"It's Kaliegh. Something is bothering her. She didn't say two words all night." Judy said, laying her cheek against his chest, confused by her friends actions.
Kane nodded his head, realizing she didn't know. "Taker proposed to Kaliegh, and she turned him down."
"What? Good Lord!!!!! Well, I can sympathize with her. That husband of hers was enough to sour any woman on marriage. Poor Kaliegh! I know she loves Taker, maybe she'll change her mind." She said.
Sitting on the arm of the chair, Kane pulled her between his legs, holding her close. "I hope she does, too. They love each other." he said, kissing her softly on the lips. "I was beginning to think you'd had a change of heart." He said, looking deep into her eyes.
"Never! I love you with all my heart. But, you don't know anything at all about me. My likes and dislikes, when my birthday is. What my favorite colors are. All you know is the dark stuff." She looked at him, her fears there for him to see.
"I know what I need to know. Come on! Let's go meet Taker and Kaliegh. We'll talk about this later." Kane kissed her thoroughly, laying to rest her insecurities.
After Kaliegh and Taker got their new tattoos, the foursome decided to hit Bourbon Street, and check out New Orleans night life. Kaliegh and Judy stopped near the entrance of a little cafe, listening to some really good Dixieland Jazz. Taker and Kane walked off a little ways from them, talking quietly. Taker was hurt over Kaliegh refusing his proposal.
"Show her how much you love her. Maybe she'll come around. You know she loves you." Was all Kane knew to say.
The sheer size of the two men, drew many a curious look, many an admiring look. Judy glanced around, looking for Kane. She spotted him standing next to Taker, talking to a woman. The woman had her hands on Kane's arm, and he seemed to be enjoying it! Jealousy reared it's ugly head, and getting Kaliegh's attention, headed over to where their men were standing.
Seeing the look in her eyes, Taker tried his best to get Kane's attention, but failed. She was going to eat Kane's ass, BIG TIME! Taker couldn't prevent the grin that came to his sensuous lips. Devilment dance in his green eyes. He was going to enjoy this!
Judy stopped directly in front of Kane. He was laughing at something the little tart was saying, and didn't immediately notice her presence.
"Maybe I should go back to the hotel and let you enjoy the delights the street has to offer." Her tone was freezing, her eyes all but shooting fire. Standing there with her hands on her hips, she gave the woman a murderous glare, then stared up at the big man, waiting for his answer.
Kane threw back his head and laughed heartily. Wrong thing to do! Judy kicked him HARD in the shin, effectively stopping his laughter, glaring at the woman one last time, she turned on her heels and headed back toward their hotel. Fury and determination in every step.
"See you guys later!" Was all Kane had time to say, as he took off after her retreating back.
Kaliegh and Taker stood there staring after their friends, then looking at each other, burst out laughing.
"He's going to have his hands full with her." Taker chuckled at the thought of Kane's and Judy's life together. She'd whip the man's ass if he got out of line too often.
"Serves him right for flirting where he had no business." Kaliegh said, but laughed anyway at the speed with which jealousy hit her friend.
Putting his arm around her shoulders, drawing her close to his side, Kaliegh and Taker walked on checking out the delights New Orleans had to offer.
Kane didn't catch up to her till they entered the hotel lobby. Standing in front of the elevators waiting for a car, Kane tried to explain there was no reason for her to be angry. Judy turned her eyes up to his, giving him a whithering glare. She knew she had nothing to worry about, it was the fact he stood there obviously enjoying that woman's conversation, and laughed at her! Damn the man!
The elevator doors opened, and she stepped through, angrily punching the floor button, Kane right on her heels. Not knowing what else to do, with a growl born out of frustration, and coming deep from within his chest, Kane lifted her up, and put her in the corner of the car, with him blocking her path. Instantly, thoughts of another elevator, another time, came to mind. Kane's eyes darkened as his big body was filled with desire for this woman. Bending down, Kane kissed her with all the love and passion in him. His hands slid possessively over her body till he felt her responding to his touch. Almost reluctantly, she kissed him back with all the fire and passion she possessed. Her hands slid down his back,grabbing his firm butt. Kane lifted her up, cupping her buttocks in both hands, holding her to him. Her arms and legs went around him on their own accord.
Kane broke the kiss, gasping for breath. Her eyes glazed with desire for him, Kane nuzzled her neck, finding THAT spot just behind her ear. Moaning, she sought out the tender skin of his neck, sucking gently. then licking her way up to his ear lobe. With a groan, Kane turned to stop the car between floors, determined to have her here and now, but they had arrived at their floor. Carrying her, they made their way to their room, but just barely. Closing the door behind him, the couple fell to the floor, pausing only long enough to remove the most necessary items of clothing.
A bell hop passing in the hall, minutes later, was startled by a scream from their room. When the only other sound was a breathless "YES!" he grinned knowingly, and proceeded on about his business.
Morning found four very sleepy individuals heading for the airport, for yet another house show. Then there would be four days off before the next PPV.
They sat quietly talking while waiting for their flight to be announced. Judy noticed Taker was moving a little stiff this morning. Leaning toward Kaliegh, Judy asked about him.
"He got up that way this morning." Her worried glance at the man, told Judy more than words could.
Judy studied Taker as he quietly talked with Kane, sitting across from them. He seemed to be in pain. His face looked tight and drawn.
"Kaliegh would you object to me giving Taker a massage. He appears to need one or something."
"No of course not. Would you teach me your technique sometime?" Kaliegh asked.
Smiling for the first time all morning, Judy replied "My pleasure."
Moments later their flight was called. As they boarded the plane, she asked Taker if she could speak to him for a minute.
"What's up?"He asked curiously.
"Thought you might need a massage. You're moving kinda slow this morning." She replied.
"Yeah, I'd like that. Didn't think I'd get any more from you now." He grinned at her surprised look.
"Ok then I'll see you later." She said, then took her seat next to Kane. Taking his hand in hers, she kissed his fingers, then smiled happily up at his surprised look.
"What was that all about?" He asked, nodding his head in Taker's direction.
"Oh I asked if he needed a massage. I'm going to give him one later. You look as though you could use one yourself." The look she gave him made him catch his breath!
Leaning over Kane kissed her in such a way as to leave no doubt as to what he really wanted to do. Finally, pulling back slightly, he whispered "That'll have to do for now. But we have a date later!"
Later that night after the match, the women waited for their men in the locker room. Kaliegh was more talkative than she had been. Taker was limping badly, when he entered the locker room. He showered first, coming out with a towel wrapped around his hips.
With a groan, the big man let his arms hang off the sides of the table waiting for her to begin.
"I'm going to show Kaliegh how to do this so you won't have to wait on me the next time you need it done." Motioning her friend over, Judy explained what to do.
She started at his shoulders, working quickly and efficiently. With long, firm strokes, she worked her way down as far as his hips. Walking to the foot of the table, Judy poured some more oil into her hands, rubbed them together, then started on his lower legs. All the while explaining how to do and what to do, to Kaliegh.
Kane gathered up his clothes, then went back into the shower area to get dressed. When he came back out Taker was naked, and Judy was working on his hip. Kane didn't much like her to be touching another man so intimately. But she didn't seem to think anything of it.
"Ok, I'm ready for you to turn over!" She said softly, holding the towel across his hips once more, the big man rolled over. Judging from the look on his face, the massage was working. Some of the tension had faded.
Kane sat down in a chair, watching her perform her magic. Judy rubbed and kneaded the stiffness from his long limbs, working her way up to his hip. Folding the towel back, she rubbed and kneaded his hip again. Finally, wiping her hands on a towel, she told him he could go and get dressed. Taker had fallen asleep!
Laughing gently, Kaliegh bent over and kissed him lightly on the lips. As he opened his eyes, she repeated what Judy had said. Taker blinked, then sat up.
"Thanks, Judy. That always helps." Wrapping the towel around his hips, Taker took his clothes into the shower area to get dressed.
Judy put away her oils and stuff, then asked Kane if he was ready to leave.
"Kaliegh, we'll talk later." Judy said hugging her friend. Kane called out their good-bye's to Taker as they left the locker room.
On the way back to the hotel, Kane asked what she wanted to do for the next four days.
"Let's go home!" She said softly, smiling lovingly up at her gentle giant.
"Your cabin?" Kane grinned wickedly remembering the time spent there. "GOOD DEAL!"
As they watched Kane and Judy leave, Taker turned to Kaliegh and asked her what they would be doing for the next four days.
"You and I are going to Minnesota and we have to get going because our flight leaves in about an hour."
Three hours later their flight landed at the Minneapolis International Airport. They stopped and picked up a rental car and after another two hour drive, Taker and Kaliegh arrived at her house.
"It's not much, but it's home for me." Kaliegh said as she unlocked the door and let him in. The two barely made it inside the door before their bags were dropped on the floor and their arms were around each other. Taker kissed her with such intense hunger that it made her legs go weak. He picked her up easily, her arms and legs went around him as he held her up against the wall. A soft moan escaped Kaliegh's throat as Taker's mouth once again found hers and his hands explored her body. She ran her hands down his back and pulled his t-shirt up over his head....Her long fingernails traveling across his chest and stomach, sending shivers up and down his spine.
"Aw God, Kaliegh.....I need you..." Taker's voice was a husky whisper of desire that proved to heighten Kaliegh's want for him.
"Down the hall....The bedroom is down the hall." Kaliegh said quickly, not wanting to take her mouth off of his any longer than necessary. With her arms and legs still around him, Taker turned and headed down the first hallway he saw. After bumping into several pieces of furniture in the dark house, they finally made it to their destination.
The next morning Taker and Kaliegh sat drinking coffee and talking.
"This is a very nice place you have here." Taker commented as he got up and looked out the bay window that overlooked the huge yard. "Is this where you lived with..."
"No." Kaliegh answered before he could finish. "We lived in Iowa. I moved up here shortly after he went to jail. I wanted to be closer to my mom and closer to the hospital where I was having the work done on my face after that last beating he gave me."
"So you live out here in the middle of no where...miles away from the nearest town all by yourself?" Taker asked as he sat down again.
"You're wondering if I ever got spooked, aren't you?" Kaliegh said with an easy smile. "I have a very good guard dog...a Doberman. He stays with my mom while I'm on the road."
"How were you able to find this house? These old victorians are few and far between these days."
"It belonged to my grandparents. When they became to old to care for it, my mom took it over. She was more than happy to wash her hands of it when I decided to move up here. I just finished a good part of the remodelling before your "kidnapping"." Kaliegh explained as she got up and filled both of their coffee cups.
"You've done very well for yourself, Kaliegh. Alot of people would have given up had they been in your situation." Taker said as he leaned across the table and kissed her softly.
"Believe me....There were times when I wanted to dig a deep hole, crawl in it, and fill it up on top of me. But each day got a little bit easier...a little bit better, and I got a little more stronger....more confident." A silence fell over Kaliegh and Taker as they finished their coffee and simply enjoyed being with each other. Finally Kaliegh spoke again.
"Well, this unseasonably warm October weather is going to allow us to do something I thought wouldn't be possible." Kaliegh smiled at the look of confusion that crossed over Taker's face. "Come on!" She said, grabbing his hand and leading him outside.
"What is this all about, Kal?" Taker asked as they walked across the yard towards the storage shed in the back of the house.
"You'll find out in about two seconds." Kaliegh said as she pulled the heavy door open and looked up at Taker who was looking inside the shed with surprise and amazement on his face.
"You have a Harley, Kal?" Taker still couldn't believe his eyes. He had been dying to ride again.
"Well, after my husband went to jail, I pitched all of his stuff...except for this bike. I don't know why I kept it, but I'm glad I did. It hasn't been driven since, but I start it every now and then to make sure it still runs and everything. How about it?? You gonna give me a ride or what?" Kaliegh couldn't stop the smile that touched her lips at the thought of being on a motorcycle with this man.
"A ride you want....A ride you shall have." Taker said as he rolled the Harley out of the shed, a devilish smile on his face.
An hour later, they stopped by a small secluded lake that was close by Kaliegh's house. Taker helped her off the bike and led her to a shaded area underneath a huge willow tree.
"You don't know what this time with you means to me." Taker said as he leaned back against the tree. Kaliegh sat next to him, also leaning back on the tree.
"Oh, but I do know what it means to you because it means the same to me." Kaliegh tilted her head and looked up into his eyes. The look there told her more than his words ever could.
"Taker...." She whispered softly as he lowered his mouth to hers. Turning around to face him, Kaliegh sat down on his lap, her legs around his waist. Kaliegh threw her head back as Taker's mouth made it's way down her neck stopping here and there to gently bite her soft skin. He kissed her again, holding her as close to his body as he possibly could. Before long, their clothes were scattered on the ground as the couple again declared their love for each other.
Their remaining days off were spent relaxing, more motorcycle rides, and hours of talking....getting to know each other. The night before their flight was scheduled to leave, Taker and Kaliegh spent the entire night loving each other....their bond becoming even stronger.
The following morning as their flight took off, Kaliegh turned to Taker and said, "I want you to know that the last few days with you has meant alot to me and has allowed me to do a great deal of healing. and although I'm not saying yes just yet, I will give it some serious thought."
Taker's eyes lit up like a child's would at Christmas. He hugged her close to him and kissed her deeply, not caring that there were others on the flight. She was the only one that mattered to him.