And Then He Was Gone.....

Chapter Four

Taker paced the floor for what seemed like hours. First Kaliegh ran out of the house, then Judy went to a drawer in the kitchen, opened it, and took out a big flashlight, checked the batteries, then followed Kaliegh out of the house. They had been gone maybe thirty minutes, when the sliding glass door opened, and the women came in carrying an assortment of firearms.

"Where the hell have you two been?" Takers green eyes fairly glittered with his anger. He frowned at both of them, hands on his hips and his head tilted slightly forward.

Judy walked right passed him without a word and laid the deer rifle, a double-barelled shotgun, and a 45 down on the table. Silently, she began checking and loading each of the firearms. There was a cold detachment about her that bothered Taker, as he watched her for a minute. Kaliegh followed her to the table and laid down her load. She had a shotgun and two pistols on her arms. Kaliegh had calmed down, but he wasn't sure if it was shock or resignation he saw in her eyes.

"Kaliegh, honey, go into my bedroom and look on the shelf on the right inside the closet. Bring that box in here, please." Judy said softly, gently touching her friends arm. Kaliegh went off to do as she was asked. "How did he know where to find her, Taker?" Judy's voice was deathly quiet, as her eyes locked with his.

"What are you saying? I don't think I like it one bit!" His voice equally quiet.

"No body knew about this place. NO BODY! Now, seems like everybody knows." Her eyes never left his.

"I told my lawyer the day we arrived. Had him make some calls, to get the heat off you two." Taker said, anger still glittering in his eyes.

"You, lock all the doors, make sure they ARE locked, then check all the rooms, including the basement. I saw someone, turning in the drive when I went out after Kaliegh. Whoever it was, stopped just inside the driveway, and turned out their lights." Judy's hands shook slightly, but that was the only sign she might actually be scared. After a few seconds hesitation, Taker went off and did as she asked.

Kaliegh had returned from the bedroom carying the box, with more ammonition and what appeared to be a first aid kit. Another large flashlight and extra batteries was also in there. "Kaliegh, honey, lock that glass door and pull the drapes. Then if you will, start a pot of coffee." Judy's voice was gentle when she spoke to her friend.

She was worried about how much more Kaliegh was going to be able to stand. She appeared to be on the edge of snapping now. Judy followed her hesitant movements, as she walked over to the door leading out to the deck. Locking the door, including the security bar, Kaliegh closed the heavy drapes with trembling hands, then went to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. Coming back to the table, she sat down in a chair and covered her face with both hands, letting out a ragged sigh.

"Judy I'm sorry I got you in all this. I never should have asked you." Tears welled up in blue eyes that were filled with misery.

"Honey don't blame yourself. I could have said no.You didn't twist my arm or force me to go along." Judy had finished loading the guns, and sat down across from her friend. She patted the other woman's arm, trying her best to reassure the distraught woman.

"Where's Taker?" Kaliegh asked, looking around.

"He's locking up for the night, is all. Why don't you go to bed and try to get some rest?" Judy suggested.

"I can't. I'm too wound up to sleep." Kaliegh whispered.

Nodding her head, Judy picked up two of the guns and carried them back to her bedroom. She would give Kaliegh a seditive to help her rest. Maybe then she would be able to sleep. The basement door opened and closed, as she entered her darkened bedroom. The door was across the hallway, just down from her bedroom door. Finally Taker was finished. She had propped the shotgun against the wall by her bed and was checking the deer rifle when she heard Kaliegh gasp, then cry out in fear.

"How did you find me? What are you doing here?" Kaliegh's fear was evident from the way her voice was shaking.

Judy silently stepped back and looked down the hallway to the kitchen. There with his back to her, was the man in her nightmares. She would recognize that back anywhere. Holding the rifle in her hands, she quietly walked down the hallway. She watched him advance toward Kaliegh and the guns still laying on the table. If he got one, they were in trouble.

"That's no way to greet your husband! Sounds like you're not glad to see me. Your picture is all over the news, so is the other bitch's. I thought since you two had kidnapped that wrestler, you might feel inclined to let your husband in on it. Maybe then I'll reconsider that divorce you want so bad." His deep, course laugh sent tendrils of fear down Judy's spine, but she refused to give in to it. And what had he done to Taker?

"Please, just go! Leave us alone!" Kaliegh was trembling violently and had not moved from her seat. She did not see Judy step into the kitchen from the hallway, or see her bring the rifle up to her shoulder. Her eyes never left the face of the brute standing there looking at her with hate in his eyes.

"I don't think so, Sugar, not till I get what's comming to me! I went to jail cause of you. Because you wouldn't behave and do as you were told. Now I'm not leaving till I get what's owed me." He threatened as he stepped closer to the woman in the chair.

"That's exactly what you're gonna get, asshole, if you don't step away from Kaliegh and that table!" Judy said matter-of-factly. Her calm voice belied the trembling inside her.

The big man's head snapped around at the sound of her voice. A sinister grin spread across his hateful face. "Well, well! I thought you were dead. I can see I'll have to finish the job this time!" He spun around and brought his right hand up holding a 45, he'd taken from the table.

Judy fired at the same instant he pulled the trigger on the pistol. Her aim was better then his, and got him right between the eyes, blowing out the back if his head. Kaliegh screamed and screamed. Judy dropped the rifle on the floor and went to her friend. She pulled Kaliegh out of the chair and took her into the living room. Sitting her down on the love seat, she crooned to her, using a soothing, nuturing tone, till her sobs quieted. Then Judy picked up the phone and dialed 911.

"I'd like to report a shooting." Then gave the necessary information.

After hanging up the phone, she turned to Kaliegh. "We have to hide my guns. Can you help me do it? We need to do it now then find Taker." Judy was getting weak. His bullet hit her in the left side.

Kaliegh nodded her head, dried her eyes, then together they went back to the kitchen to gather up the rest of the guns and ammo.Just as they reached the table, the basement door flew open again and a strange man stepped through. He too had a pistol in his hand.

"Hold it right there ladies. You're under arrest for assault and kidnapping!" The detective stepped into the kitchen, and saw the body lying in the middle of the table. He also saw the small pile of firearms beside the body.

Before any one could speak, the basement door flew open again and this time Taker stumbled through, holding his bleeding head. "Judy, Kaliegh, are you two ok? Some body hit me from behind." He managed to say just before passing out in the hallway. The detective looked at the women, then through the doorway at the man laying bleeding all over the floor.

"You the detective been looking for him?" Judy asked softly, her voice weak. At his nod, she said "There he is, you found him. Now the law is on the way. Are you gonna help , or are you gonna stand there with your thumb up your ass." She challenged him. Looking at him a minute more, she turned back to the guns as she and Kaliegh gathered them up, and headed to the bedroom.

They were put in a trunk in the closet, with an old quilt covering them. They had just finished hiding them and putting the ammo away, when the first sherriff's car arrived. Judy sank to her knees beside the still form of the Taker. He hadn't moved since comming up from the basement. The detective had put away his weapon and was looking at the dead man on the table.

"Nice shot! You know this man is wanted? He escaped from a work detail just yesterday. What's he doing here?" He asked the two women. Just then the sherriff's deputy banged on the door. Kaliegh calmly got up and let them in. Judy passed out, finally, from shock and loss of blood, laying right beside Taker.


Kaliegh looked down at Judy and Taker lying side by side on the floor...both were unconscious.

"Where the hell is that damn ambulance?" Kaliegh yelled at the sheriff.

"Ma'm, please calm down and let us do what needs to be done." One of the other deputies said as he led her into the living room and sat her down on the couch.

"You mind telling me what happened here tonight?" The man asked her softly. At the mention of the evenings events, Kaliegh's head began to spin, and her face went deathly pale. The officer saw this and figured that maybe now was not the best time to discuss this. The woman had been severely traumatized and the young deputy thought she may never be the same again. Seconds later, the paramedics arrived, loading Taker and Judy into one ambulance, Kaliegh into another, and whisked them all away to the hospital.

The next morning when Kaliegh awoke, she looked stound the hospital room in confusion. When she remembered what happened the night before, she began to cry uncontrollably. This brought the nurse into her room, to give her another sedative.

"Don't ya worry about nothing now." The nurse said to her in a soothing voice. "Your friends are going to be just fine. Now you just lay back down here and get some rest." the nurse left the room, quietly closing the door behind her.

The following day, Kaliegh was released from the hospital. she hitched a ride to the nearest town, and checked into the first hotel she could find. Once in her room, she put a call into the hospital, hoping to find out how Judy and Taker were doing. She spoke to three different people but got the same answer each time....that their conditions were privileged information that could not be released. With a frustrated cry, Kaliegh picked up the phone and hurled it at the wall. Lighting up a cigarette, Kaliegh sat down on the bed with an exhausted sigh. She knew that she could not stay at the hotel forever, so Kaliegh called the local car rental agency and reserved a car for tomorrow. she would then return back to the cabin, get her things, and return back home. Finally satisfied that this was the right thing to do, Kaliegh fell into a restless sleep.

The next morning, Kaliegh picked the phone up off the floor, plugged it back in, and called the hospital once more. Again, she was given the same run around. This pissed her off like nothing else, and after calling the lady a few choice words, she slammed the receiver back down on the cradle...hoping that it hurt the witch's ear on the other end. After showering and dressing, Kaliegh checked out of the hotel, and walked down to the car rental place. She hurridly filled out the necessary paper work, and then began her trip back to the cabin. When she arrived there, Kaliegh was surprised to see another truck parked in the drive way. She supposed it was that detective or someone gathering any last bits of evidence that might have been left behind. Kaliegh sat in the car a bit longer and let her mind wander back to what had taken place two nights before. When she felt tears threatening again, she brought her mind back to the present. With a sigh, she got out of the car and went into the cabin. Kaliegh was further surprised to see Taker standing with his back to her, staring out the window.

"Taker..." She said softly...barely above a whisper.

He quickly turned around, looked at her for a moment, and then said, "Girl, where the Hell have you been? You leave the hospital, don't tell anyone where your going...You haven't been answering your phone...You don't--" taker stopped suddenly when he saw the tears begin to fall from her eyes.

"I've been so worried about you and Judy. No one would tell he how either of you were doing....I didn't know if you were alive or dead."

"I'm sorry.." Taker said as he looked down at the floor, embarrassed by his out burst towards her. "I've been worried about you too. Judy will be alright. she lost alot of blood and will be in the hospital a few more days, but she's okey. And myself...I just got a little cut on my head that looked alot worse than it actually was. What about you?? How you holding up?" Taker asked as he walked over to the table, pulled out chairs for both of them and sat down.

"Well," Kaliegh started, taking a deep breath. "Now that I know that you and Judy will be okey, I feel a bit better. But I'll never be able to forgive myself for what happened."

The Undertaker looked at her, confusion clouding his eyes. "I don't understand your thinking, Kal. What happened was not your fault. Don't ya dare tell me you're blaming yourself for what your husband did." Judging by the look in her eyes, he knew she did.

"Taker, I--" Kaliegh began, but was cut off.

"Dammit, Kaliegh!!! That man has messed with your mind so bad....If anyone is to blame it's him...HIM!! Not you!! Can't you understand that you're a victim...not a criminal." Taker got up from his chair, almost over turning it in the process. He ran his fingers through his hair while chewing on his lip in pure frustration. He wanted so bad to take her into his arms and protect her from any harm that might come her way. He wanted to-- Before that thought could go any further, Taker pushed it from his mind....or tried to. But...before the thought was entirely gone, Kaliegh stood in front of him, her fingers entwined in his hair, her mouth on his. Taker was momentarily stunned by this, but soon began to kiss her back. He kept his lips on hers as he picked her up and set her down on the edge of the table. Taker briefly pulled away and looked deep into her eyes...the look there was undeniable. With a deep growl of desire, he gently eased her down on her back, his body engulfing hers. Suddenly Kaliegh's eyes flew open...a look of shock settling onto her face.

"Oh my God, Taker!!" Kaliegh gasped. "I can't do this!" She slowly sat up as she watched a look of disbelief cross over Taker's face. She waited a few more seconds, and then with an evil gleam in her eye, she kissed him and whispered in his ear. "Not on Judy's kitchen table, anyway."

A soft groan escaped Taker's throat as his eyes went back up into his head. He picked her up over his shoulder and quickly walked back to his bedroom. He covered his mouth with his, wrapping her up tight in his arms as he laid her down on the bed. Soon, the two bodies became one as they surrendered to the fire that burned with in each of them.

Afterwards, Kaliegh lay beside Taker, her head resting on his chest. As she listened to the steady beat of his heart, she found herself drifting off to sleep. Taker looked at her and noticed the look of serenity on her face since the first time he'd met her. Happy....he too, fell into a peaceful sleep.


"So, are you telling me that it's ok for me to get up and move around now?" She eyed the young doctor, waiting with bated breath for his reply.

"Yes, of course you can. You're out of danger, in fact, you'll be moved to a private room this afternoon. In a few days you'll be able to go home." He responded while reading her chart.

"Why in a few days?" She asked.

"Well, just to make sure you don't break loose bleeding again, and to watch for signs of infection." He said, glancing up at the woman laaying in bed.

"HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! OK! If that is the only reason you are keeping me here, than I DEMAND that you discharge me this instant! I can rest at home. But either way, with or without your permission, I'm going home TODAY!!" She said quietly, her eyes not leaving his face.

"I can't allow that!" Surprise and disbelief plain to see on his arrogant young face.

"Oh, not only CAN I, but I WILL!" This little pissant of a doctor was not going to keep her where she did not wish to be. "Now either discharge me or I'll discharge myself. Makes no difference to me, BUT I am going home!" She said, somewhat annoyed with this doctor barely out of medical school.

While she waited for Taker and Kaliegh to pick her up, Judy paced like a caged tiger in the small confines of the hospital room. "Thank God that this nightmare was over." She thought as she paced the floor. She was going to have to wear a hospital gown home, but would put on some sweats as soon as she got home.

"Are you sure this is the right thing to do??" Taker asked as he entered the room, Kaliegh right behind him. Both had big grins on their faces. Kaliegh had the foresight to bring Judy a pair of sweats and a tee shirt.

Judy smiled her thanks and stepped into the closet sized bathroom to change her clothes. After a few seconds, she rejoined her friends.

"Taker, no offense, but as big as you are, YOU couldn't make me stay. I can rest better at home!" Judy stepped out of the room ahead of them and was half way to the elevator by the time they caught up.

"What's your hurry?" Kaliegh asked curious about her friends actions.

"No hurry! I just DETEST hospitals! I want home and some decent food is all!" She looked at the two of them, amazed they even had to ask.

Sometime later, after they had all gone to bed, Judy was awakened by a noise outside. She lay there, listening intently, till she heard the soft, low growl of what sounded like a bear cub. "Momma is near by, no doubt." She thought with a gentle smile.

Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, Judy carefully got up and went to the kitchen for a drink. Standing by the sink, she decided to get on the computer for a while. It was time she got back to work. Going through the living room, she opened the tri-fold doors to what amounted to a large walk-in closet. This is where she worked. Turning on the computer, she went back to the kitchen and fixed herself a cup of hot chocolate. Carrying this with her, she went back to her computer and typed in her password. Going to the program she worked through, she soon had the screen up and was busily typing her next chapter.

"What are you doing?" His deep, soft voice right by her ear, gave her a start.

Turning her head, she was even more surprised to find his face right beside hers. His lips mere inches away from hers.

"Working. I'm a writer." She whispered softly.

Taker read some of what she had typed, a slow, sexy smile touched his lips."So, you're writting about me? I'm flattered. I'd like to read it all." His voice had a caressing quality to it, that made her heart beat a little faster.

"Sure thing. I'd like for you to read it. It IS about you,as a matter of fact." Her voice shook slightly, unable to meet his eyes.

Smiling a bit bigger, he kissed her on the temple, then headed back to bed. "Good night. Don't stay up too late!"

Staring after him with big round eyes, she was totally amazed by his actions. Judy was completely flabbergasted, unable to finish what she had started. Looking back at the moniter, the words she'd typed, ran together. She hadn't a clue as to what she was going to type. Staring at the screen, Judy hit the "Save" button, then shut it down. Taker affected her in ways no other man ever had. He confused her, hell, he aroused her. With a sigh, she decided it was time for her to go to bed. Grumbling, she walked down the hall, and nearly jumped out of her skin, when his door suddenly opened.

"Sweet dreams babe." He grinned at the startled look on her face.


When Kaliegh awoke the next morning, Judy was already up and sitting by the kitchen table with a cup of coffee. As she walked by, Kaliegh said "Good Morning" to Judy and then broke into a fit of giggles when she glanced at the table and recalled what went on two days before.

"What is it, Kal?" Judy asked her, wondering what would make her suddenly burst out like that.

"Oh, nothing....Just a funny dream I had last night." Kaliegh said lightly, hoping Judy would accept the excuse. Kaliegh didn't think she'd ever be able to sit at that table again with out laughing hysterically. "Let's take our coffee outside. It's a wonderful morning." Kaliegh suggested as she poured the contents of the coffee pot into a carafe. Then grabbed cream, sugar, a cup, and finally her cigarettes and went out to the deck. Judy was already seated by the patio table. As she sat down, Kaliegh asked her how she was doing.

"Now that I'm back home..." Judy said, and paused to take a sip of her coffee. "I feel a heck of alot better."

"I'm glad you're going to be okey. I don't know what I would have done if...." Kaliegh said, her voice trailing off.

"Well...Now that didn't happen so don't you even be thinking about it anymore." Judy said in a rather sharp tone.

"I know...I know. I've already gotten the lecture." Kaliegh said softly.

A silence fell over the two women, each one becoming lost in seperate thoughts. The silence was broken, however, a short time later when Taker joined them out on the deck. Taker eyed the two women....neither of them seemed to realize his presence. He loudly cleared his throat as he sat down in one of the chairs and then began to speak.

"What have you two got planned for the next year or five?" Taker asked, amused by the surprised expressions that crossed over each of their faces.

"What do you mean, exactly?" Kaliegh asked finally.

"Well, as you know, I have to go back on the road next week. I would like you and Judy to come with me."

"You mind repeating that? I'm not sure I heard you right." Judy choked out as Kaliegh stared at him in stunned silence.

Taker repeated his previous statement and then asked again. "Well...What do ya two say??"

"Um....well....Can I think about it for a bit?" Kaliegh asked.

"Sure...Take all the time you need." Taker said and then said to Judy. "Well, how about you?"


"Taker are you sure this is such a good idea?" Judy asked, concerned with the ramifications of their actions, concerned with their being accepted.

"If you are worried about the others, well don't be. I usually get what I want anyway. So this will ALL be forgotten within a few weeks anyway. As to who's gonna know the truth, well, that guard you beat the crap out of, his boss, MY boss, and us. I'll tell some story about falling under the influence of an exceptional woman, and no body will dare question it." His eyes touched briefly on Kaliegh, and Judy noticed the hint of color that stained her cheeks. Understanding dawned on her at once.

Glancing down at her cup, she said "But are you sure this is wise?" Slowly heer eyes met his amused ones.

"Never more sure of anything in my life. Just tell me what you two will have to have for an extended stay away from home. Judy, you'll have to have a laptop I know, but what about you, Kaliegh?" His eyes once more touched on her..

"I, I don't know. I'll have to think about it. Excuse me, please." She stammered as she rushed back inside the house.

"And in what capacity would we be employed?" She asked softly, finally meeting his gaze.

"Not what you're thinking. Any position I offer you two, is legitimate. I WOULD NOT take advantage of a vulnerability. My offer is genuine, sincere." He said equally soft.

"Kaliegh's been hurt enough. I will not see her taken advantage of. I will not stand by and watch her being used." Her voice deadly quiet, her blue eyes just as serious.

"I won't see her hurt either. Or you, for that matter. You two have come to mean a great deal to me, and I WILL NOT see either of you harmed in any way."

Judy studied the man for a few minutes, then seemed satisfied with what she saw in his eyes. "I'll have a talk with Kaliegh, see what she thinks. We'll let you know." She then got up and slowly went inside, leaving the big man alone on the deck.


"Judy, did we make a mistake?" Kaliegh asked nervously for about the hundredth time.

The older woman laughed softly."No, I don't think so. You and Taker work well together, y'all get along well, so why do you think we made a mistake?"

"Well, I've never been this happy, for one thing." Kaliegh nervously lit a cigarette and started pacing in the confines of the dressing room."But I don't know about accompanying him to the ring. Thank goodness that decision doesn't have to bee made any time soon."

"Well if you decide to, you'll be wonderful!" Judy replied calmly, watching her friend nervously pace to and fro.

"Heads up ladies, Taker just lost, and he's pissed." The security guy that Judy had literally beat up, stuck his head in the door to warn them.

Judy had a hard time knowing how to act around this man, and felt akward whenever they happened to meet. Blushing, she looked away when his eyes happened tp meet hers. He smiled as he pulled the door to behind him.

"Well, Kaliegh, let's get cracking!" Judy laid out fresh towels, her oils, and clothes for him to put on afterwards.

Kaliegh turned on the whirlpool, knowing how much he liked it. "Judy, I think he likes you." she said grinning at her friend's shocked look. Before Judy could reply, the dressing room door flew back and bounced back off the wall. Taker had arrived.

"I'm telling you, Jack, if that asshole doesn't learn that move, then I'll have to "teach" him myself. And he won't like it!" Taker slammed the door closed, the sound making both Kaliegh and Judy jump, as they scurried to get out of the big man's way. No matter which way Judy went it seemed as though Taker was there as well.

"Woman, I'm in no mood to dance. Will you be still, or get the hell out of my way!" His temper was nearly out of control, but was not directed at her.

Yet hearing the anger in his voice and seeing the rage in his eyes, made her own temper rise to the surface. Hitting him in the face with the towel in her hands, Judy calmly gathered up her towels, her oils and put them in her bag. Turning to her friend, she told Kaliegh she would see her back at the hotel. The look she gave Taker left no doubt as to what she thought of him, and with cold disdain, she calmly walked out of the dressing room, nearly knocking over the same guard in her blind rage."MEN!" she thought as she brushed passed.

Taker's surprised look followed her out the door. "What the hell's wrong with her?" He asked, surprise over-riding his anger. No one answered.

The security guard could be heard laughing in the hallway. Sticking his head in, a look of admiration in his eyes, he informed the group inside "I'm glad I'm not the one she's mad at this time. That's one tough lady."

Taker could sympathize with the guard, since he had been on the receiving end of her anger as well. A faint smile curved his lips as he looked at Kali. "Come on, I've got some "kissing up" to do, then we're going out to dinner!" At Kaliegh's look of amazement, Taker threw back his head and laughed, a deep, rumbling laugh....

Chapter Five of And Then He Was Gone>
© 1998 by Kaliegh McLoed and Judy Smith
**this story cannot be used in any way with out written permission