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The Internet Movie Database is quite simply a movie lover's online Bible.  If you're just looking to browse, or if you're looking for specific information, the IMDb is simply the greatest reference tool in the universe.

The Apollo Movie Guide is an excllent all-around movie site.  There's a vast wealth of information and the layout is exceptionally user-friendly.  The focus is mainly on reviews, but there's plenty to do there and it's a fun place to look around.

The All Movie Guide comes off like the IMDb's little sister, but it's got an impressive database and some neat features.  It also has a sister site for music lovers known as The All Music Guide.

Yahoo! Movies offers a little of everything: reviews, box office reports, news articles.  Plus, it's Yahoo!, so it's easy to find what you're looking for.

The Movie Place offers a wide array of reviews, news and showtimes and it also features a call-in poll and a fun "Rants and Raves" section.

Moviefan Online is one of many excellent movie sites run by IGN.  Here you'll find news, reviews, previews, contests and attitude.


If you'd like to report a screwy link, or suggest some movie sites I've forgotten, email me at