The Undertaker's Brides

Book Thirteen

Book Thirteen/Chapter Thirty-Seven....Love And War

After Judy had come back home to the Parlor and toasts were made all around, little by little, everyone went about their usual business. Kaliegh went outside where there was peace and quiet....and she thought about The Undertaker....the long lingering looks he shared with Judy had been like a dagger in her heart. One thing she had learned since coming to the Parlor was how to express her feelings rather than keep them bottled up like she usually did. She got up and walked into the Parlor and began to seek out the Undertaker. She found him as soon as she walked in the door. He was in the front closet hanging up a coat. He was a little taken aback by the look in her eyes...she sure wasn't after him for love...She was clearly pissed.

"Get your dead ass upstairs, NOW!!!" She screamed at him, shooting venom bullets from her eyes. "It seems we have a few things that need to be discussed."

"Kaliegh, I don't know what has gotten into you, but I think it would be a good idea if we talked about this after you have calmed down." The Undertaker said, after getting over the initial shock of her outburst.

"Nice try Taker....but I don't think so. Now....are you gonna get going or do I have to send your ass up there?"

The Undertaker stared at her for a moment, still not quite able to figure out if she was REALLY as mad at him as she seemed or if it was some sort of act. "But... DAMN!!!!" He thought to himself. "She is beautiful with that look in her eyes." He then turned around and stalked away towards the stairs...with Kaliegh close on his heels. The moment they were behind the closed door of his room, she turned her poison loose on him.

"You are a fucking asshole!! You are a user just like every other man that walks this earth. You might be good in bed....but what you have in your heart SUCKS!!!"

It didn't take long for the Undertaker to lose his patience, and he began to defend himself.

"Kaliegh....I can't see what you are so upset about." he said to her, confusion masking his arresting green eyes. "All I did was talk to her."

"Give me a break." Kaliegh said, with a bitter laugh. "Do you think I'm fuckin' blind? I saw the way you looked at her....your eyes were filled with lust."

The Undertaker, startled by her harsh choice of words, was silent for a few moments and then said, "You have to believe me, Kal....Judy just wanted to wish us well....She saw you and I come in after our....uh.....evening out....and Judy was very hurt, but she has gotten over all of that now.....Trust me when I tell you that it was nothing."

"Oh...I see." Kaliegh shot back at him. "Just like you told her what happened between you and I was nothing. Well, for me it was something...Something VERY special...It was like a dream come true. But now...It's been turned into something based on lies....broken into little pieces that can never be put back together again. Right now...I really don't give a flying fuck what you do.....But if you know what is good for you....You will leave me the Hell alone...don't talk to me, don't look at me....don't even THINK about me."

Kaliegh had successfully pushed the wrong button....and before the Undertaker knew what he was doing, he reached his hand out and slapped her hard across the face. The force of the blow knocked her backward against the wall, causing her to hit her head. Kaliegh stared up at him, her eyes wide with fear. When The Undertaker realized what he had done, he rushed up to her and began to apologize. But Kaliegh wanted nothing to do with him.

"You Son of a Bitch!!" She screamed at him.... loud enough so that all who were downstairs in the Parlor heard. She quickly got up and ran out the door, into her room....slamming the door behind her so hard that it shook the walls of the Parlor.


Cindy and Nikki were sitting by the kitchen table talking when they heard screams and the sound of slamming doors coming from upstairs.

"Oh man...." Nikki said, looking up at the ceiling. "I knew this was going to happen."

"Me too." Cindy relied with a sigh. "I saw Kaliegh a little bit ago and she was none to happy. The look on her face gave meaning to the phrase "If Looks Could Kill"

"Well, then....We better go make sure they didn't kill each other." Nikki said as she got up from the table, heading for the stairs.

Nikki and Cindy stood outside of the Undertaker's door, not so sure if they wanted to get involved in the situation. Finally Cindy took a deep breath and knocked on the door. He flung the door open with annoyance and the two women stepped into the room....Looking at The Lord of Darkness. His mesmerizing green eyes were filled with tears that didn't fall and he looked like he had aged ten years in the last few minutes.

"Mind telling us what happened?" Nikki asked him.

"I hit her...." The Undertaker stated flatly.

"You did what?? Is she okey....Does she need help?" Nikki questioned, a look of disbelief on her face.

"I didn't mean to....It just happened.....She was on a rampage.....Accusing me of using her and calling me every name in the book. I guess I just lost control. I know that doesn't justify what I did.....and I'm very sorry for this whole mess."

The Undertaker got up and began pacing the floor, and then continued speaking.

"I hate myself for what I'm putting Kaliegh through....I REALLY care about her. When I'm with her, theres nothing that can compare to that. But now I've messed up terribly and lost an important part of my life."

Cindy opened the door with a heavy sigh and said, "I trust you will take care of this....Kiri wouldn't like all this fighting and abuse in her Parlor."


Kaliegh had been walking the floor on her room for the past hour. She wasn't angry any more....just terribly sad. It was her own fault that The Undertaker had hit her. She knew of his short fuse and shouldn't have pushed him that far. She wished she had the strength to get up and walk away....And never look back.

"DAMN!!" She thought to herself. "As much as I hate to admit it though......I NEED him." The truth was, she wanted him so bad it hurt everytime she thought about it.

With a trembling sigh, she stepped out of her room and slipped down the back steps, through the dark house, and out into the night. Kaliegh looked up to the heavens, letting the gentle breeze soothe her tortured soul. Deciding to go for a walk, she called for Thunder, knowing he'd be delighted to accompany her. She walked through the woods until she was tired and stopped for a short rest. She sat down with her back against a huge pine tree and closed her eyes. Suddenly she heard the sound of branches cracking, as if under the weight of footsteps...Then she felt a hand on her shoulder. About ready to jump out of her skin, she turned around.

"What the Hell are you doing." She asked him, her eyes cold as ice. "Are you following me?"

The Undertaker caught sight of the ugly purple handprint that covered one whole side of her face....from her temple to her jaw. The eye on that side was completely red from broken blood vessels caused by the force of the blow....And the whole side of the face was starting to take on a misshapen form caused by swelling. Kaliegh saw him staring at her and was once again filled with unhappiness. She hung her head low so that her long hair would hide the tears that threatened to fall.

"Sweet Kaliegh...." He whispered, brushing the hair back out of her face. "I don't know what is happening here....But there is definitely something happening. What happened between you and I was amazing....And I'd be lying if I told you I didn't want it to happen again."

"Is it really worth it though?" Kaliegh said, sounding totally defeated. "The pain we've caused ourselves...not to mention others....I'll admit that I need you as much as I need air to breath....But I don't hardly think you need me that bad. Why should you?? You have your choice of any of the Brides and I know damn well that I wasn't your first choice. I don't know why I even waste my time pursuing this. My's shit....I've never felt this way with any man before....but like always.....I can't figure out why I thought you'de be any different."

Kaliegh got up quickly, and before The Undertaker could respond to her words, she began speaking again.

"Please... I need to be alone....I'll be in my room, but unless it's an emergency, please do not bother me."

"I wish you would stay here with me, Kal. But I understand and respect your need for privacy. Just know that you are on my mind." As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Kaliegh turned away and started towards the Parlor.

She went directly to her room and sat down with a heavy sigh. The tears that had threatened before, now fell....She trembled as sobs wracked her body. Finally after what seemed like forever....the tears dried up and she fell into a restless sleep. After tossing and turning for hours, Kaliegh got up shortly before dawn. She went into the bathroom and started a bath. As she waited for the water to fill, she looked at her reflection in the mirror.

"I look like Hell." She thought to herself. Her face...the part that wasn't black and blue, was as pale as death...her eyes void of any life. She turned off the water and decided to get a cup of tea before getting in the tub.

She returned to the bathroom and eased into the steamy, hot water. She closed her eyes while the hot water relaxed her, drawing all tension out of her body. She stayed in the bath until the water was cold, then let the water out and turned on the shower to wash her hair. When done with that, she dried off and slipped into her robe and went out the door. Kaliegh went back down to the kitchen and washed up the cup she'd used for tea and went out the door.

The air outside could be cut with a and thick with humidity...There was steam rising out of the ground and thunder rumbling in the distance. The moon was full but mostly covered by dark storm clouds....The fresh scent of rain added to the "perfect" setting. She walked around the huge house and looked up at the Undertaker's window....Feeling such pain in her heart she could hardly breath. The room was dark, but when the lightening flashed, she could see him sitting the window. With the next crash of thunder, came another blinding strike of lightening...This time he was not at the window. Filled with disappointment, she turned around to go back inside. Suddenly the tiny hairs on the back of her neck stood on end and a shiver ran up her spine.

"He is near." She thought to herself and wished she had taken the time to put on some clothes...The Undertaker was apt to think she had flipped walking around outside in her robe. Kaliegh turned around and looked behind her....hearing his voice calling for her on the breeze....But she saw no one.

"Taker..." She whispered into the dark night. "Where are you?"

Then as the lightening flashed again, she saw him standing directly in front of her. He stood with his arms open...inviting her to him. She all but ran to him and fell into his arms.

"How can something that feels so right....also feel so wrong?" She asked him, searching his green pools for an answer.

A deep growl escaped him as he lowered his lips to hers. Kaliegh quickly pulled out of his embrace...Still searching his eyes. Finally she spoke again.

"I'm so sorry for the way I acted last night. I had no right to say things like that to you. I'm just so confused....I know that's no excuse...But I...." She trailed off.

"Kaliegh, you had every right.....I'm very confused right now too...I'm sorry...So sorry.... you didn't deserve this." He said as he tenderly caressed her bruised face.

Kaliegh took a deep breath and then asked about the one thing that brought much pain deep in her heart and soul.

"What about Judy?"

"She's okey with us...That is why she went away for a time. But now she has accepted that you and I need each other."

"Are you sure?" She asked him, a skeptical look on her face. "She doesn't seem too accepting to me...Actually she has been rather cold towards me since returning."

"She told me herself, Kaliegh. She wouldn't lie about something like that...She has wished us well and said that you and I deserve to be happy...can't you understand...this is what is meant to be."

"Maybe..." Kaliegh said, remembering the looks that he had given Judy. "What about you? I mean, It's pretty obvious to me that you have some sort of feelings for her....You know...if you'd rather be with her..then let me go before I get into this too deep."

"I don't have any answers for you right now, Kaliegh. I care for you a great each have your own special qualities....The mystery and sadness that surrounds you...and then Judy's bright personality....I don't know, Kal...I really don't know."

Kaliegh stood silent for several moments, trying to absorb what he had just said to her.

"Sometimes I REALLY think about leaving all of this behind...It's like a bad nightmare...Hell, it is a nightmare....It's not all bad...but I really don't need this. I love all the Brides, you, and Kane....But there has got to be something better....Don't be surprised if you all wake up some morning and I'm not here...because I am this close to leaving this dream."

"You can't mean that, Kaliegh....I thought you liked it here at the Parlor." the Undertaker said....his eyes filled with concern.

"I do like it here....Sometimes....I just need to get away....I'll always come back." She said with a sigh.

"I'm sorry for causing you so much pain....I tried not to get involved...I knew what problems would arise....But, you are so warm and caring.....I can't resist you."

"It's funny..." She said to him. " The other night, I thought I could be with you and then go about as if nothing ever happened. Try as hard as I can...But I can't resist you either."

Before the words were even out of her mouth, the Undertaker wrapped his arms around her and scooped her up. He carried her to the middle of the woods...Under the cover of a huge pine tree. As the rain fell and the thunder crashed, he brought his lips to hers in a deep, passion filled kiss. She returned his kiss with every last ounce of fire in her body. Kaliegh pulled his tight black t-shirt off and ran her fingers down his tightly muscled back and up his massive chest. The Undertaker groaned deep in his throat and pulled her closer to him....Feeling he couldn't get close enough....He thought that even if he were able to crawl under her skin, that still wouldn't be close enough. He ran his hand up her firmly muscled leg, while his mouth wandered over her neck and throat. He brushed her hair back and slid her robe off one shoulder. He brought his his lips to her shoulder and bit the soft flesh. Kaliegh drew in a sharp breath from the pain that brought more pleasure than anything.

"Kaliegh....Let me have you....Please accept my love." he whispered in her ear.

The words he said soothed away any last restrictions that were left. A slight smile played on her lips as she threw him down on the ground...where the two bodies soon became one.


Kaliegh woke up several hours later, wrapped in a tangled mess of Undertaker and blankets. She was confused at first as to what she was doing his his bed. Then the memory of what had happened in the early morning came flooding back. She smiled at the sweet thought and snuggled closer to him. He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a gentle kiss.....then he fell into a deep...content sleep. Kaliegh watched his steady, even breathing for a moment and then slipped out of his arms. She found her robe laying on the floor and pulled it on....Takeing one last look at the man.....she slipped out the door.

Kaliegh was about to make the hardest decision that she had ever had to make in her life....One of the things she had learned while visiting the Underworld with Jean was how to block dreams....To brainwash yourself, so to speak, so that you won't dream when you fall asleep. As much as she hated the thought of leaving the Brides....She also felt that The Undertaker had a few things that he needed to get worked out for himself....And much like Judy....She needed to get be able to accept that the Undertaker was only human and that she was not the only one in his life. She had already tod him last night that she felt she would be going soon....and there wasn't much he could do about it.

Kaliegh left her room and went back into the Undertaker's room. She found him still sleeping....she gave him a soft kiss and said "Good-bye"

Book Fourteen of The Undertaker's Brides

© 1998 by The Brides of Darkness

**This story cannot be used in any way without written permission