"Oh, and what did lover boy want this time?" Kaliegh asked back, smiling as she did so.
"There is a house show next week in Indiana that Kane and Taker want you and I to be at. The show is on Wednesday and then they have Thursday and Friday off. Kane will take care of all the arrangements. Can you make it?" Judy typed in on the screen and the hit "send".
"I don't know, Judy. Blake was none to happy when I went off to Chicago." Kaliegh replied back.
Blake was Kaliegh's on again, off again boyfriend. He mostly only came around when he wanted sex or money. When Kaliegh said that he had not been happy with her adventure to Chicago, it was the biggest understatement ever. He wasn't just mad, he was PISSED. Blake had meet her at her house when she got back from Chicago, and after beating the crap out of her, left her laying in a puddle of blood, not caring if she lived or died. Kaliegh had told Judy that Blake had been upset with her, but she didn't tell her just how upset he had been.
"What are you still doing with him, Kaliegh?" Judy typed in. "I know how he treats you. You need to get away from him because one of these days your chances are going to run out."
Kaliegh sighed, knowing just how right Judy was. "Do you think I really have a chance with Taker?" Kaliegh asked and then sent the message.
"I don't know, but you'll never know for sure if you stay there and allow yourself to be someone's punching bag." Judy replied.
Kaliegh finally agreed to make the trip to Indiana. The two women talked a bit longer, speculating on the possibilities that this latest trip might bring.
Four days later, the night before her flight to Indiana, Blake showed up at Kaliegh's house, the smell of liquor hung around him like storm cloud. When she tried to close and lock the door on him, he overpowered her, forcing the door open and gaining entry into the house. Seeing her packed suitcase sitting there by the door made him go ballistic.
"You little whore!! You're going to see that wrestler again, aren't you? Well, that's just fine because he'll never want you. In his eyes you are nothing but an old used up whore! Whether you like it or not, you will alway belong to me." Blake's voice was cold...uncaring.
By now Kaliegh was crying due to Blake's harsh words. This only served to enrage him even more. He grabbed ahold of her shoulders and shook her violently, snapping her neck back and forth. "Shut up you pathetic bitch or I'm going to shut you up...permanently..." Finally he threw her into the nearest wall. Kaliegh's head bounced off the hard floor where she fell, thankfully rendering her unconscious.
When Kaliegh woke up, it was the next day...Wednesday. She slowly lifted her head off the floor, shaking it slightly to clear the cob webs. She sat up against the wall as she looked around the room, remembering what had happened. When she saw her packed suitcase sitting by the door, she remembered what today was and why Blake had gotten so angry with her. Kaliegh glanced up at the clock across the room. If she could get up now, she would still have time to shower and make her flight. She cautiously got to her feet, only to fall back down as a wave of dizziness passed through her throbbing head. She waited a few moments and then tried again...this time successfully. Kaliegh carefully walked to her bedroom, got some clean clothes and then went into the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, she was not at all surprised by what she saw there. It was going to take some very carefully applied make-up on her part to hide the bruises. Kaliegh took a shower as hot as she could possibly stand, letting the water ease her aching body. Thankfully she had a wash and go hairstyle so she was able to spend more time on her make-up. Two hours later she was satisfied with what she saw in the mirror. She called a taxi and was on her way to Indiana within the hour.
When the flight landed two and a half hours later, Kaliegh waited around at the airport, knowing that Judy's flight was due shortly. Kaliegh was thrilled to be seeing Judy again and could hardly sit still while she waited. Finally Judy's flight came in and she walked through the gate into the airport.
The two women squealed happily when they saw each other and after hugging they walked through the airport to the baggage claim. Judy took notice of the heavier than usual make-up on Kaliegh and knew immediately what she was trying to hide, but chose not to say anything at that particular moment.
After collecting their luggage, they caught a taxi and were at their hotel twenty minutes later. Upon checking in, the desk attendant gave Judy a message from Kane telling them to stop by his room to pick up the tickets for the show that night.
"Kaliegh, I'm going down to Kane's room to get the tickets. You coming?" Judy asked after they had gotten to their room.
"Nah, you go on. I want to shower and take a short nap before the show." Kaliegh answered as she took out a fresh change of clothes and went into the bathroom.
"Are you sure? Taker could be there too." Judy said as an evil grin spread across her face.
"I'm sure, and if he is there, send him my way." Kaliegh said with a smile, figuring it would be a cold day in Hell before she would ever have Taker in a hotel room with her.
Kaliegh finished her shower, and came out into the room wrapped in a towel having decided to wear jeans instead of the shorts she had originally planned to wear. She about jumped right out of her skin when she saw Taker standing across the room from her.
"The door was open..." He said as he turned around. His slight smile quickly turned serious. "Who did that to you?"
Kaliegh suddenly realized that she had washed off all her make-up in the shower. She stood there silently, not quite knowing what to say.
"Who did that?" Taker asked once again as he stepped up to her and examined the bruises. He then looked over the rest of her, taking in more bruises on her arms and legs.
"My, um...boyfriend..." Kaliegh stuttered, hanging her head in shame, while tears fell freely from her eyes.
Taker gently touched her cheek, wanting so bad to take her into his arms, but not knowing if he should. Even though this woman was not the type he usually went for, here she was.....And he was falling hard for her. Something....he didn't know what....drew him to her. Finally he did take her into his arms, tilting her head up towards his as he did so. He kissed her very slowly....very gently.
Kaliegh was amazed at the warmth this man possessed. It had never been that way with Blake...It had always been cold and unfeeling with him. Kaliegh felt, and prayed that she was right, and that from this moment on, she would never have to face Blake's wrath again....Or atleast not alone.
When their kiss ended, Taker pulled back slightly and looked deep into her eyes, trying to read her emotions. What he mostly saw was uncertainty. But as he looked deeper, he also saw other emotions and he knew that she felt for him, the same way her felt for her.
"Judy and Kane are having dinner after the show and would like for you and I to join them. Are you up to it?" He asked finally.
"Yes...that would be nice. I'll see you later then." Kaliegh answered as Taker walked towards the door. Before leaving, he bent and kissed her again, and then was gone.
That night after the show, the four of them found a small, secluded bar/restaurant about fifty miles outside of Indianapolis. Since the weather was warm, Taker and Kaliegh rode on his motorcycle while Judy and Kane traveled in the jeep that he had rented. When they finished with their meals, they stayed on at the bar to have a drink and decide what they would do next.
"There's a poster out in the entry way advertising a fair over in the next county." Judy suggested when the others had failed to come up with any ideas.
"A fair??" Kane asked while Taker and Kaliegh looked at her with the same curiosity as Kane. "Sounds good to me. What do you two say?"
"Sounds good to me too." Kaliegh agreed.
"Well, I'd say we have a plan then." Taker said as he got up from his chair. "I hope you two know where this fair is at. We'll end up lost in the middle of nowhere if you follow me....not that it would be a bad thing to be lost....We'll follow you."
About thirty minutes later, they had found the fair. Kaliegh and Judy went in first to pick up baseball caps and sunglasses at one of the stands as a way of disguise for the men. Even with that, Kane and Taker were recognized by a few loyal fans, but most were respectful of their privacy.
The first place Judy and Kaliegh went to was the small haunted house on the other side of the fairgrounds. The two women, who walked in well ahead of the the men, did not see Kane and Taker slip the attendant a one hundred dollar bill each, keeping all of the the fair's other visitors out.
The two couples walked together for a bit, but soon Kane and Judy had ideas of their own and went off in their own way. Taker and Kaliegh watched as they walked off and then he turned to her and said, "Kaliegh, I know you have to go back tomorrow because of your job. If it's okey with you, I'd like to come back with you and make sure the bastard that did that to you doesn't give you any trouble when you get home."
"Thanks, I'd appreciate that." Kaliegh said softly. They continued to talk and get to know each other better while they waited for Judy and Kane. Finally some time later, Judy and Kane finally returned.
"I'm sorry I'm not able to stay the extra day with you." Kaliegh said to Judy the next morning as they had coffee. "My boss has been a bit of a jerk lately and wasn't too pleased to give me the two days that I did get off. I'm sure Kane will keep you well occupied though."
Judy nodded her head, fully understanding what Kaliegh was going through with her job. "Well, King of the Ring is only three weeks away. You are still going, aren't you?"
"Of course! I wouldn't miss it for anything!" Just as Kaliegh finished saying this, Taker knocked on the door to pick her up. Saying good-bye to Judy, Kaliegh promised to get in touch with her in a day or so. A few hours later, they arrived at Kaliegh's home in Minnesota.
"Well, I don't see his car..." Kaliegh commented as she turned the car into the driveway. "Maybe he finally came to his senses."
Kaliegh went into her home while Taker got their bags from the trunk of the car. "Well, well, well....The bitch is back..." Came Blake's menacing voice the minute she walked into the house. Kaliegh quickly looked behind her, realizing that Taker was still out at the car. Blake was upon her with lightening like speed. He grabbed her by the chin, his fingers clamping down as tight as a vice. "When are you going to learn? You belong to me and no one else. You will never...not ever be rid of me." Just as Blake threw Kaliegh down to the floor, Taker came through the door. Blake turned to leave when he saw the big man, but was caught before he could get anywhere.
"You think you're a big man, beating up on a woman, huh?" Taker yelled at the other man as he picked him up by his neck and slammed him down to the floor. "I could kill you right now, but you are not worth wasting my energy on. But let me tell you this, if you do ever lay a hand on her again....It will be the last thing you ever do. Now get the Hell out of here!"
Blake very quickly got to his feet and looked directly at Kaliegh." You'll never be rid of me. Even when I am dead, I will haunt you!" Then he was gone.
Kaliegh had backed into the corner of the room, her eyes were wide and her whole body trembled uncontrollably. Taker carefully picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. He held her well into the night until she finally calmed and fell asleep.
He continued to hold her long after she fell into an uneasy sleep. He had covered her slender body with the comforter she had on her bed, but he stayed on top of the covers. He could not believe the abuse this gentle woman had tolerated or for how long it had been going on. No woman should have to put up with that! Any man that treated a woman that way, was not a man, in his opinion! They were BULLIES pure and simple! He had a method of dealing with bullies. Finally, as sunrise approached, he had reached a decision concerning Kaliegh. He hoped she would agree.
Kane and Judy had spent the evening together, but not in bed, as Kaliegh would have assumed, considering how Judy felt about this man. They had teased back and forth, with Kane mentioning the "phone sex" thing they had shared!
Laughing self-consciously, blushing faintly, she looked down at the table, suddenly unable to meet his amused hazel eyes, yet she saw desire there as well as amusement.
"I've never done that kind of thing before! " she glanced up, a gentle grin curving her soft lips, " I talk a good game, but mostly, that's all it is!! Mostly!" GAWD would she NOT shut up!
Finally lifting blue eyes to meet his, her gentle voice and soft look in her eyes brought out the protective, tender side in him. He wanted to take care of this woman! He wanted to make love to her, but he wanted to take care of her as well! She had an innocence about her, despite her passionate nature! She trusted people! Good or bad, she trusted people.
Kaliegh had the nicest dream! That the Taker had come home with her, and spent the night. She dreamed they slept together. Smiling about such a pleasant dream, she stretched, throwing out her arms. When the one came in contact with another body, she froze, going stiff all over. Almost reluctantly, she turned her head expecting to see Blake in bed beside her. She didn't know what surprised her the most, the fact it wasn't Blake, or the clear green eyes of Taker, gazing back at her.
"Good morning!" He said almost casually, a faint smile curving his sensual lips.
"OH MY GAWD!! It WASN'T a dream!" Her amazement was clear to see, and brought a chuckle from the big man beside her.
"Do you have those kinds of dreams often?" He asked, trying to control the grin that kept threatening to break through.
Kaliegh flamed, her eyes huge as she realized what he meant. "NO! But I do dream about you!" She blurted out, then groaned in agony as she realized what she had just said. Rolling over on her stomach, she hid her head under her pillow.
Laughing out right, he pulled her to him, hugging her gently. His laughter was music itself, to her. "You do a lot for a man's self-confidence. You really know how to make a man feel good!"
Kaliegh looked up, not knowing if he was kidding or being serious. All she could see was a gentle, good humor, but not mocking her. Not making fun of her, not ridiculing her, as Blake was prone to do.
"You want some breakfast?" Was all she could think of to say.
She had fallen under his hypnotic gaze, completely mesmerized by his beautiful green eyes. She noticed they were surrounded by thick, dark lashes, which only served to emphasize their allure. His eyes never left hers. Very slowly, he shook his head. What she saw in his eyes took her breath away.
He rolled her over on her back, and very deliberately mounted an assault against her senses. The kiss was gentle at first, then deepened as passion consumed them both. Hungrily, their mouths couldn't get enough of each other! His hands ran over her slight body, illiciting moans of desire for this, her dream man! Tentatively, her arms went up around him, running from shoulder to narrow waist, feeling the strength, the power, he possessed in his big body. She could feel the muscles rippling beneath his shirt. Slipping her timid hands between their bodies, she unbuttoned his shirt, one button at a time. Sliding her hands inside, she caressed his massive, thickly muscled chest. A thrill ran through her body as his hand slid up under her blouse, caressing her swollen breast.
She slid the shirt off his shoulders. Taker stopped what he was doing long enough to toss the garment to the floor behind him. She took the opportunity to remove her blouse as well. The sight of his bare chest, brought a gasp of pure lust to her lips. Just the sight of him bare chested, made her heart race, and her pulse pound. "Just this one time!" She silently prayed. And she would deal with whatever life threw her way. At least, she would have her memories of this time, to comfort her.
Taker was studying her as intensely, as she was him. What he saw was a gentle nature, a warm and loving heart, an innocence, yet a total lack of self confidence. She had a vulnerability about her that called out to him as did her passionate nature! What he saw was a genuine WOMAN! Not one of those plastic Barbie doll wannabes that usually followed in his path! She was REAL! She had an inner beauty that shined through, making her as beautiful outside, as she was inside.
Tenderly, he kissed her again, gently sucking on her lower lip. His lips traced a line along her jaw to her earlobe. Once again, he nibbled gently. Her nails raked his bared back. The sudden, slight pain jarred him, and seemed to inflame him even more.
His hands worked at the fastenings of her jeans. Squirming away from him, she slid off the bed long enough to remove her jeans, as did he. Very soon, they literally attacked each others bodies once again. In minutes, the two bodies became one. They moved to the eternal rhythm of love. Much later, they fell into a deep sleep.
Kane drove Judy to the airport. He hated seeing her leave. He had completely enjoyed their time together. Even though nothing more than a few kisses and a few caresses had passed between them, Kane didn't feel the urgency he had days earlier. He knew that time would come, when it was right. He knew she was now, and would be willing then. He didn't want to rush her. In fact, he rather enjoyed the teasing! It added a whole new dimension to their relationship.
Inside the airport, after checking her luggage, they found a place to sit and share a cup of coffee before her flight was called. His hazel eyes watched her, took in the delicate rose that tinted her cheeks naturally. Her eyes were the bluest he had ever seen! She had a number of good qualities, even though he barely knew her. He knew she was a good woman, a woman with values, a woman of morals! She didn't sleep around. He knew this instinctively. He knew he wanted her more than he had ever wanted a woman before.
They talked quietly for a time, when something occurred to him. "You live in Knoxville, don't you?" He asked, head cocked to one side as he waited for her reply.
"Well, actually, no! I live in the Wears Valley Community right outside of Pidgeon Forge! I have a cabin high up on one of those mountains, there! Are you familiar with that area?" She asked curiously.
"As a matter of fact, I am! I'd like to see you again! If that's alright with you!" He asked, waiting for her reply.
A sexy smile tugged at her lips as she replied,"I'd like that! I'd like that very much! But you have my number! You know how to reach me!" She said, her eyes going almost black.
And Kane anticipated the next meeting with pleasure!
Taker awoke to the smell of coffee and... something else he couldn't identify. Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, he pulled on his jeans and went in search of Kaliegh. She turned when she heard him cough, just before he got to the kitchen doorway. Grinning, she handed him a cup of coffee. Smiling his thanks, he asked what smelled so good.
"Well, I got up earlier and started dinner. I hope you like mashed potatoes and Yankee Potroast." She said with a smile.
Taker looked up, then grinned broadly, anticipating the home cooked meal.