Movie Magazine Links

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There are plenty of online movie magazines to keep you busy.  Some are great, some are warmed-over blather.  Decide for yourself.

iF Magazine - 'The Magazine for the Independent Filmmaking Revolution' Yeah, so I write for these guys.  So what?  If you're a fan of indie movies or just like plain old good writing, check out this mag.  Weekly features, regular columns, news, reviews interviews and nasty sarcasm, all geared for those sick of the Hollywood Machine.

Film Threat Magazine is also a lot of fun.  While indie and smaller movies are again the focus, don't let that fool you into thinking they're stuffy.  With their regular festival reports and entertaining columnists, Film Threat is a smart-assed winner.

Premiere - The website based on the glossy print magazine.  I'd call Premiere the Sports Illustrated of movie magazines, and that's not really a compliment.  The website is more involving than than the newsstand version.  To be fair, their Summer and Fall Movie Editions are definitely worth picking up, and Libby Gelman Waxner is a trip.

Filmnet - The largest online magazine for the Australian film industry.  OK, maybe you don't need this one, but I know a few Australians, and when they're not drunk, they're online at Filmnet.  It's got Australian release dates, reviews, articles, job listings and even a newsletter.  Move to Australia, and you're all set.

Mr. Showbiz - This is one of those 'Go' websites that's owned by Disney and ABC and Pepsi and Michael Jackson.  But even though it's a site run by some mega-conglomerate, Mr. Showbiz is a cool movie magazine.  Nothing spectacular, but it does offer some very cool seasonal games, like the Summer Movie Challenge.  Lots of articles, news and reviews with a colorful layout.

Entertainment Weekly - Yeah, like you don't buy it.  Sure.  What EW may lack in depth, it sure does make up for in volume.  The EW Online Edition is packed to the gills with all that entertainment minutae you love so much.  Movie reviews by Owen Glieberman nonwithstanding, it's a magazine for people who think 'People' is too deep.  (Warning: Pop-Up Ads are prevalent at EW.)

TV Guide Movies - Believe it or not, this is actually a pretty strong magazine.  'FlickChick' knows her stuff, you can see reviews of what's coming on Cinemax tonight and there's a surprisingly impressive movie database.  Not content with just the TV reporting, TV Guide Movies also offers theatrical and video news and reviews.

Variety - The straight scoop.  You can subscribe and get the news before it hits the streets.  As all movie lunatics know, Variety is the Wall Street Journal of movie magazines.  It's where all the big announcements are made, the news is the real deal, and you can feel like an insider.  If you've never seen the inside of this magazine, get ready for an education.

Movieline - You've seen this one at the book shops, looking like Premiere's middle-class cousin.  While the print version is mostly a lot of big glamour photos, the online version has some great features, including movie-related games, tons of articles and those cool 'Top 100' lists that Movieline always does so well.  Worth a look.

Empire Online - The great-grand daddy of UK movie magazines.  The online edition is even better than the print version, mainly because it's lacking that big import pricetag!  Empire is filled with articles, reviews, polls and features, all written in a clever and refreshingly Un-American style.  Yeah, Brits.

The Hollywood Reporter - Similar to Variety, this daily publication is trusted by readers and Hollywood insiders alike.  An optional subscription gives access to a lot more features, but there's plenty to see for the casual reader,

Fangoria - The ultimate horror movie mag (that your Mom always made you throw away) is now online!  Chock full of news, reviews and those great gore pictures, Fangoria is a gruesome fun for the gorehound in all of us.