of her, Taker presented it to her. "I want to try something. Consider it a form of therapy if you will. Anytime his image comes to mind, remember it's me with you, and not him. If you feel uncomfortable, at anytime, I'll stop. Are you willing to let me try?" Taker asked softly, looking deeply into her eyes. At her hesitant nod, Taker pulled her into his arms. Very gently, very softly, he kissed her lips, never taking his eyes off hers. Very deliberately, his lips moved along her jawline, finally stopping at her neck. He nuzzled her neck, concentrating on that spot just behind her ear. Her hands had been resting lightly on his shoulders, his had moved down to lightly grasp her hips. With a tortured moan, she pulled away from this sensual man in front of her.

"You have to stop. I can't do this to Kaliegh and Kane. If you continue to do this.... It's you!! when you do these things, it's you I see! It's you I feel. It's you I taste. I can't do this." SHe stumbled backwards then turned and ran down the dark hallway.

Taker had his answer. While he was loving on her, she had responded to HIM, his eyes on hers all the while. Her nightmare, her demons had ceased to exist. With a heartfelt sigh, the big man lay back on the sleeping bag, watching the fire.He hoped she realized that if she could respond to him sexually, then she should be able to put these nightmares and bad feelings she felt toward him, behind her. As he watched the fire Taker realized he had been affected as well. "Damn, this was going to be a long night!"


They had been in Las Vegas for a day now. The weather was terrible hot and Kaliegh had just stepped out of the shower for the third time that day when there was a knock on the door. Kaliegh threw on her robe and opened the door as far as the chain link lock would allow. Seeing that it was Kane, she closed the door, undid the locks, and opened the door to allow him in.

"Hey Kal. what's up?" Kane asked as he walked across the room and stood by the window.

"Oh, you know. Trying to cope with this hot weather." Kaliegh replied as she took a good look at Kane. He seemed terribly unhappy today. "You okey, Kane? You're looking a little down to me."

"Are you going to be back with Taker anytime soon?"

"Um..well, today is Monday. Hopefully by next Monday. Why?" Kaliegh was a little bit baffled by his question and his behavior, but decided that he just must miss having Judy by his side during the matches.

"I wasn't going to tell you this, but then I decided you had a right to know as well. Whether it be true or just my imagination."

Kaliegh had a feeling deep in her heart that she wasn't going to like what she was about to hear. But all the same, she felt she needed to hear it. "What is it Kane?"

Kane hesitated for a brief second. Then taking a deep breath, he began. "Well, you know the night of the show in Knoxville, most of us got out of here before that storm hit. But being that Taker was in the main event, he and Judy left later than us, and got stranded in the Judy's cabin. And I'm pretty sure something happened between them that night." Kane was barely able to choke the last sentence out. Kaliegh could tell this was slowly killing him.

Kaliegh couldn't believe Kane was saying something. What had happened in the last day to suddenly bring this on. But then again, Kaliegh had not seen Taker or Judy for two days, and Kane had.

"Kane, I can't hardly believe this. What happened to make you think this? Taker would never betray know that don't you?" But even as she spoke the words, Kaliegh began to have doubts about the faithfulness of her man.

"When I picked them up at the airport last night, neither of them said but two words to me, and neither of them would meet my eyes when speaking to me. I may be completely wrong, but it seemed to me that something was being hidden."

"I don't know, Kane. They could be hiding something, but that doesn't necessarily mean it is something like you are implying." Kaliegh was thunderstruck. If what Kane was thinking was true, there would be holy hell to pay.....that she was sure of.

"Well, I certainly hope I'm wrong, but I'm going to talk to Judy about it tonight after the show. I think it would be a good idea for you to talk to Taker about it as well." Kane said as he stood to leave.

"Thanks, Kane. I just may do that."


An hour before RAW began that night, Kaliegh was with the Brood working out the final details of the upcoming match that night. It was Gangrel and Edge against the Headbangers. The match was scheduled to be a normal tag team match with no interference. Edge would get the pin on Mosh after a Downward Spiral. It was the Brood's entrance that had changed. Kaliegh's costume had changed. She now wore a short black skirt, a black long sleeved shirt and black boots with chunky heals that came just below her knees. Their entrance music had been changed, and instead of Gangrel coming up through the fire, it would now be Kaliegh's job. She would also be the one to carry the goblet of "blood" to the ring for the vampires. Once in the ring, they dropped to their knees begging, pleading...doing anything to get her to give up the goblet. The whole scene was meant to lean towards the sensual ways of the vampire. The crowd loved it....Taker hated it. He became very angry and jealous when ever he saw her with the Brood. And this new entrance only proved to torment him further.

The match went as planned and soon they were back in the dressing room area. Remembering what Kane had said to her earlier, Kaliegh separated from the Brood and went in search of Taker. She found him alone in his dressing room. Kaliegh knocked on the door, and Taker answered, startled to see her standing before him.

"Kaliegh...What a pleasant surprise." Taker said as he stepped aside and motioned for her to come in.

"Taker, Kane visited me earlier this afternoon and told me some rather disturbing things. I was hoping that you could clear it all up for me." Kaliegh walked across the room and stared out the window for several seconds before continuing. "For some reason, Kane thinks that the night you and Judy got stranded....He thinks that thinks something happened between you and her. I know that's not true. Please tell me it's not true."

Taker hung his head not knowing what to say and not being able to meet her questioning eyes. Kaliegh knew at that moment that Kane had been right.

"Well, that's just fucking wonderful, Taker!" Kaliegh yelled at him. Her short fuse had been ignited and was quickly on it's way to exploding. "You son of a bitch...I can't believe this. I should have known better...I should have known."

"You don't understand, Kaliegh. It wasn't what you think." Taker said trying to reason with her...trying to get her to calm down.

"You're right. I don't understand....I don't understand how you could do this to me...and to Kane for that matter. But you know what? Fuck you both!! You two can have each other because I don't need either one of you!" With that said, Kaliegh turned and was gone. She went to her dressing room and collected her things and was well on her way out of the arena when she stopped and headed back towards the lockeroom area. She knocked on Kane's dressing room door and was a little bit stunned when Judy opened the door. Judy didn't like the look in Kaliegh's eyes one bit. She had a wild look about her and she seemed to be on the edge of breaking.

"Are you okey, Kaliegh?" Judy asked although she already knew the answer.

Kaliegh glared at her for several seconds. It was obvious that Kane had not confronted her yet. It took all of Kaliegh's remaining strength to keep her anger right below boiling. Finally she asked to speak to Kane.

"I'm afraid he's in the shower....."

"Well you give him a message for me then." Kaliegh said, cutting off what Judy had begun to say. "You tell him he was right. He'll know what I'm talking about." Kaliegh then gave Judy one last glare before she turned and left. Not caring at the moment if she ever saw Taker or Judy again.


Kane stepped out of the shower in time to hear what Kaliegh said to Judy. Kane dropped his head, a painful emptiness where his heart should have been. Judy and Taker had betrayed him and Kaliegh. Kane swallowed hard at the lump in his throat. Lifting his head, straightening his massive shoulders, Kane went into the dressing room where Judy stood with a stricken look on her face.

"Was that Kaliegh I heard?" He asked casually, towelling his dripping hair.

"What? Oh, yeah. She said to tell you that you were right. Kane, we need to talk. All four of us need to sit down and talk. Something happened, but not what you two think. Right now, I need to see Taker. I want you with me when I talk to him." Her eyes met and held his, steadily and openly. She was upset, that was obvious.

"So you stand here boldly, and tell me something DID happen between Taker and you?" He was amazed by her brazeness. His temper steadily rising. He'd been betrayed by his ex-wife and now by Judy.

"We did not have sex, if that's what you're thinking." Her temper was rising as well. Frowning up at the huge man she had given her heart to, she couldn't believe what was going through his mind. "No, on second thought, Taker can come here!" Opening the door, she stopped Chad, who happened to be walking by, and asked him to ask Taker to come to Kane's dressing room.

"Sure thing. Are you ok?" He hesitated, before doing as she asked.

"I'm fine." She said stiffly. Her eyes fairly glittered with her anger. She then closed the door in his face.

Chad ran down the hall, stopping in front of Taker's dressing room, and knocked on the door. Taker answered immediately.

"Yes, what is it Chad." Taker was annoyed, never a good sign.

"Judy wants you to come to Kane's dressing room." Chad said coolly.

The big man stepped out into the hall, pulling the door closed, then went to Kane's dressing room. Chad didn't like it. Something bad was going to happen. Sighing, Chad sadly shook his head, and went about his business.

At Taker's knock, Judy jerked the door open. "Come on in!" Taker didn't like the look in her eyes.

"What's up?" He asked, looking from Kane to Judy.

"We all need to sit down and talk. But one thing I want you to clear up right now for Kane. That night, at my cabin, did we have sex?" Judy was furious, smoking and pacing back and forth.

Surprise caused Taker to look first at Judy, then at Kane. "What? You're kidding right?" Disbelief written all over his face. "Is that what you think? Is that what you told Kaliegh?" Taker's temper had surfaced rapidly.

Kane met the other man's eyes. "Something happened and I have a right to know what." He replied calmly, albeit coolly.

"I only want to tell this story once more. Kane you make damned sure you come straight back to the hotel. And I don't care how you do it, but you have Kaliegh there as well, since she is involved in this whole thing, in a way." Picking up her purse to leave, she got as far as the door, then stopped, turning back to look at the two huge men. "I want all three of y'all there." The look she gave them was cold, but the pain was easy to see as well.

Taker and Kane starred at the closed door. He turned to look at Kane, then went back to his own dressing room.

The first thing that met their eyes upon entering the room, was Judy's packed luggage. She stood by the window smoking, her back to the room. The other three people arrived at the same time. Kane found Kaliegh getting ready to check out, but he stopped her from doing so.

"You need to hear what she has to say. Maybe it will clear things up." he said, his hazel eyes silently begging her to come along.

Kaliegh's temper had not abated any at all. "And what makes you think I want to hear what she has to say." She fairly spat out the words.

"Because she said you were involved in a way." Kane said quietly.

So here they all were. The four of them all in the same room. Judy had had a drink, either to calm herr or give her courage, to get through this ordeal ahead. Hearing them enter the room, she still didn't face them. Taking a deep ragged breath, Judy turned to face the three angry, silent people. She looked into the eyes of all three. Kaliegh glared back.

"Kaliegh, in a sense, you are partly responsible for what happened in Knoxville. And for that, I thank you. If you hadn't demanded Taker and I become friends, or at least work out our differences, then none of this would have happened."

At her words Kaliegh turned deathly pale, and stood up to leave.

"Please sit down, and let me finish. You have to hear me out. Kane, there's a lot about me that you don't know. Several years ago, I was attacked. This is not a secret to Kaliegh or Taker. We found out just before Taker returned, that it was Kaliegh's husband. He looked a lot like Taker, specially around the eyes. That's why I couldn't bare to be around him or near him. But what I never told anyone, till that night in Knoxville, was that aside from him beating me, he also raped me." She looked straight at Kaliegh when she said this last.

"Oh God, no!" Kaliegh put a trembling hand over her eyes. Tears streamed down her face. Lifting her eyes to Judy's, finally, she apologized. "I didn't know. I'm so sorry."

Kane and Taker didn't know where to look or what to do.

"You wouldn't know now, if there was another way to explain about what happened in Knoxville. The car Taker rented developed mechanical problems. So we went to my cabin. One of the worst thunderstorms in history, hit that night, so we were stranded. Kaliegh, you remember the nightmares? Well, I had a really bad one that night. Taker tried to wake me, but was unable to till he poured water in my face. We talked about it. Then as a form of therapy, Taker started kissing me. Whenever that one's face came to mind, I would tell myself that it was Taker, not the other one. Looking in Taker's eyes, feeling his hands on me, made me re-live the rape. But I kept reminding myself it was Taker. Taker's actions may have been unorthodox, but they worked. WHEN they worked, and it was HIM I was kissing and HIM I was touching, we backed up. Taker helped me put that part behind me. We DID NOT have sex. What happened, was and is considered as therapy. By me anyway. I don't want to kill him any more. Nor do I want to be his woman or to be by his side. Nothing happened to be jealous of that night. But, Taker,.. I appreciate all you've done for me, but I've asked to be released from my contract. And Mr.McMahon has agreed. I'm staying through next week, but after that, I'm going home. I can't deal with this shit any longer. I'm going home."

"No, you can't!" Taker said, coming to his feet.

"Yes I can. It's done. Kane I took another room. I'm sorry you had to get involved. I wouldn't hurt you for anything. I think this is for the best." Judy wasn't quite able to meet his eyes, hers kept filling up with tears.

Without a word, Kane got up and left the room. Judy watched him leave, her heart in her eyes. Looking back at her two friends, she walked over and kissed them both on the cheek.

"I'll miss y'all. Kaliegh, hurry back to this man. He loves you so." Then Judy collected her bags, and left the room as well.

Sunday Night Heat was recorded four nights later, at a house show in San Fransisco. Judy had kept to herself since telling about the rape, taking different flights, and staying at different hotels. She appeared at the scheduled events only minutes before she had to be there, then as soon as it was over, she disappeared again. She spoke to no one.

That night, shortly after returning to her hotel, she went to the door in response to a knock.

"May I come in?" Kane asked softly, when she opened the door.

Judy stepped aside letting him enter. Turning around after closing the door, Kane took her in his arms, pulling her close against him. Very deliberately, Kane leaned down and covered her lips with his. He kissed her till he felt the tension leave her body, till she began kissing him back, till she molded her body to his.

Chapter Ten of And Then He Was Gone>
© 1998 by Kaliegh McLoed and Judy Smith
**this story cannot be used in any way with out written permission