The Undertaker's Brides

Book Fifteen

Book Fifteen/Chapter Thirty-Nine.....Search For Serenity

Storm had noticed that the Dark Lord had been much moodier than usual over the past few days, and she wondered just what was going on underneath that emerald green stare. He'd spent a lot of time gazing at the walls of the Parlor and sitting with his head in his hands, speaking little and keeping to himself. The Brides all seemed to be walking on eggshells around him, and Storm felt the same, only speaking to him when spoken to.

She and Kane had pretty much kept to themselves the past week, since they'd returned from their brief honeymoon, and only ventured out when called down by Cyn or one of the other remaining Brides for dinner. The Parlor had been strangely silent as well, and everyone knew that Kiri was missing and Kaliegh had gone away, and of course Jean was off on her own adventures. It seemed to Storm like the whole close-knit group that she called her Sisters was breaking off into tiny pieces and the thought filled her with panic. She had become accustomed to their company, and dreaded the thought of what may lie ahead for the Brides of the Undertaker.

Finally, several days later, when it seemed to her that Taker's bad mood would never end, she gave in and apporached him, hoping against hope that he wouldn't snap at her the way he'd snapped at everyone else lately. Storm looked over her shoulder at Kane as he stood in the doorway and watched her, his head tilted slightly and a look of concern evident in his eyes. Kane clenched and unclenched his gloved fist, and watched his Bride walk timidly up to his older brother. He wouldn't leave her alone with him, just in case.

Taker sat the way he'd done quite a bit the past few days, elbows on knees, head in hands, and staring ahead of him blankly. The other ladies chatted quietly in the kitchen, and there was one thing about the whole scene that struck her immediately. There was no laughter. Usually, when the women got together they had fun and joked around and laughed, but it seemed no one was in a jovial mood anymore. The only ones around who seemed the least bit happy was Storm and Kane, and they weren't about to let anything ruin their bliss.

No one had realized it yet, but Storm and Kane *were* self-aware..they simply chose to enjoy what they had in the dream-world, and not analyze or ask why it was happening. This realization had happened when they'd gone away on their honeymoon, but neither had shared this bit of information with the others, nor did they plan to. There was no sense making yourself unhappy in a place where you could literally be or have anything you could dream up. They were controlling the scripts, and they were responsible for their own happiness, or lack thereof.

This of course led to the Paul Bearer dilemma. Storm had a feeling that Kiri had gone to him, and was now staying with her father, and she had a strong hunch that Taker was depressed because Kaliegh had left, and he cared for both she and Judy. Some things were too complicated to handle, she supposed, even if you *were* self-aware. Storm herself had felt no anger towards Bearer since coming into the dream-world realization, yet..she still felt..fear. Fear for the uncertainty of what he would do to she and Kane. Whether he realized he was in control (somewhat) or not, she was still afraid that he would decide to remain evil and come after them, setting out only to destroy the happiness they'd built and bring his "Son" back to him.

Storm's mind scanned through all these things quickly before she approached Taker, and she took a deep breath and prepared to tell him what she had to. She turned and looked at Kane one last time for reassurance and turned to face the Lord of Darkness.

"Taker?" Her voice was very soft, and she wondered if he had even heard her as it took him a long moment to even respond. Finally he slowly raised his head and gazed intently into her golden eyes, his right eyebrow raised in question.

"I..need to tell you something.."

Taker frowned, looked sad for a brief moment, and his gaze shifted to his feet.

"You need to go away. Am I right?"

Storm tried to hide the shocked expression she wore, but knew she wasn't very successful. She snapped her jaw shut and continued..

"Yes. I'm sorry. It's just that Kane and I need to get away for awhile. There's too much sadness around here right now. We need to go..just for awhile. For our sanity. Please..say you understand."

Taker sighed heavily, and nodded very slowly. His face was grief stricken, and Storm suddenly felt horrible for him as she realized he was afraid he was losing his Brides. She reached forward and leaned down to hug him tightly around the neck. He appeared surprised at her gesture at first, but quickly melted into the hug and held her tightly in return. "Thank you. You have no idea how much I need that right now." he whispered as she leaned over him.

With tears in her eyes, Storm pulled away from him and smiled down at him through blurry vision. "Don't worry, Taker. Kane and I are not going to desert you. I promise...."

Book Fifteen/Chapter Forty....Hot Chocolate For the Soul

Kaliegh and Taker! Both had told her that their shared kiss, and actions since were not what they seemed. Maybe that was true. She didn't know anymore. The wise man told her seeds of doubt was being planted to try and cause seperation among the ranks, so to speak. Was the way she was feeling, part of those seeds? To defeat paul Bearer, they had to stay united. To work together as a cohesive unite. That would be the secret to their success over the threat Bearer presented.

She paced the floor of her bedroom at the parlor, smoking one cigarette after another. How was she suppose to do this thing? She didn't know IF she could do this thing? She didn't know if she had the strength to. But she knew she would do it anyway. Other insurmountable obsticles had been overcome in the past, and this one would, too!

With a sigh, she decided to go down and fix some hot chocolate. Maybe that would relax her enough to go to sleep. All this pacing had done was wind her up. Now she needed something to help her relax. She knew what she really needed, she thought with a wicked grin.

Padding barefoot and in her pajamas, Judy silently went through the living room, to the kitchen.Everyone was asleep at this hour, and she >didn't want to wake them. Feeling for the switch by the door, she turned on the over head light in the kitchen and went to the cabinet to get a saucepan. Getting out the milk, cocoa and sugar, she soon had the stuff going. While she waited, Judy stood looking out the window at the graveyard bathed in the light of the full moon. Deep in thought, she didn't hear him come into the kitchen.

"Is there enough here for me?" he asked softly.

"Lord, you scared me!" Judy was suddenly aware of how little she had on and just how revealing the silk pajamas were.

His green eyes darkened as they traveled over her body, taking in her flushed cheeks as well as the dark blue shorty pajamas. A chamisole top and boxer-type bottoms, this was ALL Judy had on. And he was aroused by what he saw. Desire ran hotly through his veins as his eyes slowly ran back over her body.

She stood rooted to the spot as she became aware of him. Bare feet, jeans unbuttoned, shirt unbuttoned save the last three, his hair all mussed, as though he'd just got out of bed and hadn't had time to comb it. Her blue eyes darkened as her breathing became more rapid. Her lips parted as she tried to think of something to say.

Needing no more invitation then that small jesture, Taker covered the few feet seperating them, taking her in his arms. His lips covered hers in a kiss that was scorching in it's intensity. Her arms went up around his neck on their own volition. She stood on tiptoe, molding her body to his, needing his touch, his nearness. Needing HIM! Her fingers entangled themselves in his long hair. One of his held the back of her head, tilting it slightly as his other cupped her bottom, pulling her closer to him.

They stayed this way, each one lost in the moment, till the smell of scorched milk broke through their mutual passion. Reluctantly, they stepped apart as Judy took the pan, and set it in the sink. She kept her back to him, trying to calm her racing heart. She felt him come up behind her. He slipped one arm around her waist, pulling her back against him. God, was he ready. But, no more than she was. She leaned back against him, resting her head against his massive chest. Her eyes were closed. Her chest rising and falling rapidly. The blue silk of her camisole strained with each breath she took.

He lowered his head, lips nibbling at her neck. When he got to that spot right behind her ear, all was lost. With a moan, she turned in his arms and all but attacked him right there on the kitchen floor. The growl came from deep within his massive frame.

Picking her up in his arms, he was soon taking the stairs two at a time. He kicked the door closed behind him. Dropping her on the bed, Taker's clothes were soon scattered about the room, in his haste to join his Bride on the huge bed. Dawn found the two drifting off to sleep, finally, limbs entangled.


Kiri went up to check on Judy. She'd missed Breakfast. She usually helped cook the morning meal, and Kiri missed her company. "I hope she's not ill!" Kiri thought as she walked down the carpeted hallway. Right hand grasping the knob, left hand poised to knock on the door, the mistress looked up when she heard the door to Taker's room close softly. She could not stop her gasp of surprise, as Judy started down the hall toward her own room, wearing blue silk pajamas and a satisfied smile. Judy's startled gasp of surprise, followed by a becoming blush, caused Kiri to burst out laughing.

"Well, I see you're ok! I was worried about you, so I came to check on you! I see that I wasted my time!" Kiri's amusement caused Judy's blush to deepen.

"Shut up Kiri." Judy said, embarrassed to the core.

She left the door open so Kiri came on in behind her. Just as Kiri started to close the door behind them, Taker's door closed again. Kiri looked out to see him heading for the stairs, whistling tunelessly as he walked. She smiled to herself as she closed the door.

Judy had pulled on a pair of jeans and a long sleeved cotton sweated. She was trying to pull a brush through the tangled mass of curls. When that was accomplished, she twisted it up on the back of her head, holding it in place with a barrett. Spraying on some Poison, she was finally ready to go down with the others.Turning around, she faced her friend.

"Kiri, is there any coffee left?" She asked almost shyly.

At her friend's sudden meekness, Kiri burst out laughing again. "Judy, I have NEVER heard you so polite or so MEEK. What the hell did he do to you, pull you're claws?" Kiri asked, humour and amazement fighting for control of her features.

Judy blushed even more as memory of lastnights activities came rushing back. Kiri burst out laughing again!

"Come on, let's get some coffee!" throwing her arm around Judy's shoulders, they left the room, and head down to the kitchen.

All the others were still sitting around the table, having another cup of coffee, tea, or simply enjoying the company. Taker was busily eating a hearty breakfast. He had a ravenous appitite this morning. Glancing up, as Kiri and Judy entered the Kitchen. Judy could not quite meet his eyes this morning, and when she did, the blush disappeared under her sweater. Everyone was too busy to notice anything out of the ordinary, but she felt as though everybody was looking at her.

Taking her cup of coffee, Judy sat down on the left side of the big man.

He hadn't taken his eyes off her since she'd entered the kitchen."Would you like to take a walk with me after breakfast?" He asked softly, leaning toward her slightly.

"I'd like that!" She breathed softly, not able to meet his beautiful green eyes.

"Good, come on!" Taker pushed back his chair, and reached out for her hand, and together started out of the kitchen. They were stopped by Kiri.

"Taker is something wrong with your foot?" she asked feigning concern.

Turning back to meet the eyes of this Mistress of the Morgue, he replied, "No, why do you ask?"

Laughing at the look of confusion on his handsome face, her eyes dancing with devilish glee, she said, "Oh, no reason, except you're walking funny."

Everyone at the table turned and looked at the big man waiting for his response. He grinned hugely, then turning , he took Judy's hand and together they left the room.....


"Taker we need to talk!" Judy said quietly, as they walked through the woods, holding hands.

She'd had her head down deep in thought for the last 15 minutes or so. He didn't disturb her, knowing she had something on her mind, knowing she would tell him when she was ready.

"What about?" He asked as they stopped at an old stone wall.

He lifted her up on the wall, so they would be nearly eye to eye. Whatever it was, playing on her mind, she felt was deadly serious. Judy was wringing her hands, which was never a good sign. A frown wrinkled her forehead, and tightened her normally soft mouth. Finally, she lifted her eyes to meet his. This WAS serious! Taking a deep steadying breath, trying to muster her courage, she plunged ahead.

"Taker, you know you mean a lot to me. But this doesn't feel right. Last night you gave me something I needed badly. Wipe that DAMN smirk off your face cause that's NOT what I'm talking about!" She said rather sharply. Shaking her head, she looked down at her hands again before going on. Looking into his amazing green eyes, she continued. "You gave me something far more precious to me, than having sex with you. You gave me comfort, of anothers closeness. I needed that far more than the sex. For all that the Brides are family in every sense of the word, something was missing. That something was the closeness you gave to me lastnight, that we're sharing now. But,... there can never be anything sexual between us again. Your heart is spoken for, I know this, and so do you. I'm going to talk to Kaliegh as soon as we go back. I sense a distance between us that I want closed. She's my friend, and I don't want to lose that."

Taker was amazed by this Bride. She surprised him by her passion. Really surprised him. But, he too didn't feel comfortable with it. It was almost relief that he felt at her words. Remembering Kaliegh's reaction when Judy returned from her home, The big man was more than a little nervous thinking what her reaction would be to this would be.

Judy knew he was thinking about Kaliegh. It showed on his face, in his eyes. Reaching out her hand, she touched his cheek, drawing his attention back to her. Smiling gently, she continued."Babe, it's alright, or it will be. Come on now, help me down off this wall, and let's go back." The kiss she gave him was more sisterly than passionate.


"Kaliegh, can we talk?" Judy asked as soon as they returned to the parlor. The Brides were involved in another poker game.

Kaliegh had watched them when they returned to the parlor. Something had changed between them somehow. But what? "Sure, have a seat!" Came the cool reply.

"In private, please" Judy had not moved.

Kaliegh glanced up and was further confused by the serene look on Judy's face. Throwing down her cards, she told the others that she was out, then got up and followed Judy out of the kitchen.

They went outside to the far end of the porch, Judy sat on the rail, and Kaliegh leaning across it. Judy talked for about 30 minutes, watched as Kaliegh stiffened, then slowly relaxed. She kept her head turned away so Judy was unable to fully read her reactions.

"So you see Kaliegh, I'm no threat to you. If you must know, Taker seems more like a brother than a lover. You two deserve a chance together, and I wish you all the best. Taker provided a closeness that i desperately needed lastnight. That more than anything else, was what I wanted. Please don't be mad at me anymore." Judy finished softly.

Kaliegh didn't move for a while. Finally she turned tear filled eyes toward her friend. "I never was mad. I was jealous! I was PISSED OFF at Taker BIG TIME!" Thinking a moment, she looked skeptically at Judy. "You look at him as a BROTHER? Girl, we gotta get your eyes checked!" Together, the two women laughed, for the first time in a very long while....

Book Sixteen of The Undertaker's Brides

© 1998 by The Brides of Darkness

**This story cannot be used in any way without written permission