Scott's MovieLand
"Dedicated solely to the art of recommending the right movie while making you laugh."
You want some entertaining movie reviews with an attitude?  You looking for the best collection of Movie Links and all around cinema-related mayhem?  Welcome to your new home!
Welcome!   These reviews are published regularly on HBS and, in addition to my weekly columns and reviews at Independent Film Magazine and  You can also see my reviews and articles at CHUD's Creature Corner,,,,, Apollo Movie GuideSain Unlimited, Filmink Magazine, Rotten Tomatoes, the IMDb,, and Braisco's Humor Corner.   I'll be adding lots of new stuff all the time, so check back.
Reviews are accessible alphabetically, or you can choose to see this years releases only.
Films of 2000
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While my reviews are easily entertaining enough to warrant your visit (ha), I thought I would go ahead and start working on the all-time BEST movie links pages.  Take a look and you'll probably agree.
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Several of my reviews, in addition to numerous other topics can be seen at
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